Part Five: Shadow Warrior

Part Five: Shadow Warrior" marks the fifth installment of Star Wars Ahsoka. Dave Filoni both penned the script and took the directorial helm for this episode. Its initial release occurred on September 12, 2023.

Official description

Hera and her companions embark on a crucial rescue operation, as Ahsoka grapples with the ghosts of her past.

Plot summary

Examining the henge

At the Seatos reflex point, the scorched remains of the star map that points the way to Peridea are scattered on the ground. General Hera Syndulla, blaster in hand, exits the Ghost via the forward ramp after it lands near the henge. After confirming the area is secure, Syndulla permits her son, Jacen, to disembark, cautioning him to stay close due to Seatos' unfamiliar nature. Hearing an unusual sound, the general signals her son to seek cover behind Chopper. Investigating the source, Hera discovers Huyang standing behind a rocky pillar, overlooking the sea and holding the helmet of Sabine Wren. Huyang sadly reflects on his advice to Wren and Tano to remain united, an instruction they disregarded.

The lesson

Within the ethereal World Between Worlds, Ahsoka Tano encounters the spirit of Anakin Skywalker, observing that his appearance remains unchanged. Skywalker retorts that she, however, has aged. Questioning her presence in this realm, Skywalker reminds Tano of her defeat in the fight against Baylan Skoll, declaring that he is there to complete her training. Despite Tano's assertion that she is beyond his tutelage, Skywalker insists that learning knows no age limit.

Upon inquiring about the nature of her lesson, Skywalker draws his lightsaber and engages Tano in combat, stating that the time has come to choose between living or die. When Tano refuses to fight her former master, Skywalker remarks that he has encountered that sentiment before. As Skywalker persists in his attack, Tano activates her own lightsaber and defends herself.


Back at the henge, General Syndulla searches for any trace of Tano and Wren, while Huyang examines the shattered pieces of the star map. Huyang concludes that the map is irreparable, leaving them unable to discern the enemy's destination. Syndulla insists that answers will emerge upon locating Tano and Wren, but Huyang speculates that they are aboard the Eye of Sion with Morgan Elsbeth and her forces. Carson Teva arrives, questioning what he should report to command, noting that Senator Leia Organa cannot continue to provide cover for their actions and that their extended presence will inevitably raise suspicions. Syndulla, however, remains firm in her decision to remain until the fate of Tano and Wren is known.

During this exchange, Jacen attempts to alert his mother to an anomaly in the water. Initially dismissive, she is persuaded by her son's claim of hearing the sounds of a battle involving lightsabers. Gradually, as Syndulla closes her eyes, she too begins to perceive the sounds. Hera instructs Teva to mobilize his squadron for a comprehensive, low-altitude sweep of the ocean. General Syndulla directs Huyang to accompany her inside the Ghost, while Jacen and Chopper remain at the henge. When Teva inquires about the situation, Huyang reveals that Jacen possesses abilities due to his lineage as the son of Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi.


The duel between Tano and Skywalker continues within the World Between Worlds, with Tano holding her own and suggesting that her master may have exhausted his teachings. Skywalker, with a smile, counters that he has yet to impart all his knowledge, before severing the platform beneath Tano, causing her to plummet into the abyss below.

Tano awakens as a younger version of herself in a fog-shrouded location. Surrounded by clone troopers in Phase I armor, many from the 501st legion, she is greeted by Skywalker, now clad in armor and resembling his younger self from their first encounter. He confirms that they are reliving the Battle of Teth from the Clone Wars. Tano questions the relevance of revisiting one of her earliest missions, to which Skywalker responds that this is precisely the issue. As her master advances into battle, Tano ignites her original green lightsaber and follows him in search of answers.

During a pause in the fighting during the Battle of Ryloth, Tano finds herself in an encampment filled with wounded clones. Approaching a clone on a stretcher with a bandaged head, Tano places her hand on the trooper, who reciprocates the gesture. Skywalker appears, warning of approaching Separatist battle droids. However, Tano, still somber amidst the devastation, reflects on the numerous lives lost under her command. Skywalker offers insightful counsel, reminding Tano that they are at war and that a Jedi's role is to lead, while acknowledging the weight of their mistakes and losses.

Skywalker elucidates that he must mold his padawan into a soldier, despite his own upbringing as a peacekeeper. Tano questions whether fighting is the only lesson she will impart to her own padawan one day, but Skywalker emphasizes that fighting is essential for survival. As explosions erupt in the distance, Tano expresses a desire to cease fighting, to which Skywalker replies that such a choice would lead to her demise. As Skywalker once again enters the battle, his appearance flickers between his Jedi self and his Sith persona as Darth Vader.

The search along the coast

While Jacen Syndulla and Chopper remain at the henge, Teva's X-Wing squadron, along with General Syndulla and Huyang aboard the Ghost, continue their search for Tano and Wren. Despite Teva's concerns about depleting his squadron's fuel reserves, Syndulla orders an extension of the search.

