Shin Hati was a human female who possessed Force-sensitivity and operated during the New Republic Era, concurrent with Ahsoka Tano's mission to locate Ezra Bridger. She served as the dedicated apprentice of Baylan Skoll, a Dark Jedi, and together they functioned as mercenaries allied with Morgan Elsbeth, an industrialist and witch, and her forces. Their objective was to locate Thrawn, the last Grand Admiral who was missing from the Imperial Starfleet.
She brandished a lightsaber that emitted an orange-red blade, which she employed in duels against Sabine Wren on at least a couple of occasions. The first of these confrontations took place on Lothal, just outside the LothalNet communications tower where Wren was residing. During this encounter, Hati, aided by a group of HK-87 assassin droids, absconded with an orb-shaped star map of Nightsister origin from Wren. The second encounter occurred during Ahsoka Tano and Wren's mission on Seatos, where Hati once again battled Wren but was disarmed by the Mandalorian and subsequently retreated into the forest.
Following their duel, Hati made her way to the reflex point where Skoll was engaged in combat with Tano. She was then incapacitated by the former Jedi when instructed to retrieve the star map. After Tano's defeat, Hati and Skoll were confronted by Wren, who threatened to destroy the map. Skoll, promising her safe passage to find her missing friend Ezra Bridger, had the map returned to him. Hati then took Wren as their captive back to the Eye of Sion, a colossal hyperspace ring which they utilized to journey to the distant galaxy where Thrawn had been exiled.
Upon reaching Peridea, Skoll likened the planet to stories from his childhood within the Jedi Temple. Hati questioned her master as to whether their arrival on Peridea and their alliance with Thrawn represented an opportunity for them to ascend to power. Skoll responded that such power was transient and that his true desire was to end the cycle that had been repeating for years. Hati encountered the Grand Admiral, who instructed her and Skoll to eliminate Wren and Bridger. They eventually located the pair traveling with a group of Noti, and Hati was instructed to contact Thrawn and assume her position in the forthcoming empire, thus parting ways with her master, who stated that her ambition was leading her in a different direction than his own.
Commanding a group of bandits, Hati allowed them to initiate the attack before engaging Wren and Bridger herself. Reinforced by squadrons of Night Troopers, Hati commanded them to kill the two before she was ambushed by Ahsoka Tano, who arrived to rescue them. Thrawn soon recalled his Night Troopers, leaving Hati outnumbered against the Jedi, which prompted her to flee, riding her howler. With no options remaining, Hati fled alone, abandoned by Skoll, Elsbeth, and Thrawn, with the latter successfully escaping Peridea.
Subsequent to the Great Jedi Purge and the ascension of the Galactic Empire, Shin Hati, a human female with Force-sensitivity, was born. Although she was not raised as a member of the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Baylan Skoll, a former Jedi Knight and survivor of the purge, recognized Hati's Force abilities and took her on as his apprentice, with the intention of training her to become something greater than a Jedi. The two would operate as mysterious mercenaries and survived past the events of the Galactic Civil War, and into the New Republic Era.
Around 9 ABY, Morgan Elsbeth enlisted the services of Skoll and Hati. Following her capture by Ahsoka Tano, Elsbeth was held in New Republic custody and was being transported on the Vesper to face trial. Hati and Skoll launched an assault on the ship, rescuing Elsbeth. As they approached Vesper aboard their Eta-class shuttle, Hati and Skoll used an old Jedi clearance code to gain access. Captain Hayle, suspecting them of being Imperial agents, permitted them to board so he could interrogate them in the hangar bay. After ordering them to surrender, Hati, upon receiving a nod from her master, swiftly activated her lightsaber and struck down Jakris, a Mon Calamari, before attacking and killing the remaining security team, while her master slew Hayle. She then fought her way to the bridge and eliminated the command crew, while Skoll went to the cells and freed Elsbeth.

After liberating Elsbeth, Hati, Skoll, and Marrok, a former Inquisitor and another of Elsbeth's mercenaries, accompanied her to the planet Arcana to an ancient Nightsister temple in search of an ancient star map. They found it in ruins, the result of the HK-87 assassins droids self-destructing after Ahsoka Tano had recovered the map first and then defeated them in combat. While Skoll and Marrok searched the ruins, Hati and Elsbeth conversed, with Hati expressing surprise at learning Elsbeth was a Nightsister. Elsbeth then instructed Hati to go to Lothal before walking away. Hati was hesitant to follow her orders until Skoll told her to do as Elsbeth said. When Hati asked her master what was on Lothal, he told her Sabine Wren was there, and that she was Ahsoka Tano's former apprentice.
