
Enoch, serving since 1 BBY, held the position of Captain of Thrawn's Guard under Grand Admiral Thrawn's command during the exile of his forces from the galaxy on the planet Peridea. Around 9 ABY, when Morgan Elsbeth arrived with her intergalactic transport ring, the Eye of Sion, the captain commanded Thrawn's legion of Night Troopers aboard the Star Destroyer Chimaera to welcome Elsbeth. Though the Dathomiri allies and the Imperials desired to return to the known galaxy, they also sought to eliminate Jedi Ezra Bridger. Enoch presented Bridger's friend, Sabine Wren, with a howler inside Peridea's Dathomiri fortress before dispatching them into Peridea's wilderness, intending to locate and destroy the Jedi utilizing the mercenaries Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati.

The arrival of the warrior Ahsoka Tano at Peridea disrupted Thrawn's strategies. Captain Enoch, operating from the Eye of Sion, deployed starfighters to delay Tano's shuttle, yet it still linked up with Bridger and Wren on the planet's surface. Additionally, Enoch organized two squads of troopers to support Skoll and Hati against Thrawn's adversaries, but they were persistent and made it to the Dathomiri fortress. By that time, Enoch's troopers had finished moving cargo from the catacombs to the Chimaera, which had docked with the Eye of Sion. As Night Troopers and Elsbeth herself fought the approaching warriors on Peridea, Enoch joined Thrawn on the Eye of Sion as it journeyed to the known galaxy, arriving at the world Dathomir.


Far, far away.…

Captain Enoch led the soldiers of Grand Admiral Thrawn.

During the Battle of Lothal in the Galactic Civil War between the Rebellion and the Galactic Empire in 1 BBY, a pod of purrgil summoned by the Jedi Ezra Bridger seized the Chimaera, Grand Admiral Thrawn's personal Star Destroyer. Thrawn's forces and Bridger were subsequently marooned outside the galaxy on the planet Peridea, in another galaxy, while the Empire was defeated and replaced by the New Republic in 5 ABY. The remaining stormtroopers were reformed as Night Troopers, and Enoch, associated with the Galactic Empire, became the Captain of the Guard for Thrawn's Night Trooper legion, leading the devoted soldiers as the Grand Admiral rebuilt the Chimaera and formed an alliance with Peridea's Dathomiri Great Mothers.

Their isolation came to an end with the arrival of Thrawn's servant, Morgan Elsbeth, around 9 ABY, when her intergalactic transport ring, the Eye of Sion, reached Peridea's orbit. Elsbeth and her mercenaries, Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati, traveled in a smaller starship to meet the Great Mothers at the henge atop Peridea's Dathomiri fortress before the group was greeted by the Chimaera, which sat with its hangar encompassing the site. Inside the hanger, Captain Enoch led Thrawn's legion to receive those Force users with the exiled Grand Admiral himself. Following Thrawn's introduction of Enoch as his troopers' leader, the admiral agreed to commence the transfer of the Dathomiri catacombs onto the Star Destroyer, as per his agreement with the Great Mothers to facilitate a means of returning to the known galaxy. The captain directed his troopers to enter the catacombs while he remained with Thrawn and his guests.

Enoch and his men saw Wren off on her quest.

The Night Troopers also recovered the prisoner brought by the mercenaries—Sabine Wren, a Lothal rebel veteran who desired to find her missing friend, Bridger. Eager to hunt down the Jedi himself, Thrawn instructed Enoch to remove Wren's stuncuffs and provide her with resources to navigate the dangerous wastelands of Peridea. Captain Enoch and several troopers escorted Wren down to the fortress' ground entrance chamber, presenting her with a howler that had been tamed as a mount. After ordering the creature to lie down for Wren to mount, Enoch warned Wren about the violent nomads inhabiting Peridea, and he handed over her blaster pistols and lightsaber before the fortress entrance opened. Wishing Wren would "die well," the captain stood with his troopers to observe her ride into the wastelands.

Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati subsequently rode out on howler mounts in pursuit of Wren. Enoch informed Thrawn, who had been examining a star map of the galaxy with Elsbeth in the fortress, of their departure. The captain turned to leave the room after acknowledging Thrawn's order to prepare two attack squads and await Skoll's signal, but he turned back to face Elsbeth when she inquired whether more troops should be sent to aid the mercenaries; the Grand Admiral insisted that they could not spare more soldiers due to their dwindling numbers in their exile and dismissed Enoch.

The din of space

Shortly thereafter, Ahsoka Tano, Elsbeth's pursuer and Wren's master, arrived over Peridea with the Jedi droid Huyang on her T-6 shuttle—they traveled with a pod of purrgil, as the Great Mothers had informed Thrawn with little warning. Nevertheless, the Grand Admiral prepared. The purrgil flew into an Imperial minefield and re-entered hyperspace, which Enoch, from aboard the Eye of Sion, reported via hologram transmission to the Grand Admiral, who stood before a holographic display of the scene in the Dathomiri fortress. Enoch also reported the Jedi shuttle's presence, and that the Eye of Sion had deployed nine of its starfighters to divert Tano into Peridea's debris field.