As Hera discloses the unauthorized nature of the mission to Huyang, she wonders if she is pursuing mere illusions, but Huyang reassures her that her compassionate and unwavering character is what draws people to her. Huyang also maintains that there is still a possibility of finding them, given Tano's resilience. When Huyang mentions Tano's master, Syndulla inquires about his nature, to which Huyang replies that he was intense. Suddenly, Jacen contacts the Ghost, reporting that Chopper has detected something on his scanners and that the Ghost must fly very low to the water to investigate.

The lesson continued

As Tano continues to revisit her past, she engages in combat with Mandalorian super commandos during the Siege of Mandalore, alongside clone troopers from the 332nd company. Clone Commander Rex notices Tano, commending her performance before advancing forward. Tano pauses, surveying the battlefield as Skywalker approaches, admitting that he does not recognize the current battle. Tano informs him that it is the Siege of Mandalore, which occurred after their separation.

Skywalker expresses pride in Tano's accomplishments. While Skywalker explains that Tano represents the culmination of his knowledge and the legacy of masters before him, Tano believes that her contribution to that legacy is one of death and war. Skywalker insists that both he and Tano are more than that, but Tano recalls how Anakin was more powerful and dangerous than anyone realized. At the mention of his fall, Skywalker accuses Tano of learning nothing and reiterates the choice he presented: to live or to die. Skywalker reignites his lightsaber, revealing a red blade and yellow eyes. Tano again attempts to refuse combat, but Skywalker persists, and the two engage in a fierce duel.

Skywalker kicks Tano back into the dark abyss of the World Between Worlds as his form alternates between his Jedi self and his helmeted Sith persona. Enraged by Tano's lack of resolve, Skywalker relentlessly attacks Tano, declaring that her time to die has come. Tano outmaneuvers Skywalker, seizing his lightsaber and holding it to his neck; however, she releases the lightsaber into the void, declaring that she chooses to live. Satisfied, Skywalker smiles, bowing his head as his eyes revert to their normal state, and affirms that there is hope for her yet. As the World Between Worlds trembles, Skywalker vanishes, and the mysterious plane gradually fills with water, engulfing Tano as she closes her eyes.

Rescue and recovery

At night, Tano is rescued from the water by New Republic Lieutenant [Jensu] and brought aboard the Ghost as she whispers her master's name. When Tano awakens aboard the ship one rotation later, she is reunited with Huyang. The droid updates her on the situation, informing her that she would have been lost for good if not for Jacen Syndulla's efforts and that Sabine is not with them. Tano exits the Ghost to thank Jacen, who is then escorted away by Huyang to explore Tano's T-6 shuttle so she and Hera can converse privately. Syndulla inquires about Wren's whereabouts, prompting Tano to attempt to read the broken map for impressions of what transpired. After experiencing echoes of Wren and Skoll's conversation, Tano discovers that Wren is alive but willingly joined Elsbeth's forces aboard the Eye of Sion.

Teva arrives to inform Syndulla that the New Republic Fleet is en route to Seatos; as Syndulla and Tano part ways, Tano gazes up at the sky, observing a pod of purrgil passing overhead. Aboard the Ghost, Syndulla and Teva confer with Chancellor Mon Mothma via hologram, who informs them that without evidence of Imperial Remnant activity or Grand Admiral Thrawn's return, she can offer limited assistance. Furthermore, Mothma reveals that Syndulla and Tano are ordered to return to Coruscant for a hearing by the Senate oversight committee, which will determine whether Syndulla's command will be permanently disbanded. Despite the grim circumstances, Tano rejoins them, asserting that she knows how to locate Wren.

Another way

With a revised strategy, Tano's ship, the Ghost, and Teva's squadron ascend into the Seatos sky. Syndulla asks Tano if the purrgil possess knowledge of the hyperspace coordinates that will lead them to Wren, to which Tano responds that there is only one way to ascertain this. A larger purrgil is spotted among the pod, and Tano, now adorned in white robes, steps onto the hull of the shuttle to commune with the massive creature. Teva informs Syndulla that the New Republic fleet has arrived at the planet, and Syndulla warns them against approaching, as they will frighten the purrgil. Outside Seatos' atmosphere, Teva speaks with New Republic Captain [Girard], attempting to delay her approach to the planet. Before Girard's forces can activate their tractor beam, Teva informs her of Tano's plan.

Back on Seatos, Jacen Syndulla asks his mother if Tano is attempting to communicate with the purrgil. He recalls the stories Hera told him about how the purrgil carried Ezra Bridger and the Imperial forces far, far away, saving the rebels, and then asks if the purrgil will take Tano to where Bridger is; Hera tells him that that is the hope. Tano extends her hand towards the purrgil, communicating with it through the Force. The enormous purrgil opens its mouth, and Tano instructs Huyang to maneuver the ship inside.

Once inside the purrgil, Huyang asks Tano if she is certain that the purrgil will transport them to Wren, to which Tano responds wistfully that she has no idea, happily acknowledging that the purrgil could take them anywhere, but that it is better than remaining stationary. The purrgil, emerging from Seatos' atmosphere, flies between Girard's ships, preparing to jump to hyperspace. Tano apologizes to Syndulla for her inability to accompany them, but Syndulla assures her that it is acceptable, as her son is too young to travel between galaxies. With a renewed sense of purpose and a promise to locate Wren and Bridger, Tano, along with Huyang and the purrgil, jump to hyperspace.