Hati traveled to Lothal with two assassin droids. After using a probe droid to find Sabine Wren's location, she waited until dark and then attacked. Hati sent the assassin droids in first, who recovered the map and destroyed the data Wren had on it. Even though Wren successfully destroyed one of the droids the other made it out with the map. Wren called her droid ally Huyang for backup, and then gave chase with Ezra Bridger's lightsaber. Hati was waiting outside and faced Wren in a lightsaber duel when she arrived. Hati gained the upper hand and stabbed Wren in the abdomen, but had to flee when Tano and Huyang arrived. She successfully escaped with the star map, however, and left Wren for dead.
After acquiring the star map, Hati rendezvoused with Skoll and Elsbeth on the planet Seatos. At an ancient Nightsister henge, Elsbeth employed Nightsister Magick to activate the star map and reveal a Hyperspace route to a location in a distant galaxy known as Peridea. Elsbeth disclosed that Grand Admiral Thrawn had been banished to Peridea following the Battle of Lothal, and informed them that the Eye of Sion would be heading to Seatos, and that she wanted them to make sure everything was ready for its arrival. Skoll assured her it would be, and then told Hati to head to Corellia to make sure Marrok completed his mission. After Elsbeth left, Hati questioned her master on what would happen once they found Thrawn. Skoll told her that for some it would mean war, for others it would mean a new beginning, but for them it would mean power such as she had never dreamed.
Hati journeyed to Corellia, aiding Marrok in the final preparations for their plan to retrieve Thrawn. Concurrently, Ahsoka Tano and General Hera Syndulla investigated Elsbeth's past activities on Corellia, specifically discovering an anomalous hyperdrive from a Super Star Destroyer. While Elsbeth's forces fled with the engine, Tano was confronted by Marrok and an assassin droid. After a brief duel, Hati intervened on her Eta-class shuttle and escaped with Marrok. Later, Hati, with Skoll and Marrok, spoke with Elsbeth, who was on the Eye of Sion, via hologram. Elsbeth updated them that with the installation of the final hyperdrive on the ship would be complete, and they would deliver Thrawn from his exile. When Skoll advised to do so quickly, Elsbeth noted that Tano's appearance on Corellia troubled him. Despite Hati's insistence that they made a clean escape and that Tano could not have tracked them there, Skoll admitted to Elsbeth that Tano's appearance on Corellia troubled him. However, Hati was unaware that Syndulla had earlier managed to attach a tracking device to the transport ship with the engine.

After Syndulla's tracking device confirmed the transport had been taken to the Denab system, Tano, Wren and Huyang headed there. After they lost their connection while talking with Syndulla, Tano and Wren realized they were being jammed. They dropped out of hyperspace and attempted to approach Seatos covertly, but they were attacked by six starfighters lead by Hati and Marrok. While engaged in a dogfight, Huyang managed to scan the Eye of Sion and confirmed it was a giant hyperspace ring.
After Wren destroyed some of the fighters, Elsbeth, annoyed with Hati for letting them get so close, decided to use the Eye's turbolasers to destroy Tano and Wren's ship. Elsbeth hit them and disabled the ship, but failed to destroy it. Hati then mocked Elsbeth by sarcastically congratulating her for almost getting them. Hati then declared that she would finish them off, but despite making a couple of more attack runs, Wren was able to get the ship running again and started heading towards the surface of Seatos. After a chase through the atmosphere and flying through a pod of purrgil, Hati and Marrok lost Tano and Wren. After flying overhead and not finding them, Hati decided to regroup with the rest of their forces and search the forest on foot.
With Tano and Wren’s arrival on Seatos, Elsbeth decided they needed to depart for Peridea urgently. Skoll sent their forces out to stop Tano and Wren. Hati remarked that they won’t slow them down for long, but Skoll said she would. With a smile Hati departed with Marrok to confront them in the forest, while Skoll remained at the henge to make sure the pathway was uploaded properly. Elsbeth waited on the Eye while Skoll activated the star map and began uploading the hyperspace pathway to Peridea onto the Eye’s computer. When they came face to face in the forest Hati engaged Wren in a second duel, while Tano fought Marrok. Tano made quick work of Marrok however and killed him. Wren meanwhile was better prepared for her rematch with Hati. Wearing her beskar armor and being better mentally prepared for this fight, Hati found Wren much harder work than the last time they fought. After Tano killed Marrok Wren told her to go on and stop the others while she dealt with Hati. Hati warned her that she would regret that decision. After Hati disarmed Wren she tried to force push her back but it didn't work, and Hati mocked her for having no power. Wren managed to blast Hati’s lightsaber out of her hands and disarm her in return though. Hati then used a smoke bomb and escaped.