Enoch, via hologram, took orders from Thrawn to interrupt the arrival of Ahsoka Tano.

Thrawn was satisfied, knowing Tano would behave similarly to her master—the headstrong Jedi General Anakin Skywalker with whom Thrawn had collaborated decades ago—and ordered Enoch to withdraw the starfighters and have them stand by; the Great Mothers pinpointed Tano's coordinates with their magick, allowing Thrawn to summon Enoch to attack. The Eye of Sion unleashed a barrage of laserfire into the debris field, and the fighters resumed their engagement with the escaping shuttle in Peridea's atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the mercenaries had joined forces with the nomadic bandits and tracked Wren to Bridger, with Hati relaying the Jedi's coordinates to Captain Enoch. Informing Thrawn of the discovery via hologram, Enoch received the Grand Admiral's order to send two LAAT/le patrol gunships to reinforce the mercenaries. However, Baylan Skoll pursued his own objective, and left Hati, the bandits, and the gunships' Night Troopers to ambush the Jedi themselves, who were then joined by Ahsoka Tano and her shuttle. Despite the loss of Teams One and Two, Thrawn was content with distracting the Jedi long enough for the Chimaera to complete its cargo transfer and depart Peridea.

Shadows of starlight

Enoch returned to the Dathomiri henge, where Elsbeth informed Thrawn that the cargo transfer was completed, and the Grand Admiral ordered the captain to bring the Eye of Sion down from high orbit so that it could interlock with the Chimaera. Enoch then informed him that com-scan had located the Jedi's shuttle, and Thrawn tasked the captain with dispatching two TIE fighters to engage it. Enoch walked back to the Chimaera's hangar as the battle of Peridea went underway. The TIE fighter attack successfully hit the Jedi shuttle before Enoch's command lost contact with the pilots.

Captain Enoch served Thrawn alongside his Night Troopers.

The captain returned to Thrawn inside the Dathomiri fortress with the update. He was instructed to have the captain of the TIE squadron commended despite their losses and to show the Jedi's location on the room's holographic display. Thrawn concluded that preparation for an immediate ground assault was necessary, and Enoch gave way and followed as the Grand Admiral walked out of the fortress and up to the Dathomiri henge. There, they found Morgan Elsbeth and the Great Mothers preparing dozens of Night Trooper volunteers for combat with magick; the troopers had been made aware that they would serve Thrawn—and the Empire—even in death.

Back in the fortress, Enoch, Thrawn, and Elsbeth heard from a Star Navigator Droid who had been serving on the Eye of Sion that com-scan detected the incoming Jedi on their howler mounts. The Chimaera attempted to annihilate the warriors, but they entered the fortress, where they battled the Night Troopers. Enoch then followed Thrawn out of the fortress, and, alone, the Grand Admiral asked the Great Mothers at the henge to begin resurrecting the fallen Night Troopers below as more powerful zombies to delay the Jedi.

Morgan Elsbeth oversaw the Eye of Sion interlocking with the Chimaera, but just before she reported to Thrawn at the henge that the preparations were completed, Enoch spoke with him in hushed tones: the Grand Admiral asked if the captain's information was valid, to which he replied that preparations were under way. Thrawn then told Elsbeth that she must remain behind to prevent the advancing Jedi from boarding the Star Destroyer. The Grand Admiral, the captain, and the Great Mothers then walked back to the Chimaera's hangar and entered the bridge of the Eye of Sion.

Enoch stood beside Thrawn as the Imperial leader returned to the known galaxy aboard the Eye of Sion.

Per Thrawn's command, it fired at the Dathomiri fortress while taking off; Tano, Wren, and Huyang pursued Thrawn with their repaired shuttle after killing Elsbeth, but they were remained on Peridea while the Chimaera and its ring returned to the known galaxy. Unbeknownst to Thrawn's forces, Ezra Bridger had infiltrated the Chimaera and found his way to the New Republic. Captain Enoch joined Thrawn and the Great Mothers on the observation deck of the Chimaera's cargo hold to inform the Grand Admiral that they were approaching the world Dathomir.

Personality and traits

The captain was an ominous sentinel who spoke with a gruff and metallic voice. Upon being introduced by Thrawn to Elsbeth and her mercenaries, Enoch gave a slow nod of acknowledgment and then gave a brisk nod toward his troopers as an order to enter the catacombs. He also nodded as a way of acknowledging orders from Thrawn. Enoch wished Sabine Wren to "die well" when he sent her out into Peridea's wilderness.


