Detectives, also known as investigators, were people tasked with looking into criminal actions. While usually they were police officers, occasionally Jedi, for instance Tera Sinube, who could use the Force to assist in solving crimes, would aid standard police detectives with their investigations, acting as a Jedi investigator. Coruscant Security Force detectives were occasionally called inspectors. During the time that the Galactic Empire reigned, individuals in the Imperial Security Bureau could be assigned as investigators to probe rebel and criminal actions, such as when an ISB major assisted Darth Vader in the investigation of a bombing on Coruscant after a Jedi symbol was found at the scene early in the Empire's existence. The Imperial Security Bureau also featured a higher rank known as Chief Investigator. Erno, Mursey, and Shreen served as detectives at the Peace and Security Headquarters located in Coronet City.