The sixth installment of Star Wars Ahsoka, entitled "Part Six: Far, Far Away," was penned by Dave Filoni and helmed by Jennifer Getzinger. Its release date was September 19, 2023.
Ahsoka Tano and Huyang journey through hyperspace inside a purrgil's gullet, and the pair reminisce on the space whale stories Huyang shared with Tano and the other Jedi younglings at the Jedi Temple. When Tano refuses to listen to one of the stories, Huyang asks Tano to share one. Tano responds by saying Sabine Wren willingly went with the enemy, which Huyang found disturbing. Tano concurred, but Huyang posited that the Force gave Wren some insight into her decision, and that saving Ezra Bridger might have been her only option. Tano then agrees to listen to one of Huyang's stories. Huyang begins his story: "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...."
Sabine Wren finds herself awake inside a prison cell on the Eye of Sion. As Baylan Skoll walks past her cell, Wren quips that she was hoping for a room with a view. Skoll suggests that her imprisonment could provide an opportunity for contemplation, something Wren claimed to avoid. Wren reminds Skoll of their agreement to find Bridger; Skoll leaves without a word as Wren angrily shouts after him.
Skoll goes back to the Eye's bridge, telling Morgan Elsbeth about Wren's impatience. When Elsbeth inquires whether Skoll intends to keep his promise to her, he simply replies that her obsession with Bridger is blinding her and that she may still be useful to them. At that moment, the Eye exits hyperspace at Peridea. Elsbeth declares that the planet was the ancient homeworld of her people, the Dathomiri, and Skoll recalls stories from the Jedi Archives about the planet and how it served as the destination for the purrgils' migration from one galaxy to another. Elsbeth recounts how her ancestors were the first to ride the creatures; Skoll comments on the planet's nature as a purrgil graveyard as the Eye flies through the planet's rings, composed of purrgil bones.
Shin Hati retrieves Wren from her cell, and together with Elsbeth and Skoll, they travel to Peridea's surface. The group encounters three Nightsisters known as the Great Mothers at a henge similar to the reflex point on Seatos. One of them welcomes Elsbeth as a daughter of Dathomir, praising her for honoring their ancestors. Elsbeth confirms that the Nighsisters' visions guided them across the stars to Peridea. When the witches mention Grand Admiral Thrawn, Elsbeth asks where he is, and the Nightsisters announce that he is on his way. One witch remarks that Wren "stinks of Jedi" and deems her dangerous, restraining her and sending her away using three floating spheres; as Wren is taken away, she reminds Skoll once more about their deal, asking for Bridger.
Skoll and Hati remain at the stone pillars. Skoll declares that Peridea is a realm of dreams and madness, where children's stories become reality. Hati says she is unfamiliar with such stories, as she was not raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Skoll continues, describing the tales of Peridea as ancient, forgotten folktales. Hati suggests that sometimes stories are just stories. Skoll recalls that when he was slightly older than Hati, he witnessed the Jedi Temple burn and couldn't understand it at the time. However, Skoll states that as one ages and learns history, such events become clear as inevitable, like the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the Empire, repeating in a cycle. Hati asks if it is their turn and whether Thrawn's return will finally bring them to power. Skoll dismisses such power as fleeting, instead claiming to seek a new beginning to break the cycle. When Hati asks if that beginning is on Peridea, her master smiles, believing that it is if the stories are true.
Wren, once again imprisoned, paces in her cell. She closes her eyes and reaches out with her hand, attempting to use the Force to open the cell door. Although the cell begins to shake, she looks out the window to see the arrival of an Imperial Star Destroyer, the Chimaera. The ship slowly descends at the hedge to meet Elsbeth's group and the Nightsisters. As the ship's hangar meets the pillar, rows of Night Troopers stand guard as Thrawn walks between them. As Thrawn greets his new allies alongside his Captain of the Guard, Enoch, he reflects that what was once a dream is now a terrifying reality for those who oppose them, and salutes the Nightsisters. Thrawn acknowledges Elsbeth's efforts in enabling their escape from exile; he introduces Enoch and announces that he will begin a cargo transfer as agreed with the Great Mothers.
Elsbeth informs Thrawn that she has explored the catacombs and that it will take at least three rotations. Thrawn deems this an acceptable timeframe. The witches mention the prisoner, Wren, whom Skoll reveals he brought because he believed she would be useful. After being introduced to Thrawn along with his apprentice as mercenaries, Thrawn recognizes him as General Baylan Skoll of the Jedi Order; Skoll assures him that he left the Jedi long ago. As Elsbeth mentions Wren's name, Thrawn remembers her and agrees that Wren would be very helpful to them.
Two Night Troopers bring Wren to Thrawn, who recognizes her and thanks her for his escape from exile. When Wren asks about Bridger's whereabouts, Thrawn simply states that her desire to reunite with an old friend will reshape their galaxy. When Wren repeats her question, Thrawn assures her that he intends to honor their agreement with Skoll. As Enoch removes her restraints, Thrawn promises to equip her with a mount, supplies, and their latest intelligence on Bridger's location. When Wren asks if Thrawn is going to let her leave, Thrawn says that he is helping her cause to thank her for helping his cause. However, he warns that when his ship departs, she will be stranded on Peridea forever, adding that Bridger may already be dead. Wren insists that Bridger is still alive, prompting Thrawn to say that she gambled the fate of her galaxy on that belief. Wren replies that Thrawn wouldn't understand and changes the subject to her mount. Enoch and the Night Troopers present Wren with a howler. Enoch says "tota," which causes the creature to kneel so that Wren can mount its saddle. Enoch warns that the wasteland is inhabited by nomads who prey on each other for survival; the captain returns Wren's blasters and her lightsaber before telling her to die well. Wren rides out from the gates into a grassy frontier.
