Barton IV was a frigid planet where the Galactic Empire operated a supply depot for storing armor and various pieces of equipment. This outpost was under the command of Clone Commander Mayday, along with his assigned squad. As the squad's provisions dwindled, Mayday submitted a request for reinforcements, specifically asking for additional personnel and updated equipment, given that the sensor beacons around the base's perimeter were aging and unreliable. A considerable amount of time passed before a contingent, headed by Lieutenant Nolan and including the clone trooper CT-9904, known as "Crosshair," was dispatched to the planetary outpost.
Barton IV presented as a frozen and desolate planet, largely covered by snow. The landscape was mountainous, featuring numerous caves. Avalanches were a common occurrence. Black ice vultures were observed flying overhead, searching for sustenance, and at least one ice wyrm roamed underground near an Imperial supply depot, kept at bay only by high-frequency sensor beacons.
Following the Proclamation of the New Order in 19 BBY, the Galactic Empire dispatched Clone Commander Mayday and a squad consisting of at least eleven clone troopers, including Hexx and Veetch, to secure a supply depot on the planet. Over time, the harsh environmental conditions caused equipment like the sensor beacons to deteriorate, leading to repeated attacks by local raiders operating from a nearby hideout. Consequently, Mayday requested reinforcements from the Empire, but his request was denied. By 18 BBY, the depot was largely undefended due to the lack of reinforcements, with only Mayday, Hexx, and Veetch remaining from the original twelve clone troopers assigned to guard the depot.
Around 18 BBY, Lieutenant Nolan, CT-9904 "Crosshair," and three additional clone troopers arrived at the depot aboard a Nu-class transport shuttle with orders to safeguard the cargo until the week's end, when it was scheduled for offworld transport. Forced to defend against local raiders who killed both Hexx and Veetch, Crosshair and Mayday mounted a final defense, during which Mayday was fatally wounded. As Crosshair assisted the dying clone back to the depot, he pleaded with Nolan for help, but the officer dismissed Mayday as a disposable asset. As Mayday perished, Crosshair, in response, shot and killed Nolan. Subsequently, he was arrested for treason and incarcerated.
Later, after Crosshair's escape from Imperial custody with assistance from Omega, the two reunited with Clone Force 99. The squad journeyed to Barton IV to access the Imperial terminal located there and decrypt an Imperial datapad. Upon entering the depot, they rerouted power away from the sensor beacons, resulting in an encounter with a wyrm. They were forced to execute a perilous maneuver to draw the creature outside the perimeter and reactivate the beacons before being able to leave the planet.
The planet was initially featured in "The Outpost," the twelfth installment of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's second season. It was made available on Disney+ on March 8, 2023.