Nolan, a male human, held the rank of lieutenant within the Galactic Empire during the initial stages of its reign. In the year 18 BBY, he was ordered to Barton IV, a planet, to manage the gathering and shipment of resources from the planet's Imperial Depot. His life ended when Crosshair fatally shot him after Nolan denied medical attention to Mayday, a Clone Commander in a dying state, due to Nolan's prejudiced opinions about clones.
Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire, which rose from the ashes of the Galactic Republic, Nolan became an officer, achieving the rank of lieutenant, within the Imperial forces. In 18 BBY, a little over a year after the Empire was established, Nolan received orders to oversee the collection of Imperial supplies stored in a large depot located on Barton IV.
Nolan convened with Crosshair just outside the Imperial Inspectorate HQ on Coruscant, briefing the commando regarding their assignment. Upon discovering that all of the stormtroopers under his command were clones, Nolan voiced his disdain for the Kaminoan-produced troopers, dismissing them as "used equipment," which earned him a silent, piercing gaze from Crosshair. Subsequently, the Imperials boarded a Rho-class transport shuttle and set course for Barton IV.
After several hours, the transport arrived on Barton IV, landing near the Imperial Depot. As Nolan exited the shuttle, the icy terrain almost caused him to lose his footing, but a clone stormtrooper steadied him. Irritated, Nolan instructed the clone to guard the shuttle while he, Crosshair, and the other troopers entered the Imperial Depot. Inside, they encountered Clone Commander Mayday and his surviving men, who had been stationed there for over a year. Following a tense exchange with Mayday concerning rank and experience, Mayday directed his remaining troopers to escort Nolan around the Depot, while he and Crosshair patrolled the Depot's perimeter.
After a rebel attack on the Depot, Nolan angrily ordered Crosshair and Mayday to hunt down the raiders and retrieve all of the supplies stolen during the raid. Ignoring Mayday's concerns that more troopers were needed for such an operation, Nolan dispatched the two clones into the blizzard-swept wilderness of Barton IV. While Mayday and Crosshair were away, additional Imperial shuttles arrived, carrying squads of the ubiquitous TK stormtroopers, who began extracting supplies from the depot under Nolan's watch.
The next day, Crosshair returned to the Imperial Depot, bringing with him a badly injured Mayday, having failed to recover the stolen cargo. While Nolan was supervising the TK stormtroopers as they processed supplies, he noticed the two clones returning to the base. Nolan ordered his troopers to resume their work while he personally addressed the clones.
As the two collapsed before him, Crosshair requested a medic from Nolan, but the officer reprimanded the clones for failing their mission. Despite Crosshair's repeated pleas for Nolan to assist the dying Mayday, the lieutenant flatly refused, deeming it a waste of Imperial resources, stating that he will die.
As Mayday died in front of them, Nolan arrogantly declared that Mayday had fulfilled his purpose as an Imperial soldier, and reminded Crosshair that, as clones, he and Mayday were expendable, further implying that any further disrespect from Crosshair would result in his death. After ordering Crosshair to return to work while he was still "useful," Nolan turned his back to the clone. Crosshair rose to his feet and called out to Nolan, who turned around. Before he could react, the disgruntled clone commando shot the Imperial lieutenant in the chest. As TK stormtroopers rushed to disarm Crosshair, Nolan's lifeless body fell to the ground.
For the murder of Nolan, Crosshair was apprehended and transported to Tantiss Base, where the Advanced Science Division was conducting various cloning experiments under the direction of Doctor Royce Hemlock. While the execution of Nolan effectively marked his killer's defection from the Imperial government, Hemlock denied that the murder was the reason Crosshair was being detained on the planet Wayland and in fact demonstrated his admiration for the initiative that the disgraced commander had shown, explaining that his interest lay with capturing Omega, a young clone travelling with the other members of Clone Force 99, which Crosshair had previously been part of before their defection.
Upon returning to Barton IV with the rest of Clone Force 99 to gather intel on Mount Tantiss, Crosshair confessed to Hunter that he had betrayed the Empire after they betrayed him, alluding to his killing of Nolan after he refused to help save Mayday.
Nolan was a male human characterized by his fair complexion, blond hair, and blue eyes. He strictly adhered to protocol and the newly established Imperial regulations, openly expressing his contempt for clone troopers, whom he derisively referred to as "used equipment" and considered "expendable." He believed clones only had value to the Empire as long as they remained "useful" and exhibited no regard for their well-being. Nolan displayed intolerance towards failure, refusing to assist Crosshair and Clone Commander Mayday when they returned from a mission empty-handed and in need of medical attention. He callously allowed Mayday to die in his presence, unconcerned by the event, and reminded Crosshair that clones were considered expendable. This attitude ultimately led to his demise, as Crosshair fatally shot him in the chest.

Nolan's initial appearance occurred in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode titled "The Outpost." Kiner Music initially hinted at his appearance through a cryptic post, part of a series of enigmatic tweets teasing upcoming Bad Batch episodes.