Tarre Vizsla

Tarre Vizsla ( pronounced /tär 'vɪzlə/), a Mandalorian male human who exhibited Force-sensitivity, holds the distinction of being the first of his people to be initiated into the Jedi Order as a child circa 1050 BBY. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Vizsla crafted the Darksaber, a distinctive lightsaber with a black blade. This weapon subsequently evolved into a symbol of leadership within House Vizsla and he rose to become the ruler of Mandalore. Furthermore, he was an ancestor to Pre Vizsla, Paz Vizsla, as well as Ragnar Vizsla, his son.


Jedi and Mand'alor

The Darksaber, a unique black-bladed lightsaber.

Around 1050 BBY, Tarre Vizsla, a male human Mandalorian displaying Force-sensitivity, was welcomed into the ranks of the Jedi Order, marking a historic first for his people. He would eventually achieve renown as a Jedi Knight. During his time serving as a Jedi, Vizsla forged the Darksaber. Fashioned with a black blade, and a hilt of high-grade beskar, this extraordinary lightsaber became the emblem of leadership for House Vizsla, the Mandalorian house founded by Tarre on the planet of Mandalore. With the saber in hand, Tarre Vizsla guided his people, ultimately ascending to the position of Mand'alor of his planet. Clan Vizsla, a smaller faction, also originated from the house he established.


Tarre Vizsla wielding the Darksaber

Following Vizsla's passing, the Darksaber was safeguarded within the Jedi Temple until members of House Vizsla seized it during the fall of the Old Republic, subsequently employing it to unify Mandalore. At some point following his death, a grand statue was built on Mandalore as a tribute to his lasting legacy. When Sabine Wren was a child, Alrich Wren, her father, took her to the statue so she could learn about its history and importance. During the Mandalorian Civil War of the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire dishonored Vizsla's memory and the statue by erecting an outpost on it, obscuring sections of the statue including the face. Unwilling to permit the Empire's disrespect, Sabine and Tristan Wren, her younger brother, demolished the outpost, restoring the statue to its original form. Paz Vizsla, a descendant of Tarre Vizsla, engaged in combat with fellow Mandalorian Din Djarin for possession of the Darksaber, but was defeated.

Behind the scenes

Tarre Vizsla's initial appearance occurred in a flashback sequence in "Trials of the Darksaber," which was the fifteenth episode of Star Wars Rebels' third season, broadcasted in 2017.

