The Outpost

"The Outpost" marks the twelfth installment of the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, the animated television program. It was released on Disney+ on March 8, of 2023.

Official description

On a planet known for its harsh conditions, a new friendship is forged at a desolate outpost.

Plot summary

Change in Command

Crosshair is seen awaiting the arrival of shuttles at a spaceport, from which newly deployed stormtroopers are exiting. Captain Bragg dismisses the complaints of three deactivated Clone troopers protesting their "involuntary retirement," instructing them to address their grievances to the Imperial Information Bureau. Crosshair is then introduced to his new superior officer, Lieutenant Nolan, who criticizes Crosshair's attire. After Crosshair puts on his helmet, Nolan reveals that his unit is being transferred to an Imperial depot situated on Barton IV. This depot has become a target for local insurgents due to the valuable cargo it holds. Crosshair and his fellow Clone troopers are tasked with protecting this cargo until its scheduled transfer the following week. Nolan openly expresses his low regard for the Clones, considering them as disposable assets.

A Frigid Task

Nolan, Crosshair, and the Clones journey to the icy planet of Barton IV aboard a Rho-class transport shuttle. Upon landing, Nolan assigns one of the Clones to guard the shuttle while he and Crosshair proceed into the depot, where they encounter several labor droids with a single eye staffing the facility. Nolan requests to speak with their supervisor. The commanding officer is revealed to be Mayday, a clone commander sporting a beard, who voices his frustration that the supply ship is overdue by 36 rotations and questions if they had lost their way.

Nolan retorts that they adhere to the Empire's timetable before shifting the blame onto Mayday for the depot's understaffing. When Nolan inquires about his squad, Mayday informs him that most of his unit, with the exception of himself, Hexx, and Veetch, have died. The helmets of the deceased squad members are displayed along the storeroom's walls. Nolan declares that Mayday's shortcomings will be addressed later before assuming command of the depot until the cargo's departure. When Nolan demands respect from Mayday, Mayday retorts that respect must be earned. Nolan then insults Mayday's leadership and abilities. Mayday challenges Nolan by questioning how many missions he has overseen. Nolan's silence reveals his inexperience in command.

Mayday assigns Hexx and Veetch to accommodate Nolan while he engages in conversation with Crosshair. Crosshair comments that he already finds Nolan intolerable after only two hours. When Mayday asks how he ended up on such an insignificant mission, Crosshair replies that he is simply unlucky. The two Clone troopers introduce themselves before Mayday escorts Crosshair on a tour of the depot and its surroundings. He explains that his unit has been guarding the cargo for approximately a year, awaiting its transport. Mayday elaborates that they have been ambushed by raiders who have caught them off guard in recent attacks.

When Crosshair inquires about how the raiders bypassed their sensors, Mayday attributes it to the polar conditions that have impaired their equipment. Despite requesting replacements, none have been provided. Crosshair questions the nature of the cargo, but Mayday admits he hasn't bothered to inquire, deeming it beyond a Clone trooper's concern. Mayday advises Crosshair against scouting alone due to the perilous polar environment and the dangers lurking beneath the ice. Mayday also mentions the native black ice vultures, describing them as ferocious creatures he begrudgingly admires.


Hexx interrupts the two Clone troopers, informing them via comlink that raiders have infiltrated the perimeter. Mayday assigns Crosshair to the east and himself to the west to intercept the raiders. Crosshair takes up a position in a tower, while Hexx reports that three raiders are approaching the shuttle. Before Crosshair can fire at an intruder nearing the shuttle, the raider detonates an explosive, destroying the shuttle. Crosshair is momentarily blinded by the blast but manages to shoot the raider from a distance. Upon inspecting the site, he discovers that the intruder has retreated towards the mountains, leaving a trail of blood.

Crosshair gives chase to the raider across the frozen terrain. Following the raider's tracks, he descends a hill into a tunnel. Mayday joins Crosshair, informing him that the raiders escaped on a snow skiff down the western ridge, while the others fled on foot down the mountain path. Crosshair disagrees and directs Mayday's attention to the tunnel used by the raiders to infiltrate their defenses.

Back at the depot, Mayday honors the fallen Hexx and Veetch by placing their helmets on crates. Nolan, showing no empathy, scolds Mayday for failing to dispatch troops to recover two stolen crates of cargo taken by the raiders during the latest attack. Mayday informs Nolan that Hexx and Veetch perished during the raid and that they lack the resources and equipment for a mission beyond the perimeter. When Nolan insists on retrieving the stolen crates, Mayday demands that he provide all his Clone troopers for the mission. Nolan refuses to commit his troops and orders Crosshair and Mayday to recover the cargo on their own.