Hati made her way back to the henge, where she discovered her master in a duel with Tano, who had disrupted the uploading of the pathway to Peridea. Skoll instructed Hati to retrieve the map, but Tano levitated her and forcefully threw her into the henge, knocking her unconscious. She later regained consciousness to find that Skoll had defeated Tano, but Wren had appeared, threatening to destroy the map. Skoll managed to dissuade Wren and convince her to hand over the map. He promised her safe passage to find Ezra Bridger with them, but Hati started force choking Wren. She eventually relented and let her go, but only after Skoll told her twice. Skoll then reactivated the map and finishing uploading it, before destroying it himself to prevent them from being followed. Skoll and Hati, with Wren as their prisoner, then joined Elsbeth on the Eye. Syndulla arrived in the Ghost with Carson Teva and some Republic rangers, but were too late to stop the hyperspace jump. Elsbeth, Skoll, Hati and Wren were gone, headed to Peridea and with no way to track them.
The Eye of Sion eventually arrived in the unidentified galaxy. Elsbeth questioned Skoll’s decision to let Wren live, but Skoll said her focus to find Ezra Bridger blinded her, and that she may yet be of use to them. Elsbeth revealed that Peridea was the ancient homeworld of her people, the Dathomiri, and that her ancestors were among the first people to harness and ride the Purrgil. As they approached Peridea, which had a planetary disc, they noticed it was composed of dead purrgil. Skoll told them of how the purrgil traversed this route between galaxies and came to Peridea at the end of their lives to die, thus making Peridea a graveyard. A beacon signal from the surface was detected, so Hati, Skoll, Elsbeth and Wren departed for the surface on a shuttle. Flying through the atmosphere they saw huge ancient statues similar to those on Arcana. The planet was bleak consisting of rocky hills, mountains and lakes, with grey skies. They landed at a temple and were met by three Nightsisters, the Great Mothers. Hati was weary of encountering yet more Nightsisters, commenting discreetly to Skoll. The Great Mothers greeted them and said Thrawn was on his way, but were instantly unhappy with Wren’s presence, remarking that she stank of Jedi and was dangerous. They had her confined to a cell alone, with Wren reminding Skoll that they had made a deal to find Ezra Bridger.
While awaiting Thrawn's arrival, Hati and Skoll talked alone atop the temple. Skoll was contemplative, describing Peridea as a land of dreams and madness, children’s stories come to life. Hati stated she was unaware of these stories, due to not being raised in the Jedi Temple. Skoll stated that they were folk tales, and Hati replied that was for good reason; as sometimes stories are just stories. Skoll became pensive, describing how he saw everything he believed in burn when he was not much older than she was now. He explained that he didn’t understand it at the time, but as he grew older, he came to understand that history repeats. The fall of the Jedi, the rise of the Empire; it was a cycle that was inevitable. Hati asked if this was their turn, and if their alliance with Thrawn would bring them into power. Skoll said that that kind of power was fleeting, and that what he sought was the beginning, so that he could finally bring the cycle to an end. Hati asked if that beginning was here, and Skoll replied that it was, if the old stories were true.
When Thrawn finally arrived, he was surprised at Skoll and Hati’s presence. However, he did recognize Skoll’s name, and recalled that he had been a general during the Clone Wars. Thrawn decided to honour Skoll’s deal with Sabine Wren, and allowed her to leave with her armor, weapons, provisions, a howler as a mount, and their latest intelligence on Ezra Bridger’s whereabouts. However, he warned her that Bridger may be dead, and that once his starship left, she would be stranded here forever. When Wren departed, Hati commented that she was on a fool’s errand, to which Thrawn agreed. He then revealed his true plan; Skoll and Hati were to secretly track Wren to Bridger, and then kill them both. When Skoll agreed to this, Hati was dismayed that he had decided to go back on his word to Wren.
Hati and Skoll departed on howlers and started following Wren. They eventually came upon the aftermath of a fight she had had with some bandits. They found several dead bodies, and their weapons, which had been cut in half with a lightsaber. They determined that Wren had therefore survived the fight, and was still searching for Bridger.
