The Canto Bight Police Department (CBPD), also referred to as the Canto police, functioned as the law enforcement agency within the city of Canto Bight, a casino hub situated on the planet known as Cantonica.
The CBPD was organized into two main divisions: the Uniformed Branch and the Canto Bight Mounted Police (CBMP). The Uniformed Branch, being the most visible, acted as a clear deterrent against minor offenses and theft. The CBMP utilized lightweight GB-134 pursuit craft, often called jet-sticks, to navigate the constricted streets of Old Town.

The CBPD was widely known for its corruption. The enforcement of every law and regulation within the city was subject to negotiation, influenced by the wealth of either the accused or the accuser. Consequently, the CBPD both stemmed from and reinforced the city's stratified social structure, where the affluent enjoyed heightened security and immediate access to a malleable form of justice in Canto Bight. As long as unlawful actions did not disrupt the resort city's tranquil ambiance or breach any unwritten rules, they were largely overlooked. However, not all officers were corrupt; examples include Detectives Pol Ipol and Oosha Choi, whose honesty earned them the derisive nickname "suckers".
Despite its corruption, the CBPD was not ineffective. Public safety was a high priority, and maintaining the coastal city's polished appearance was a costly but essential undertaking. Property crimes were not tolerated, and offenses like vandalism and littering were punished more severely on Cantonica than on most other planets. Trials for offenders were conducted at the convenience of the magistrate.
Given the affluent environment in which CBPD officers operated, their academy curriculum included hospitality training. Keeping guests satisfied was crucial for maintaining order. Police were trained to subdue and arrest individuals without resorting to deadly force, aiming to preserve public confidence and comfort. Even minor injuries to bystanders or suspects could lead to expensive legal and public-relations consequences. CBPD officers were well compensated for their work.

The Canto Bight Police Department provided law enforcement services for the city of Canto Bight, located on Cantonica, which is part of the Corporate Sector. Their area of responsibility extended beyond Cantonica to include its moons.
During 34 ABY, the CBPD briefly apprehended and detained Finn and Rose Tico during their mission on behalf of the Resistance against the First Order, shortly after the Hosnian Cataclysm. They also responded to a stampede of Fathiers through the city's streets after the animals were freed from their enclosures at the Canto Bight racetrack.

Police uniforms featured a betaplast armored collar for protection, along with a fineweave cape. Rank was indicated by a pin attached to the collar of the uniform worn on duty. Helmets included a high-impact betaplast neck guard. Holographic letters representing the department, written in Aurebesh, were affixed to the front of officer helmets and could be reversed for rearview mirror visibility.
Officers were well-supplied with non-lethal weapons and equipment. Their arsenal included the Relby K-25 blaster in its rifle configuration, the Relby K-25 blaster in its standard configuration as a blaster pistol, and a Relby K-25 blaster in its heavy configuration, which featured a long-range microscope and a noise suppression and range-extending barrel attachment. These blasters were typically set to stun. Due to the prohibition of weapons in public areas, firefights were uncommon in Canto Bight.
Besides blasters, police officers carried electro-shock prods for easily incapacitating targets. They also had access to glow rods, which could be used as makeshift batons and included a multi-spectrum illuminator array for crime scene investigation. Officers carried a short-range wrist comlink and a scrambled long-range comlink on their belts.
The scene depicting the Canto Bight Police Department arresting Finn and Rose Tico for committing parking violation 27B/6 is an allusion to Terry Gilliam's 1985 film Brazil.