Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Part Four: Fallen Jedi represents the fourth installment of the television series, Star Wars: Ahsoka. Dave Filoni is credited with writing the episode, while Peter Ramsey took on the role of director. The release date for this episode was September 5, 2023.

Official description

To aid her allies, Hera puts her position in jeopardy, while Ahsoka and Sabine are faced with adversaries.

Plot summary

The Ambush

Sabine Wren attempts to get in touch with Home One and Hera Syndulla from Ahsoka Tano's T-6 shuttle using a comlink, but it is still malfunctioning. Huyang mentions his intention to repurpose some wiring from the secondary motivator in an effort to repair the transmitter. Following this, she steps outside to find Tano observing the surrounding forest. She informs Tano that the communications system and the main power converter are still inoperative, which prevents them from either leaving or sending a message.

Tano reveals to Sabine that the enemy's base is located nearby, also warning that they possess both the map and the means to reach their desired destination. Tano expresses her belief that they are confronted with a challenging decision. She concludes that if they are unable to undertake the journey to locate Ezra Bridger, then no one should. Wren expresses her unwillingness to surrender, but Tano argues that this course of action is preferable to permitting Thrawn's return as the successor to the Empire. Tano cautions Wren against allowing her emotions to cloud her judgment, to which Wren responds with a reluctant nod. Subsequently, Wren enters the T-6 in preparation for locating the enemy's ground base.

Huyang exits the vessel and inquires about the situation. Tano advises the architect droid to exercise caution while outside the ship. Within the forest, an HK assassin droid observes him. At the Seatos reflex point, Shin Hati and Marrok relay to Baylan Skoll and Nightsister Morgan Elsbeth that their forces have pinpointed the enemy's ship approximately 12 klicks away. Elsbeth asserts that her guards will not impede their progress. Skoll counters that she will, and that they should proceed. Elsbeth detects Skoll's apprehension, to which he replies that it is merely a result of experience.

Inside the T-6, Wren dons her armor and loads her pair of pistols. Wren and Tano discuss Wren's sentiments towards Bridger. Tano conveys to her that it is sometimes necessary to set aside personal feelings and act in accordance with what is morally correct. When Wren questions the sincerity of her belief, Tano responds that she must do so when the stakes are considerable. Meanwhile, Huyang is in the process of repairing the lighting when an HK-87 assassin droid launches an attack on him. Huyang cries out for assistance as he defends himself. When the assassin droid attempts to silence him, Huyang manages to break free and sever a wire to alert the others, which causes the T-6's interior to plunge into darkness once more.

Tano and Wren notice the change and quickly move outside. Tano and Wren engage in combat with the guards, while Huyang grapples with the assassin droid. Tano employs her Force powers and lightsaber skills to overcome and eliminate the intruders, while Wren utilizes her combat and marksman abilities to achieve the same outcome. Huyang succeeds in defeating the assassin droid but informs the women that the attack will cause a setback in his progress. Tano instructs him to prioritize the repairs to the transmitter and to urgently contact General Syndulla. Huyang advises Wren and Tano to remain together, suggesting that they are more effective as a team.

Always a rebel

Onboard the Home One, First officer Vic Hawkins encounters General Syndulla as she is walking with her son Jacen Syndulla and her astromech droid Chopper. Syndulla informs Hawkins of her reluctance to await orders and instructs Hawkins to devise a solution. Hawkins agrees to assist, albeit reluctantly.

Aboard the Ghost, Jacen questions his mother as to why he is required to obey when she is permitted to disregard orders. Syndulla explains that generals are sometimes authorized to disregard orders and instructs him to fasten his seatbelt. Chopper observes. The Ghost is accompanied by a squadron of five T-65B X-wing starfighters, piloted by Captain Carson Teva and Lieutenants Baysee, Mowaat, Jensu, and Lander. Teva apprises her of the associated risks, but Syndulla responds that she has consistently been a rebel. Teva addresses her as Phoenix Leader, and the squadron initiates a jump into hyperspace under Syndulla's command. Jacen activates the hyperdrive lever.