Skoll, Hati, Elsbeth, and Thrawn watch Wren's departure from a balcony. Hati comments that Wren is embarking on a fool's errand, and Thrawn tells Skoll and Hati that they can follow Wren at their own pace. Confused, Hati says that she thought Skoll was to honor his agreement not to harm Wren; Thrawn explains that he allowed Wren to leave to find Bridger only so that she and her master can destroy them both.
As Wren rides across the Peridean steppes on her howler, the mount eventually stops, and Wren begins to scan for signs of Bridger. Suddenly, a bandit appears and shoots Wren; although the blast hits her beskar armor, leaving her unharmed, her mount is startled and flees. The assault continues as multiple bandits surround Wren. Despite being attacked with blasters and melee weapons, Wren kills or disarms them all with her lightsaber. Although the bandits are defeated, her scanner is broken beyond repair, and she continues without it.
At the Nightsister fortress, Skoll and Hati mount their own howlers and pursue Wren. Aboard the Chimaera, the Night Troopers load floating storage containers onto the ship. Enoch informs Thrawn of Skoll and Hati's departure, and Thrawn allows two squads to support the mercenaries. Elsbeth suggests sending more troops, but Thrawn refuses, citing his force's dwindling numbers in recent years. As Enoch leaves, Thrawn tells Elsbeth that it ultimately doesn't matter whether Wren and Bridger are left stranded on Peridea or die, and that the same is true for Skoll and Hati.
On the Peridean steppes, Wren, followed by her remorseful howler, scolds the beast for abandoning her during the fight with the bandits, calling it a coward. As it continues to follow her, Wren decides to give the creature another chance. After traveling further, the howler leads Wren into a valley, where they find a puddle and various rocks. As the howler investigates one of the rocks, it jumps back in fear, revealing it to be a Noti. Wren puts down her weapon, trying to communicate that she means no harm. Once the Noti approaches Wren, it notices the Rebel Alliance starbird symbol on her pauldron and reveals a necklace bearing a symbol resembling Wren's original starbird design. Wren realizes that this could mean that the alien knows Bridger and asks if it can lead her to him. The Noti summons others of its kind, forming a huddle and conversing in the Noti language. When Wren asks again for her friend, the Noti beckon for Wren to follow them into the valley.
As Skoll and Hati track Wren, they discover the remains of the battle between Wren and the bandits, deducing that Wren is still alive. Hati asks her master if he knows the one Wren seeks so desperately; Skoll answers that he does not, as Bridger was trained as a Bokken Jedi in the wild after the fall of the Jedi Temple. Hati compares herself to Bridger in that way, but Skoll asserts that he trained his apprentice to be something more. Hati asks if Skoll missed the Order; Skoll states that he missed the idea of the Order, but not its truth or weakness, claiming there was no future there. When Hati wonders if her master saw a future on Peridea, which she considers a wasteland, Skoll states that the planet once held the Witch Kingdom of the Dathmiri, as evidenced by the presence of the Great Mothers. Hati fears that there may be a good reason the Nightsisters wanted to leave Peridea, but Skoll reveals that he felt something stirring there, calling to him. At that moment, bandits approach the two, but Skoll discourages violence, stating that the enemy of one's enemy is one's friend.
Continuing to follow the Noti, Wren arrives at a Noti settlement by a lake, telling her howler to wait at the edge. As Wren looks around solemnly, she is greeted by Bridger, who says that he knew he could count on her. As Wren gazes upon her friend with joy, Bridger smiles and says that it took her long enough. When Wren responds by saying that nobody knew where he was going, Bridger says he didn't know either. Wren remarks that Bridger always had a plan, but never a good one. Bridger asks if his plan worked, and Wren confirms; the two embrace warmly, the search for Bridger finally complete. Bridger tells the Noti to be ready to move, explaining that they are nomadic. Bridger wonders how Wren found Peridea and himself, but Wren dodges the question, asking if she can just be happy that she found him. Bridger agrees and thanks Wren for coming, saying that he couldn't wait to go home.
Back at the Nightsister fortress, the Great Mothers announce to Thrawn that a Jedi is coming to Peridea. Thrawn asks Elsbeth if the Jedi could be Tano, who was believed to be dead after her duel with Skoll. Although Elsbeth considers this impossible since Skoll assured her of Tano's death, Thrawn insists that Elsbeth should not have underestimated a Jedi and that death was a common deception among both them and Nightsisters. Thrawn asserts that they should view Skoll's judgment as flawed, as he was once a Jedi, and that they would consider Tano alive until they knew otherwise. The Grand Admiral requests to know everything about Tano, including her history, homeworld, and master, adding that if a purrgil approaches Peridea, it should be destroyed with prejudice. Thrawn turns to the Great Mothers, asking to use their dark magick once again.
Thrawn asks to know the identity of Ahsoka Tano's master, implying he is unaware of who trained her. However, in the novel Thrawn: Alliances, Thrawn meets Anakin Skywalker and is informed about Tano's Marg Sabl maneuver by Padmé Amidala, who refers to Tano by name and states that she was Skywalker's Padawan. He could be referring to wanting to know more about her relationship with Skywalker. However, it is revealed in the subsequent episode that he was not aware that Tano was Skywalker's Padawan.