In the standardized galactic timeline, the events detailed below transpired during the period designated as 18 BBY. This corresponds to 3259 LY on the Lothal Calendar, 1 AFE according to the Imperial calendar, and approximately year 7959 within the C.R.C. system, acknowledging a dating overlap with 19 BBY in the C.R.C. framework.
- Following the surrender of King Lee-Char, the Galactic Empire successfully subjugated Mon Cala. [16]
- After a local resistance uprising against the Galactic Empire's occupation, the entire populace of Raada was evacuated. [1]
- Ahsoka Tano allied herself with Senator Bail Organa in his struggle against the Empire. [1]
- The Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill was officially enacted. [10]
- During a space engagement, Commander Grey, realizing that Order 66 had corrupted his allegiance, gave his life to protect Caleb Dume. [17] [18]
- Caleb Dume adopted the alias "Kanan Jarrus." [17] [18]
- Mon Mothma initiated the organization of military and intelligence assets for an anti-Imperial coalition, initially known as the "Alliance." [19]
- Campaigns were launched, referred to as the Nikardun campaigns, to eliminate the remaining forces of the Nikardun Destiny military. [5] [6] The battle above Nettehi occurred, freeing the Paataatus government from Nikardun control.[5][6]
- A Grysk conspiracy to undermine the Chiss Ascendancy unfolded within the Unknown Regions. [5] [6] The battle above Hoxim transpired, averting a civil war within the Chiss Ascendancy.[5][6]
- The Illumine Kilhorde was disbanded. [7] [8]
- The Galactic Empire seized control of the Alkenzi Air Base located on Aldhani, and subsequently dammed the sacred river, Nasma Klain. [20] [21]
- Moff Wilhuff Tarkin imposed a brutal occupation on the inhabitants of the moon Antar 4, an event that became infamous as the Antar Atrocity. [22] [23]
- The Empire laid claim to the planet Ilum [23] and initiated a large-scale terraforming endeavor. [24]
- During his inaugural assignment for the Empire, [25] Alexsandr Kallus led his unit to the war-torn planet [Onderon], where his entire squad, with the exception of himself, was eliminated by a Lasat mercenary. [26]
- Assassination of Cade [10]
- Assassination of Slip [10]
- Mission to Coruscant [10]
- Mission to Cid's mine [27]
- Mokkotown Liberation [28]
- Silla cloned Zillo Beast incident [29]
- Mission to recover cargo [30]
- Shootout at Club Lao Che [29]
- Sea surge on Pabu [29]
- Attack on the prisoner transport ship [31]
- Mission to Tarkin's Compound [32]
- Capture of Omega [33]
- Omega's Quest (Approximate date)
- Escape from Tantiss [34] (Approximate date) [10]
- Cargo Dock Clash [35] (Approximate date) [10]
- Riyo Chuchi and Avi Singh's secret meeting [36] (Approximate date) [10]
- Battle on the B'Omarr Order Monastery [36] (Approximate date) [10]
- Hunt for Sylar Saris [37] (Approximate date) [10]
- Raid on Pabu [38] (Approximate date) [10]
- Rescue of Edmon Rampart [39] (Approximate date) [10]
- Mission to Imperial Station 003 [40] (Approximate date) [10]
- Skirmish on Wayland [41] (Approximate date) [10]
- Theft of the IG-RM droids [42]
- Battle of Dac City [16]
- Attack on Bergon's sky-base [16]
- Defense of the southern polar regions [16]
- Skirmish in Bel City [16]
- Duel in the Royal Command Bunker [16]
- Western Reaches pacification operations [4]
- Rebellion on Umbara [4]
- Antar Atrocity [22]
- Rescue of Caleb Dume [18]
- Malpaz incident [4]
- Campaign at Salient [4]
- Raada Uprising [1]
- Skirmish above Nettehi [5]
- Hoxim incident , also known as the "Battle of the Three Families" [5]
- Confrontation at Zyzek [7]
- Attack on Rapacc [7]
- Sunrise incident [7] [8]
- Senior Captain Thrawn's last stand [7] [8]
- Conquest of Yar Togna [43]
- Attack on an Imperial patrol (Approximate date) [25]
- Leida Mothma (Approximate date) [44]
- On Quarzite, Sadori Vushan was born. [45]
- On Coruscant [9]: Cade[46], Slip[46], A Pantoran guard[46], Clone X[46], Murra[9]
- On Barton IV [30] (Approximate date) [10]: Hexx[30] (Approximate date)[10], Veetch[30] (Approximate date)[10], Mayday[30] (Approximate date)[10], Nolan[30] (Approximate date)[10]
- During the attack on the prisoner transport ship [31] (Approximate date) [10]: Pearce[31] (Approximate date)[10]
- On Eriadu [33]: Tech[33] (Approximate date)[10]
- On Wayland [47]: TK-343[47] (Approximate date)[48], A Conscription Trooper Pilot[47] (Approximate date)[48], A TK stormtrooper[47] (Approximate date)[48], K-9X1 (twice)[47][34] (Approximate date)[48], RA-7-81[49] (Approximate date)[48], Nala Se[50] (Approximate date)[48], Edmon Rampart[50] (Approximate date)[48], CX-2[50] (Approximate date)[48], Sniper CloneX3[50] (Approximate date)[48], Sniper CloneX4[50] (Approximate date)[48], Sniper CloneX5[50] (Approximate date)[48], A Clone X trooper[50] (Approximate date)[48], Scorch[50] (Approximate date)[48], Royce Hemlock[50] (Approximate date)[48]
- On Devaron [51] (Approximate date) [48]: A Devaronian Captain
- On Lau [52] (Approximate date) [48]: Mann
- On Teth [36]: Samson[36] (Approximate date)[48], CX-1[36] (Approximate date)[48], Fireball[36] (Approximate date)[48], Nemec[53] (Approximate date)[48]
- During the rescue of Caleb Dume [18]: Grey[18], Styles[18]
- On Mon Cala [16]: Telvar[16], Bergon[16], Nipaltoo[16], Orvek[16], Daren[16], Tenth Brother[16], Ferren Barr[16]
- On Raada [1]: Tibbola[1], Hoban[1], Kolvin[1], Neera[1], Sixth Brother[1]
- On Celwis [5]: Haplif[5]
- At the Sunrise system [7]: Nakirre[7], Tildnis[7], At least 14 Kiljis[7], "Jixtus"[7], Several Grysks and many Grysk slavers[7]
- At the Rapacc system [7]: Crofyp[7]