The MC85 Star Cruiser, alternatively written as MC-85 Star Cruiser, also referred to as the Resistance Cruiser or Resistance Carrier, represented a heavy Star Cruiser class. These vessels were products of a collaboration between the Mon Calamari Shipyards and the Corellian Engineering Corporation in the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War. They saw service within both the New Republic fleet and the Resistance navy.

The MC85 Star Cruiser, categorized as a Heavy Star Cruiser, had a length of 3,438.37 meters. Jointly manufactured by the Mon Calamari Shipyards and the Corellian Engineering Corporation for use in the New Republic Defense Fleet, the interior of the MC85 was designed to be more accommodating to non-amphibious crew members, although it still included specialized waterways for aquatic species. Given the New Republic's limited personnel resources, the MC85 was engineered for high automation, enabling full operational capacity with only minimal crews. The primary command bridge of the MC85 was situated at the ship's bow, featuring a large holotable capable of displaying the vessel's status or that of its targets. In the event of critical damage to the primary command bridge, a smaller emergency bridge was located in the ventral section. Located behind the emergency bridge was the vessel's substantial fuel storage, with ion scoop particle collectors positioned beneath the fuel tanks. The cruiser was equipped with two sizable hangars, one on the port side and the other on the starboard side. The MC85 incorporated repair bays for both vehicles and droids, along with numerous modular storage compartments.
Despite its considerable dimensions, the MC85 was a relatively fast cruiser. Nearly three decades post-commissioning, the Dawn of Tranquility, which served with the Resistance under the designation Raddus, could still outpace the First Order's contemporary battlecruisers and the immense Supremacy. Driven by eleven sublight ion engines of varying sizes, these enormous ships were as fuel-intensive as they were swift.
Reflecting the New Republic's Military Disarmament Act, the MC85 was designed with a greater emphasis on its defensive shields rather than its offensive capabilities. Consequently, while under-gunned for a ship of its size, possessing only a few dozen heavy turbolasers, heavy ion cannons, and point-defense laser cannon turrets in total, in addition to half a dozen proton torpedo launchers, the MC85 compensated with exceptionally resilient advanced deflector shields. These experimental shields enveloping the ship could withstand substantial damage before failing, significantly more than most other vessels.

One particular vessel, the Raddus, functioned as the flagship for the Resistance navy and played a vital role in the evacuation of D'Qar. The bridge of the Raddus was destroyed in the subsequent battle, which resulted in the deaths of the majority of the Resistance High Command, including Admiral Gial Ackbar, when it was attacked by First Order TIE fighters. It was later obliterated during the assault on the Resistance fleet when Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo deliberately initiated hyperspace to collide with the Supremacy, shattering the massive warship into two, with the resulting debris tearing through twenty escorting Resurgent-class Star Destroyers.
In 35 ABY, MC85 Star Cruisers were part of a fleet organized by Lando Calrissian to aid the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces above the planet Exegol. Several variations of the standard MC85 design were present during the battle, including a version with a vertical blade-like structure extending below the bow, one lacking the pointed bow and featuring small protruding fins, and another with two angled wings located near the stern.
The MC85 made its initial appearance in Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay, a virtual reality experience that served as a prelude to Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.