As they searched the scene, Hati asked Skoll about Ezra Bridger, but he explained that Bridger was too young to have been at the Jedi temple, so he did not know him. He said that Bridger was a Bokken Jedi, who had been trained out in the wild outside of the formal structure of the Jedi Order. Hati likened herself to a Bokken Jedi, but Skoll countered, saying that he had trained her to be something more. She then asked if he missed the Jedi Order, to which Skoll replied that he missed the idea of it, but in truth he considered them to have been weak. Skoll believed there was no future for the Order, but Hati questioned how he could see a future in the wasteland that was Peridea. Skoll said he saw what once was: the great Witch Kingdom of the Dathmiri. He believed the existence of the Great Mothers confirmed its existence in turn. When Hati pointed out that the Great Mothers seemed eager to leave this place, and that maybe they themselves should do the same, Skoll explained that he believed that they were fleeing a power greater than their own. He also claimed that something which was stirring on Peridea was calling out to him. He asked her if she could hear or see it, but they were interrupted when Hati spotted more bandits approaching. She reached for her lightsaber, but after Skoll said he thought there was no need for more bloodshed, the two enlisted the help of the bandits to aid in their hunt for Wren and Bridger.
When Hati and Skoll tracked down Wren, who had reunited with Bridger by this point, they found them traveling with a group of Noti. Skoll told Hati to contact Thrawn, kill Wren and Bridger, and then to take her place with the coming empire. Skoll also told Hati that they would now part ways. This caught her by surprise, and she questioned why he wasn’t going to help. Skoll told her that her ambition drove her in a different direction to him, and that his path led another way. Hati contacted Thrawn and called for backup to assist in taking down Wren and Bridger. Skoll imparted a final lesson to Shin before she was to ride with the bandits to begin their attack on Wren and Bridger: impatience for victory will guarantee defeat. With a solemn look from Hati to Skoll, they parted ways.
Hati let the bandits attack the group first with their blasters and staffs, as the Noti had only slingshots for weapons, relying on their armored pods for protection. Consequently, they were not able to mount a strong resistance against the attack, and depended strongly on the aid of their human allies. Eventually Bridger instructed them to circle round and form a defensive position, so that he and Wren could fight the bandits in close-quarters combat, which would give them an advantage over the bandits. The bandits closed in on the circle, but Wren and Bridger fought them off, with Wren using her blasters and lightsaber, and Bridger fighting using his unarmed combat skills and the Force, leaving his lightsaber with Sabine despite her comparative lack of training. As they killed the last of the bandits, Hati snuck up on Bridger from behind and attempted to decapitate him, but he was able to duck out of the way. Bridger, holding up a singed tuft of hair that Hati's lightsaber had removed, commented on the narrow nature of his escape. He and Hati then fought, with Bridger using his speed and telekinesis to evade her lightsaber strikes. When Wren joined the fray against Hati, Bridger warned Hati that it now seemed the outcome would be bad for her. The three then caught sight of Night Trooper reinforcements arriving in gunships. Bridger rushed Hati but she pushed him away with the Force, after which Wren and Hati continued to duel. As they fought, Hati gained the advantage and threw Wren to the floor, but before she was able to strike her with her lightsaber, Bridger, using the Force, pulled Wren out of the way. As Wren tumbled to the ground, she used her flamethrower on Hati, but she was able to deflect it with the Force to prevent herself from being harmed. The night troopers then arrived and encircled Wren, Bridger, and the Noti.
With Wren and Bridger outnumbered and outgunned, Hati ordered the night troopers to kill them. Bridger tried to talk their way out of it, encouraging them to take them prisoner instead. Hati nevertheless ordered them to fire, but suddenly Ahsoka Tano, who had arrived at Peridea later after travelling within a purrgil, charged in on a howler. She rescued Bridger and Wren, Force-pushing several of the troopers out of the way. Wren and Bridger quickly capitalized on the distraction, and started to attack the troopers. Hati lunged at Tano with her lightsaber, but Tano blocked the attack with her hands, and Force-pushed Hati away. Wren and Bridger attempted to take down as many troopers as they could, when suddenly the remaining troopers withdrew on the orders of Thrawn, who was observing the fight remotely. He believed that the fight had now served its purpose; to distract the Jedi long enough to allow the Star Destroyer to be loaded with its cargo, and to be made ready for departure back to the galaxy. As the troopers retreated, boarding their gunships, Hati realized Thrawn was leaving her behind. Tano, Wren, and Bridger now had a decided advantage of numbers, and Hati realized she couldn't win the fight alone. Tano, however, told Hati to surrender her weapon, saying that she could help her, and tried reaching out to her. Hati instead chose to run away. Wren made to give chase, but was stopped by Tano, as Hati, mounting her howler, fled alone, abandoned in turn by her master, Thrawn, and Morgan Elsbeth.