Pursuit and Elimination

Subsequently, Mayday and Crosshair explore the tunnels near the depot. They come across the corpse of a humanoid raider. Mayday is disturbed that the fallen raider was wearing armor taken from Mayday's deceased comrades and that his fellow raiders abandoned him. Crosshair replies that there is no point in carrying dead weight, prompting Mayday to remark that he wouldn't want to die on his watch. The two sense the ground above them shaking, which Mayday attributes to the ice above.

Crosshair triggers a pressure mine, but Mayday notices it and warns him to remain still. Determined not to lose another soldier, Mayday disarms the pressure mine using a hammer. He comments that Clone troopers had to learn to improvise during the Clone Wars. While Mayday disarms the mine, he inquires about Crosshair's unit. Crosshair reveals that he was a member of Clone Force 99 but claims they are all dead. Mayday complains about combat soldiers being relegated to guarding supplies after the War's conclusion. Having disarmed the mine, Mayday advises Crosshair to slowly lift his foot. Crosshair successfully extracts himself from the pressure mine.

Continuing their mission, the two Clone troopers discover a hideout occupied by several individuals. Using his thermal sensors, Mayday identifies two guards outside the area. Approaching the hideout, the two clones incapacitate the guards before disorienting the other raiders with electromagnetic pulse grenades. Exploiting the element of surprise, they engage the raiders with their blasters. One of the raiders attempts to escape with stolen cargo on a snow skiff, but Crosshair shoots him. Mayday shoots two raiders before being attacked by other raiders wielding electrostaffs. Crosshair shoots his attackers, and the two retreat as more raiders appear.

The two clone troopers seek cover behind a large rock and exchange fire with the raiders. Overwhelmed and outgunned, Crosshair shoots at the remaining pressure mines, triggering an explosion that eliminates several raiders and causes rocks to collapse in the camp. With the raiders subdued, the two Clone troopers proceed to recover the stolen cargo, which turns out to be stormtrooper armor intended for the new Imperial Military. Mayday expresses his disappointment that they and their fellow brothers are being discarded despite their combat experience and loyalty.

Comrades in Arms

The explosion sets off an avalanche in the nearby mountain, and the two Clone troopers flee the camp. Unable to outrun the avalanche, Mayday shoves Crosshair, and the two take shelter near a rock. Later, Crosshair digs himself out of the snow and begins searching for Mayday. He locates and excavates Mayday from the snow. Mayday urges Crosshair to save himself, but he refuses to abandon a fellow soldier. To protect Mayday from hypothermia, he places his helmet back on him.

The following day, the two Clone troopers make their way back to the Barton IV Imperial Depot. Crosshair supports Mayday during the journey. The two Clone troopers endure the icy and frigid conditions. At night, they rest by a rock, huddling together for warmth. On the second day, they reach the depot as several Imperial shuttles descend on the base. Stormtroopers disembark from the shuttles and begin loading cargo from the base onto their ships. Nolan oversees the loading process.

Stormtrooper sentries spot Crosshair and a wounded Mayday approaching the base and notify Nolan. Displaying no concern for the Clone troopers' well-being, Nolan orders the stormtroopers to resume their work while he confronts Crosshair and Mayday. Crosshair requests medical assistance for Mayday, but Nolan reprimands them for failing in their mission to recover the stolen cargo. He refuses to send a medic to treat Mayday, deeming him a waste of Imperial resources. When Mayday dies from his injuries, Crosshair is filled with rage.

Nolan callously states that Mayday fulfilled his duty as a soldier of the Empire. Crosshair is enraged at Nolan for refusing to aid Mayday. Nolan responds that Clone troopers are expendable and threatens to kill him if he displays further disrespect in the future. Nolan's cruelty and callousness enrages Crosshair. Nolan commands Crosshair to resume his duties. While observing an ice vulture circling overhead, Crosshair addresses Nolan and fatally shoots him dead with a blaster pistol. He then tends to the fallen Mayday as stormtroopers approach him, Mayday, and Nolan. Crosshair collapses from exhaustion.


Later, Crosshair awakens in an operating room where he is greeted by Emerie Karr. When Crosshair asks about his location, Karr informs him that the doctor will attend to him once he has recovered. Crosshair asks who she is. Karr instructs him to remain calm before injecting him with a substance that induces sleep. As Crosshair loses consciousness, Karr tells him that his survival depends on his cooperation.


