The Mandalorian-Jedi War represents a multitude of armed clashes between the Mandalorians and the Jedi Order. The culmination of hostilities between these two groups led to the destruction of the Mandalorians' original planet, Mandalore.
The series of armed conflicts known as the Mandalorian-Jedi War, which pitted the Mandalorians against the Jedi Order, involved the Mandalorians enhancing their technology as they encountered the Force-sensitive Jedi, whose capabilities were foreign to them. Consequently, they engineered their weaponry and armor specifically to counter the Jedi, resulting in frequent victories for the Mandalorians. The Mandalorian crusaders engaged the Jedi throughout their campaigns. Legends say that Mandalore the Great was involved in a number of battles against the Jedi. The Mandalorians also engaged in combat against the Galactic Republic, and, as the Republic declined, members of House Vizsla retrieved the Darksaber, an extraordinary energy sword crafted by Tarre Vizsla (the first Mandalorian to join the Jedi Order), from the Jedi Temple following his death. Prior to the conclusion of the Mandalorian-Jedi War, the Mandalorians transformed Concordia, a satellite of their native world, Mandalore, into a resource extraction facility.

The final major confrontation between the Jedi and the Mandalorian military leaders culminated in a substantial battle on Mandalore. This resulted in a disaster that transformed much of the planet's surface into a barren pale wasteland, ending the war with a Jedi triumph.
The concluding battle of the Mandalorian-Jedi War made most of Mandalore uninhabitable, save for within sealed enclosures and metropolises. Furthermore, the moon Concordia was so thoroughly strip-mined that its woodlands were only beginning to recover by the era of the Clone Wars, at which point some Mandalorians still harbored resentment toward the Jedi for what they perceived as injustices against Mandalore. The Peace Park, a monument dedicated to those who perished in Mandalore's violent history, was built in Sundari, the main urban center of Mandalore, during the rule of the New Mandalorians, a pacifist movement that emerged following localized conflicts among the various Mandalorian houses. It was assumed that the warrior clans of Mandalore had been annihilated during the war, with their scattered survivors exiled to Concordia. However, Pre Vizsla, the treacherous Mandalorian administrator of the moon and leader of Death Watch (whose warrior ancestors had proudly fought the Jedi for generations), resurrected them during the Clone Wars. Supported by Count Dooku and the Separatist Alliance, he began to assemble a military force to seize control of Mandalore from the pacifists who were attempting to bury Mandalore's violent past and continue its warrior traditions.
However, Death Watch, aided by former Sith Maul and the Shadow Collective, managed to wrest control from the New Mandalorians. Vizsla was killed by Maul, but the Republic, which transformed into the Galactic Empire, occupied Mandalore. Around 9 ABY, after discovering that Grogu possessed telekinesis, the Mandalorian armorer informed Din Djarin that ancient tales spoke of Mandalore the Great battling the Jedi, whom she identified as an order with such abilities. This led Djarin to question whether Grogu was actually an enemy, although she clarified that only Grogu's kind had been adversaries. After the armorer told him that he needed to return Grogu to his own kind, Djarin believed he would be searching for the order of enemies, but she informed him this task was the Mandalorian code.
The conflict between the Mandalorians and the Jedi was initially alluded to, though not explicitly, in "The Mandalore Plot," the twelfth episode of the official animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season, which originally aired on January 29, 2010. Dave Filoni referred to it as the Mandalorian-Jedi War, encompassing all official conflicts between the two factions, including what Star Wars Legends sources termed the Mandalorian Crusades, the Mandalorian Wars, and the Mandalorian Excision.