Shin Hati, a human female, possessed a striking appearance with her blonde hair, fair complexion, and captivating blue-green eyes. She was too young to have undergone training within the Jedi Temple. Instead, she was a Force-sensitive individual instructed by Baylan Skoll. Much like her mentor, Hati was an enigmatic character. She demonstrated unwavering loyalty to her master and seemed eager to gain his approval, as evidenced by her visible delight whenever he praised her skills. Nevertheless, she exhibited unease towards Morgan Elsbeth, despite their mercenary arrangement. Hati's apprehension towards Elsbeth stemmed from her identity as a Nightsister, coupled with her resentment of Elsbeth's frequently condescending demeanor. She maintained a professional relationship with Marrok, collaborating with him in battles against Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren, yet displayed no significant distress or sorrow upon his demise.
A distinct rivalry emerged between Hati and Sabine Wren. Hati nearly ended Wren's life, abandoning her on Lothal, presuming her to be dead. During their subsequent encounter, Hati was forced to retreat from their confrontation after being disarmed. Later, she initiated a Force choke on Wren after she returned the star map to Skoll, even after he assured Wren she would not be harmed. Skoll had to firmly instruct Hati twice to release Wren before she ultimately complied.
Hati possessed a strong sense of self-assurance in her capabilities, demonstrated by her swift and merciless elimination of the Vesper's crew. Initially confident when confronting Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren on Seatos, she was taken aback by Marrok's demise at the hands of Ahsoka Tano. Even after Tano proceeded ahead to locate Baylan Skoll and the star map, Hati remained confident in her ability to defeat Wren single-handedly.
Despite her training under Baylan Skoll, which mirrored Jedi practices, Hati did not adhere to the Jedi code and did not strictly align herself with the light side. Conversely, she was not a Sith nor a strict adherent of the dark side. Intriguingly, Hati appeared to perceive herself as a Jedi. When discussing Ezra Bridger, Skoll referred to him as a Bokken Jedi, a comparison that Hati readily applied to herself. However, Skoll asserted that his training aimed to mold her into something beyond that, the precise nature of which remains ambiguous.
Hati was noticeably less composed than her master, and she often struggled with impatience. This was so evident that Skoll's parting words to her emphasized that eagerness for victory can ensure failure.
Later, upon Thrawn's revelation of his scheme to use Skoll and Hati to track Sabine Wren, leading them to Ezra Bridger, Hati was surprised by Skoll's agreement. She believed he was breaking his promise to Wren. Thrawn, however, justified his actions by stating that he was still honoring the agreement by allowing Wren to reunite with Bridger before Skoll and Hati eliminated them. Hati appeared displeased with this plan, yet remained loyal to her master and accompanied him.

Being Force-sensitive, Hati received instruction in the Jedi arts from her master, Baylan Skoll, although she never formally became a Jedi. She demonstrated proficiency in telekinesis, enabling her to employ Force push, Force choke, and Force deflection techniques.
Her skill in lightsaber combat was considerable, with her master entrusting her with independent missions. During the rescue operation of Morgan Elsbeth, she leveraged her combat prowess to swiftly eliminate an entire security team in mere moments, subsequently fighting her way to the command bridge of the Vesper and eliminating its crew.
Hati's weapon of choice was a lightsaber emitting an orange-red blade. Professor Huyang, the droid, noted that it bore the hallmarks of a Jedi lightsaber. Her attire consisted of simple beige and brown robes, reminiscent of Jedi attire, complemented by vambraces and pauldrons. Additionally, she sported a braid in her hair, similar to the Padawan braid worn by Jedi apprentices.
For transportation, Hati and her master utilized an Eta-class shuttle. She also piloted a starfighter.
Shin Hati made her debut in the premiere episode of the Ahsoka television series, "Part One: Master and Apprentice," brought to life by Ivanna Sakhno. Eman Esfandi, the actor portraying Ezra Bridger, captured a behind-the-scenes video featuring Sakhno in costume, complete with a bathrobe and sunglasses, joyriding in a toy landspeeder while smoking. Esfandi shared this clip on his Instagram account following the conclusion of the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike.
The character's name is a direct reference to Hati, the wolf from Norse mythology who pursues the Moon, while her master's name is inspired by Skoll, the wolf that chases the Sun. This wolf theme extends to Marrok, another dark side user, whose name is derived from a knight in Arthurian legend who was transformed into a werewolf.