Light versus dark

Returning to the Seatos reflex point, Elsbeth informs Skoll that once the guideline has been established, they will have the ability to calculate the hyperspace coordinates. Skoll cautions that even minor inaccuracies in her calculations could result in their being lost within the intergalactic void. Elsbeth urges him to maintain faith, but Skoll remains unconvinced. Elsbeth touches the map, which then projects a holographic representation of the Pathway to Peridea. He murmurs that this is "witchcraft." Aboard the Eye of Sion, a navigator droid begins the process of calculating the hyperspace coordinates for Peridea.

In the meantime, Wren and Tano come across Hati and Marrok within the forest. Wren fires at Hati with her dual blasters, but the acolyte is capable of deflecting her shots using her lightsaber. Tano confronts Marrok and draws one of her white lightsabers. Marrok activates his double-bladed spinning lightsaber, and the two engage in a lightsaber duel. Driven by a desire for retribution for their previous encounter, Wren pursues Hati through the forest. Wren manages to corner Hati amidst a cluster of trees, but the dark sider uses her Force abilities to propel Wren against a tree, dislodging her helmet. Hati attempts to strike Wren down, but the Mandalorian evades her blade, which instead strikes a tree trunk. The two engage in lightsaber combat, with Wren drawing her green lightsaber.

While Elsbeth and Skoll oversee the computation of the hyperspace coordinates, the Force users persist in their battles within the forest. Marrok spins his lightsaber before launching an attack on Tano. However, Tano evades him and slashes him across the chest with her lightsaber. The defeated Marrok kneels, and a green mist emanates from the cut in his armor. The death of Marrok disrupts Wren's duel with Hati. Wren instructs Tano to retrieve the map while she handles Hati. After Tano departs, Hati warns Wren that she will come to regret this decision before resuming their fight.

Tano versus Skoll

In another location, Elsbeth continues her calculations and assigns Skoll the task of safeguarding the map until she summons him. Tano arrives at the Seatos reflex point and observes the Eye of Sion hovering above. Tano enters the henge, where she encounters Skoll, who informs her that Anakin Skywalker held Tano in high regard. When Tano claims not to recognize Skoll, Skoll clarifies that everyone within the Jedi Order was aware of Skywalker, but few witnessed his transformation. She inquires whether Skywalker's descent into the Dark side of the Force influenced her decision to leave the Jedi Order.

Tano declines to discuss her past and discards her cloak. Skoll responds that his purpose here is to secure the future for something of far greater significance. Tano implores him to contemplate the ethical implications of initiating another war. Skoll retorts that he is not initiating another war, but rather that Thrawn will. Skoll speaks of the necessary evil of destruction as a prerequisite for creation. As Tano reaches for her lightsaber, Skoll acknowledges that this confrontation is inevitable and ignites his own lightsaber. The two circle into position around the holographic display of the galaxy before engaging in parrying.

The two Force users resume their confrontation for a second round, and Tano manages to strike Skoll, but he retaliates. The two briefly clash blades before Skoll maneuvers Tano against a rock. Aboard the bridge of the Eye of Sion, the navigator droid informs Elsbeth that Tano has engaged Skoll at the henge. When she inquires about the remaining time required for the coordinates to be ready, the navigator droid assures her that the calculations are nearing completion. Back on the ground, Skoll hurls a rock at Tano, but she slices through it with her lightsaber. As the navigation computer reaches its third quarter, the two former Jedi continue their fight.

Elsewhere, Wren and Hati continue their lightsaber duel. Hati strikes Wren and manages to kick her to the ground. Wren extends her hand in an attempt to use the Force, but Hati points out that Wren lacks Force abilities. She attempts to strike Wren down, but Wren knocks the blade out of her hand with a dart. As Skoll corners Tano, he taunts her that her legacy is one of death and destruction, similar to that of her late master. This infuriates Tano, and she knocks Skoll to the ground.

