Liberation of Calodan

title: Liberation of Calodan

In the year 9 ABY, amidst the era of the New Republic, Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi, with assistance from Din Djarin, a Mandalorian warrior, successfully freed the city of Calodan on the forest planet Corvus. This liberation was from the oppressive rule of Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth and her army composed of guards, and occurred during Ahsoka's quest to locate both Ezra Bridger and the Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn.


Ahsoka's objective

Morgan Elsbeth endured the massacre of her people, the Nightsisters of Dathomir, during the Clone Wars, an event orchestrated under the orders of Grievous, the Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies; however, she managed to survive. Fuelled by her rage, she became involved in industries that supported the Imperial Starfleet following the Galactic Empire's ascent to power at the Clone Wars' conclusion, plundering and devastating numerous worlds to acquire resources. At some point, she came into possession of a staff crafted from pure beskar.

Prior to the fall of the Empire and during the time of the New Republic, Elsbeth established herself as the Magistrate governing the fortified city of Calodan on the forest planet Corvus. From this position, she continued her illicit activities, operating under the direction of her master, the missing Grand Admiral Thrawn. The inhabitants of Calodan suffered greatly under Elsbeth's tyrannical reign, as she oppressed them and devalued their lives, engaging in the torture of prisoners and subjecting the citizens, whom she held as hostages, to deplorable living conditions. She maintained her control through an army of scout guards commanded by a hired gunslinger named Lang, and she was protected by a pair of HK-87 assassin droids. A delegation from the New Republic, led by Ambassador Nadura, a former resident of Corvus, once arrived to propose New Republic membership in exchange for Elsbeth's surrender of power. Although Nadura successfully transmitted a distress signal that reached Bo-Katan Kryze, a Mandalorian Lady, and revealed the New Republic's existence to her people, she and every member of her delegation were killed on Elsbeth's order.

Tano delivers an ultimatum to Magistrate Elsbeth.

Eventually, Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi and ally of Kryze, found herself in opposition to Elsbeth, seeking to learn the location of her master and liberate the citizens of Calodan by defeating her. Ahsoka and Sabine Wren, a fellow Mandalorian, had embarked on a quest to locate Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan who disappeared alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn during the Liberation of Lothal. Wren and Tano pursued separate leads and eventually parted ways, with Tano continuing her pursuit of Thrawn while Wren resided on the planet Lothal. Tano sought out Elsbeth on Corvus, aware of her previous association with Thrawn.

Concurrently, Din Djarin, a Mandalorian warrior, was searching for a Jedi to reunite his foundling child, Grogu, with his Order. He received information about Tano, including her location, from Kryze. Arriving in Calodan, Djarin was summoned by Elsbeth, who offered the bounty hunter her beskar staff in exchange for assassinating the Jedi. Elsbeth was unaware that Djarin was already seeking Tano, and she mistakenly believed that as a Mandalorian warrior whose people had frequently clashed with the Jedi, Djarin would readily accept the task. Elsbeth provided Djarin with the coordinates to the Jedi's location, and he and Grogu ventured into the forest.

Forming a partnership

Grogu on Corvus with a small knob he enjoyed playing with

After venturing deep into the woods, Djarin placed Grogu on a rock and surveyed the area through his visor. He was startled by a snapping sound, but after using his rifle scope, he dismissed it as a false alarm after spotting an indigenous beast. However, as he lowered his guard, Tano emerged from the trees and attacked him. Djarin managed to block her strikes using his vambraces and then used his flamethrower to force Tano to retreat, singeing her cloak in the process. While Tano recovered, Djarin used his fibercord whip to tie her up. During a brief pause, Tano noticed a branch above and smirked at Djarin before using a Force jump to leap over it, pulling Djarin into the air and forcing him to detach the cord.

Upon landing, Tano used her lightsabers to free herself from the cable before facing Djarin again. As Djarin raised his blaster, he informed Tano that Bo-Katan had sent him. Tano then noticed Grogu, and the fight ended. The following day, Tano practiced the Force with Grogu, who initially resisted but finally demonstrated telekinesis when Djarin offered him a knob from the Razor Crest that he enjoyed playing with. Tano declined to train the infant, recognizing Grogu's strong bond with Djarin, but they agreed to an alliance: if Djarin assisted Tano in defeating Elsbeth and liberating Calodan, she would ensure that Grogu received proper training.

The liberation

Ahsoka Tano ambushes Calodan's scout guards.

Emerging from the forest, Ahsoka Tano leaped over the city's walls, defeating the scout guards stationed on the battlements before confronting Morgan Elsbeth and her forces within the city. Elsbeth ordered Lang, her hired gunslinger, and her forces to eliminate Tano and execute the remaining citizens before locking herself behind the inner gate. Tano traversed the rooftops of nearby buildings, evading blaster fire. As Lang, the guards, and Elsbeth's two HK-87 assassin droids dispersed throughout the city, Din Djarin arrived on his jetpack to liberate the prisoners before they could be killed.

Elsbeth duels Tano with her beskar staff.

Across the city, Tano defeated the remaining scout guards and one of the assassin droids, while Djarin freed the prisoners and escorted them to Wing's home. Lang intercepted Djarin and realized he had joined forces with Tano, who leaped over the gate and engaged Elsbeth in a duel behind it while Lang and Djarin listened in a standoff. Elsbeth, wielding the beskar staff, disarmed Tano of one of her lightsabers, but Tano eventually disarmed her and demanded to know the location of her master. Lang attempted to deceive Djarin into lowering his guard and shooting him when they heard Elsbeth's staff fall, but Djarin shot and killed Lang before he could fire. Wing warned Djarin about the other assassin droid approaching from above and behind, fulfilling Nadura's hope that he would play a role, however small, in the eventual liberation of Calodan she knew to be coming. Djarin then shot the droid before it could kill him.


Tano and Governor Wing re-enter a liberated Calodan.

The citizens of Calodan celebrated their freedom following Elsbeth's defeat, and Wing assumed the position of governor of Calodan with Tano's support. Tano presented the staff to Djarin outside the city.

Djarin eventually returned to his Razor Crest ship to bid farewell to Grogu and bring him to Tano for training. However, Djarin remained with Grogu for some time before eventually departing his ship. There, Tano told Djarin that Grogu saw him as a father and refused to train him due to their strong bond. Tano instead advised Djarin to travel to the ruins of an ancient temple on Tython, where Grogu could choose to reach out through the Force and possibly be sensed by other Jedi who could come looking for him. Djarin agreed and parted ways with Tano, who walked back towards the town as Djarin and Grogu flew away on the Crest. Elsbeth, meanwhile, informed Ahsoka that there existed a device hidden in an ancient Nightsister stronghold constructed on the planet Arcana, which Elsbeth believed to be a map that would lead to her lost master's location, although the witch kept silent about the HK-series assassin droid she had sent to guard it. With this in mind, Ahsoka set off with the droid Huyang to Arcana while Elsbeth was arrested for crimes as an Imperial sympathizer and taken by the Vesper to face justice for her atrocities, though the Defender-class cruiser was intercepted by mercenaries in her employ, former Jedi Knight Baylan Skoll and his apprentice, Shin Hati, who massacred most of the ship's crew and freed Morgan.

Production Notes

This confrontation was depicted in "Chapter 13: The Jedi" of The Mandalorian, a 2019 Disney+ television series created by Jon Favreau. The episode was written and directed by Dave Filoni and was released on November 27, 2020.

