Stormtrooper armor served as the standard armor for the stormtroopers, who were the Galactic Empire's premier shock troops. This armor, a white plastoid composite worn over a black body glove, was a symbol of Imperial might and inspired fear in rebel freedom fighters.

The Imperial Department of Military Research developed stormtrooper armor as standard issue for the Imperial Army's Stormtrooper Corps, with manufacturing taking place on planets like Gilvaanen. Introduced after the Clone Wars, it was intended to supersede the Phase II clone trooper armor. The armor consisted of 18 overlapping plastoid composite plates and synth-leather boots, providing mobility while dispersing energy and protecting against glancing or low-power blaster bolts. A reinforced alloy plate aided the upper thigh, and a sniper position knee protector plate on the left knee improved accuracy when crouching. While primarily designed for humans, variants were made for other body types. A soft click indicated correct attachment of the armor pieces.
Stormtrooper armor offered protection in extreme conditions, including deserts, forests, icy wastelands, and brief exposure to the vacuum of space. The torso plating included environmental controls, and the black body glove was vacuum-sealed, adjusting to body heat and external temperature. A rebreather pack was necessary for prolonged use in unbreathable atmospheres or to filter toxins. Troops received additional ammunition and survival gear, with backpacks that could include field communicators, mortar launchers, and blaster components.
Using the armor's internal cooling in non-critical situations was a punishable offense due to power drain, though cadets often attempted it. Stormtroopers were required to remain in uniform at all times, a rule considered vital for maintaining public trust and presenting a positive image of the Empire. Wearing the armor meant representing the Empire, not the individual.

The reinforced combat helmet incorporated an integrated comlink, audio pick-up, two artificial air supply hoses, and a broadband communications antenna powered by a single power cell. Known as "buckets" by Imperials and derisively by rebels, the helmet featured built-in filtration systems for polluted environments and could accommodate an external breath mask for more complex particulates. The visual processor aided in seeing in darkness, glare, and smoke, though it somewhat limited the field of vision.
The helmet's visor polarized against glare when firing a blaster. A built-in heads-up display provided targeting diagnostics, power levels, and environmental readings, and allowed access to data on military subjects and civilian organizations. Motion sensors alerted the wearer to potential enemies. To discourage nonessential chatter, which was prohibited on duty, the helmet recorded all user speech for review. Despite this, many stormtroopers still engaged in casual conversation.

Utility belts included a compact toolkit, power packs, energy rations, and a holster for an E-11 medium blaster rifle. They might also feature a backup C1 personal comlink, macrobinoculars, and a grappling hook. Each trooper received one BlasTech N-20 Baradium-core thermal detonator, placed on the back of the belt. The detonator's controls were unlabeled to prevent enemy use. While detonators were usually not used on ships or bases, troopers carried full field gear to be prepared.
Higher ranks were indicated by a color-coded pauldron worn over the right shoulder. An orange pauldron represented the rank of commander, though one soldier under the Grand Inquisitor had a red one. Black identified enlisted soldiers. Several black-pauldroned stormtroopers accompanied Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to Lothal and later served as reinforcements on his flagship, the Sovereign, when it was infiltrated by the Spectres. White pauldrons represented the rank of sergeant. Blue pauldrons identified stormtrooper snipers.

Despite the Empire's and wearers' confidence, Stormtrooper armor had limitations and could not always completely protect the wearer. Clone Wars veterans Kanan Jarrus and Captain Rex had negative opinions of its quality, with Rex calling it "garbage" compared to clone trooper armor. The armor was designed to diffuse blaster bolts to prevent lethal hits, but some bolts could still injure or kill, especially with accurate enemy fire.
The armor's joints were a weak point, which one stormtrooper acknowledged. A Purge Trooper rebuked the statement for revealing a weakness to potential enemies. Primitive melee weapons could exploit the armor's limitations; Ewok arrows and spears during the Battle of Endor could hit the gaps, and Boba Fett's gaderffi stick on Tython could shatter the armor with a strong blow.

After the Proclamation of the New Order, the Republic's clone troopers became the first generation of Imperial stormtroopers. They continued using their [Phase II clone trooper armor](/article/phase_ii_clone_trooper_armor] while enforcing the new regime, while an [early stormtrooper armor](/article/tk_stormtrooper_armor] was worn by the "TK-troopers," who trained during the early months of the Age of the Empire. Stormtrooper armor close to the final design was seen at the invasion of Mon Cala in 18 BBY concurrently with TK trooper armor. Eventually, a standard armor design was established, becoming a symbol of the Imperial Era.
The stark white armor perfectly represented the authoritarian empire's increasing control over the galaxy. Across the galaxy, the Stormtrooper Corps enforced ruthless control, bringing sorrow and destruction while being presented as maintainers of order. The stormtrooper helmet, an implacable mask hiding the soldier's face and voice, was key to instilling fear with which the Empire ruled. Ultimately, stormtrooper armor became a sign of Imperial oppression across the Empire.
During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire and the subsequent Galactic Civil War, the Empire's Stormtrooper Corps used stormtrooper armor against rebel cells, which united as the Alliance to Restore the Republic to resist the Empire. Force-sensitive Ezra Bridger, a young rebel of the Spectres, collected Imperial helmets, including stormtrooper variants. His fellow Spectre, the Mandalorian Sabine Wren, painted collected Imperial armor. Kanan Jarrus once lent her a captured stormtrooper helmet, but she painted it, deeming it too plain. As stormtrooper armor covered the entire body, anti-Imperial agents could disguise themselves behind enemy lines using captured gear.

After the fall of the Galactic Empire in 5 ABY at the Battle of Jakku, some Remnant Stormtroopers of the Imperial Remnants wore battered armor, while others wore pristine gear. One Ewok wore a stormtrooper helmet during the Ewok Civil War. The Night Troopers, a legion of stormtroopers who disappeared with Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" into exile after the Liberation of Lothal in 1 BBY, continued to wear damaged stormtrooper armor, repaired with red ropes and a mix of gold and grey materials. Thrawn's Captain of the Guard, Enoch, wore a unique face plate on his helmet. During the New Republic Era, some stormtrooper armor was painted with the symbol of the pirate Warbird gang, as seen on a pirate.

Various pieces of armor and cloth could be added to the standard stormtrooper uniform. For example, wet-weather gear stormtroopers wore capes and additional forehead armor plates. Desert stormtroopers, magma troopers, and other environmental variants carried backpacks, ammo packs, pauldrons, and E-11 holsters in addition to standard armor. Pauldrons were also used to signify officers, such as Stormtrooper Commanders, with different colors indicating different ranks.
Stormtrooper armor shows minor aesthetic changes throughout the original trilogy. Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group explains that these differences are due to production design and do not represent in-universe updates like the clone troopers' armor phases. Similarly, its stylized depiction in Star Wars Rebels does not represent a separate in-universe model.