Tano succeeds in seizing the map's orb and disrupts the projection, but the orb burns her hand. In another location, Hati manages to temporarily blind Wren with a smoke bomb and flees. The navigator droid informs Elsbeth that the hyperspace calculation remains incomplete. Tano's disruption of the hyperspace coordinates calculation enrages Skoll, who resumes his lightsaber attack. Shortly thereafter, Hati arrives, and Skoll instructs her to seize the map. Tano uses the Force to hurl Hati against a rock. An enraged Skoll advances on Tano and drives her to the edge of the cliff, which overlooks a sea.

Wren's choices

Skoll expresses his regret that their meeting has culminated in conflict but places the blame on Tano. Wren arrives and commands Skoll to stop. Tano instructs her Mandalorian friend to destroy the map, but instead, she warns Skoll to keep his distance from her master. Skoll instead strikes Tano with his lightsaber, causing her to fall off the cliff. Horrified by the presumed loss of her friend, Wren attacks Skoll with her blaster, but the former Jedi deflects her shots. Wren then holds the map against her blaster.

Skoll presents Wren with the choice of either following her master's orders or seizing the opportunity to locate Ezra Bridger, the only family that she has remaining. Wren asserts that he is mistaken, but Skoll informs her that he is aware that Bridger is holding her back. Sensing her thoughts, Skoll tells her that she is aware that her family perished on Mandalore because her master, Tano, did not trust her. Skoll informs Wren that they share a common objective and appeals to her desire to be reunited with her friend Bridger. Skoll asserts that he is serving a greater good and invites her to accompany him to Peridea. He assures her that no harm will befall her and that she will be reunited with Bridger. Skoll claims that this is the only viable option and urges her to do it for Ezra. After considering Skoll's words, she hands him the map to Peridea.

Hati initiates Force choking on Wren, but Skoll orders her to cease, stating that he has given the Mandalorian his word. He asserts that he will honor his word, unlike Wren's former master. Skoll replays the map on the mapping mechanism, enabling the navigator droid to finalize the hyperspace calculations and establish a hyperspace route to Peridea. Pleased, Elsbeth orders that a shuttle be dispatched to retrieve Lord Baylan.

The hyperspace jump

In the meantime, Huyang is contacted by General Syndulla. Huyang informs her that they are stranded on Seatos and requests assistance. The Ghost and its fighter escorts enter the Denab system. Huyang informs her that Elsbeth's forces have constructed a massive hyperspace ring and cautions them against allowing them to escape. When Syndulla inquires about Tano and Wren, Huyang responds that they are on the surface attempting to thwart the enemy.

After Carson confirms the Eye of Sion's location, Syndulla proposes cutting across the axis and obstructing its path. Elsbeth informs Skoll that the calculations are complete and instructs him to return immediately. As per Elsbeth's instructions, Skoll destroys the map with his lightsaber, informing Wren and Hati that no one will be following them. Hati escorts Wren aboard their shuttle. As the Eye of Sion ascends into the upper atmosphere, the navigation droid informs Elsbeth that they are tracking the trajectory and that they have a clear guideline.

As the New Republic ships converge on the Eye of Sion, Teva orders the X-wings to lock their S foils into attack position. Mowaat observes that the enemy ship is not launching starfighters, while Baysee realizes that the enemy is escaping. Skoll, Hati, and Wren enter the bridge of the Eye of Sion, where they are greeted by Elsbeth. A navigator droid informs Elsbeth that New Republic ships are in their path. Wren realizes Syndulla has arrived, but Elsbeth orders her droids to disregard them and to engage the ship's hyperdrive.

Syndulla and Carson detect the hyperdrive surge, but it is too late. Mowaat's X-wing is propelled into Baysee's X-wing by the blast generated by the hyperspace jump, resulting in their deaths. The Ghost and the remaining fighters manage to survive the surge. Syndulla and Jacen watch in horror, with the latter expressing a "bad feeling" about the situation. Chopper mumbles in Binary. Meanwhile, Huyang attempts to contact Tano and Wren but receives no response. The camera provides an aerial view of the Seatos reflex point and the sea.

World between Worlds

In another location, Tano awakens in the World Between Worlds, where a distant voice greets her by saying, "Hello, Snips." Tano calls out to her master. The voice responds that it did not anticipate her return so soon. She turns around and finds herself face to face with the Force spirit of Anakin Skywalker.