Enoch in his full armor with his blaster

Like many of the stormtroopers stranded aboard the Chimaera, Enoch's white armor was weathered, with cracks throughout the plastoid armor plates over his black body glove. However, Enoch's body glove was burgundy for his arms and torso, and he donned crimson gloves. The armor was also mended with metallic gold accents, while several parts of the armor pieces were replaced by gray fragments. Large parts of the armor were also replaced by metallic gold pieces, including the completely golden left shoulder plate, abdominal plate, the left hand guard, and the right knee component.

His helmet displayed two red Imperial crests emblazoned at the top and a golden metallic humanoid face plate hammered into it. Golden and gray elements also jutted out at the bottom of the helmet's front in a manner resembling the bottom part of a Imperial combat assault tank pilot's helmet. Instead of a standard utility belt, the captain kept a black blaster rifle with golden accents in his holster, which he wore as a dark belt around a burgundy kama.

As a member of Thrawn's surviving legion, Enoch traveled aboard the Star Destroyer Chimaera and the Eye of Sion. He also knew how to command a howler to obey him. As Thrawn's lieutenant, he further exercised command over starfighter and gunship units, including Elsbeth's scout guard fighters and the Chimaera's surviving compliment of TIE fighters and LAAT/le patrol gunships. He was even granted command of the Eye of Sion itself during the transfer of cargo to the Chimaera and thus gave orders for how to use its firepower, as per Thrawn's orders.

Behind the scenes

Design and debut

Enoch was created for the Ahsoka television series, portrayed by the actor Wes Chatham, who considered the role to be a highlight of his career as a long-time Star Wars fan. Enoch debuted in the season one episode "Part Six: Far, Far Away," which premiered on September 19, 2023.

Brian Matyas served as the character concept designer for Enoch in Doug Chiang's production design department. Costume designer Shawna Trpcic then assigned specialty constume manufacturer Marcus Napuri to make Enoch's helmet based on Matyas' art. Napuri recalled that showrunner Dave Filoni mentioned that he had Enoch's character in mind "for quite some time" and was excited to sculpt the helmet. Initially modifying a resin cast of a standard stormtrooper helmet to the proportions set by Trpcic, Napuri then scratch-built the cheeks and laid the helmet in clay for sculpting. Having been given Greek sculpture references, Napuri further incorporated the stylings of Japanese kabuki theater masks to perfect Enoch's aesthetic.

Enoch's introduction in Ahsoka.

Filoni visited Napuri throughout the process and gave notes on Enoch's design, and Napuri asked the showrunner to sculpt lines directly on the helmet to indicate his desired adjustements. Assistant costume designer Elissa Alcala appreciated such close collaboration, which Trcpcic encouraged to make the most of each artist's input and also hand-crafted elements, intended to honor the making of the Star Wars original trilogy in the 1970s and 1980s with a lived-in aesthetic as opposed to the exactness of 3D computer scanning or printing. After Filoni approved the design, Napuri molded and cast the helmet, with Trpcic assigning Tonymech Acosta Jr. to conduct paint tests. Erik Troy then crafted Enoch's armor pieces, and Luis Napuri tailored the fabrics. Marcus Napuri downsized the helmet while Troy enlarged the chest armor to create a distinctive, "superhero" silhouette for the character.

In September, 2024, Shawna Trpcic was posthumously awarded an Emmy—alongside assistant costume designer Elissa Alcala and costume supervisor Devon Patterson—at the 76th Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Winners in the Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes category for Ahsoka's season finale "Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord." Alcala stated that production design was informed by Doug Chiang and Dave Filoni's sketches of the stormtroopers having different colors and wrappings, consequently using the Japanese kintsugi pottery-repairing technique to apply gold leaf into lines drilled into the armor. Alcala also said that production designers took the fabric that Trpcic picked for the Great Mothers for wrapping the stormtroopers after aging, kintsugi, and wrapping each strip with a red fabric, and Patterson added that Trpcic "put her spin on" Enoch to give fans a moment of awe even among the troops with individually unique costuming. According to Ahsoka's artists, the work on Enoch and his Night Troopers strained Los Angeles' supply of gold foil in mid-2022.

Enoch-inspired armor in The Old Republic

During the series' production, Wes Chatham spoke with Filoni about how Enoch's armor resembles the gold armor of Mordred in the 1981 film Excalibur. Following Ahsoka's release, the actor hinted at the importance of Enoch, being the single stormtrooper introduced by Thrawn.


At the time of Part Six's release, Twitter made an emoji of Enoch that was appended to the hashtag "#captainenoch." The hashtag "#enoch" briefly featured an emoji of another Ahsoka character—Ezra Bridger, whose emoji was also appended to the hashtags "#Ezra" and "#EzraBridger." Twitter subsequently corrected the error.

The Star Wars Legends video game Star Wars: The Old Republic's Update 7.4.1 added a "Prime Centurion Armor" that was based on Enoch's character design. The armor was announced in the February 14, 2024 update livestream and could be purchased and equipped by player characters via the game's Cartel Market feature.

