Tristan Wren

Tristan Wren, a human male from Mandalore, was the Mandalorian brother of Sabine Wren. As the son of Alrich and Ursa Wren, he belonged to the leadership of Clan Wren. Sabine's departure from the Imperial Academy on Mandalore led to Tristan's forced induction into Gar Saxon's Super Commandos, a measure taken to preserve his clan's honor. In 2 BBY, a reunion occurred between Tristan and Sabine when she, along with her rebel allies, sought Clan Wren's support for the rebellion. However, when Gar Saxon ordered Clan Wren's destruction, Tristan chose his family, joining the rebels and Fenn Rau to defeat Saxon and his warriors.

Later, Tristan aided Sabine and her rebel comrades in the evacuation of the Phoenix Cell during the Battle of Atollon. Alongside his family, he engaged in combat against Clan Saxon and the Galactic Empire throughout the Mandalorian Civil War.

Tragically, near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Tristan, along with his parents, perished during the Night of a Thousand Tears, leaving his sister as the sole surviving member of Clan Wren.


Early life

Countess Ursa Wren and [Alrich Wren](/article/alrich_wren] welcomed Tristan Wren into the world sometime after Sabine Wren's birth in 21 BBY; he was Sabine's younger brother.

When Sabine left the Imperial Academy located on Mandalore to join the rebellion, Clan Wren's allegiance to the Empire came under scrutiny. To demonstrate his family's loyalty to the Galactic Empire and Saxon, Tristan was compelled to enlist in Viceroy Gar Saxon's Imperial Super Commandos. As a further guarantee of the family's loyalty, his father was held hostage by Saxon on Mandalore. Tristan resided with his mother, Ursa Wren, on Krownest, their family's homeworld.

Reunion with Sabine

During 2 BBY, Tristan led a patrol of Clan Wren warriors. They intercepted and downed Sabine's shuttle, the Phantom II. Sabine, along with her rebel companions Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Fenn Rau, and Chopper, were on a mission to Krownest, seeking Clan Wren's support for the rebellion. After the Phantom II crashed in the snow, Tristan and his fellow warriors confronted Sabine, Kanan, and Ezra. Initially, Tristan didn't recognize Sabine, as she was wearing her Mandalorian helmet. When Ezra activated his green lightsaber, Tristan and his group opened fire, leading to a brief exchange. Upon hearing Sabine's voice, Tristan called for a ceasefire and removed his helmet.

Tristan showed friendliness towards Sabine and her rebel companions, agreeing to escort them to the Wren Stronghold; however, he cautioned Sabine about their mother's potential reception. During the journey, Sabine questioned Tristan about his Imperial Super Commando armor. Tristan warned her that she shouldn't have returned, as her family still considered her a traitor. Upon arriving at the Wren Stronghold, Ursa ordered Sabine's imprisonment, but Sabine convinced her mother to grant her and her friends an audience by presenting the Darksaber, a significant symbol of House Vizsla, to which Clan Wren belonged. Ursa reluctantly agreed to her daughter's request but demanded that the rebels surrender their weapons.

Tristan and Sabine sparring

Inside the throne room, Tristan and his warriors stood guard as Ursa informed her daughter about their family's situation. Tristan and his mother regarded the Mandalorian Protectors and their leader, Fenn Rau, as traitors, attempting to justify Saxon's execution of the Protectors. After Ursa and Sabine left for a private conversation, the Jedi Rebels, Ezra, tried to engage in casual conversation with Tristan. However, Kanan insisted on handling the negotiations and informed Tristan that he desired an audience with Countess Ursa. Tristan later informed his mother and sister that Gar Saxon had requested a hologram conversation with Ursa. Still on friendly terms with Sabine, Tristan invited her for a sparring session in the training room.

While sparring with metal rods, Sabine expressed her gratitude to Tristan for practicing with her. When Sabine inquired if he considered her a traitor, Tristan responded that he didn't think so but that the other clans viewed them with suspicion. Tristan pledged to assist in restoring his family's reputation to protect their father. Tristan then informed his sister about their mother's plan to trade the rebels and the Darksaber with Saxon in exchange for their safety. Tristan followed Sabine to the throne room, where they discovered Gar Saxon and his Super Commandos taking the Jedi rebels and the Darksaber into their custody. When Sabine protested, Tristan told her that it was for the best.

When Ursa demanded that Saxon honor his side of the agreement, Saxon ordered his men to exterminate Clan Wren for "colluding" with rebels. Tristan protested, but Saxon gave him the choice of standing by him or dying with his family. Tristan chose his family and aimed his blaster at Saxon. The Wrens and rebels received assistance from Rau, who provided the Jedi with their weapons and helped the rebels and Clan Wren defeat Saxon's warriors. Tristan shot the last of Saxon's Super Commandos. Tristan and the others then watched as Sabine dueled with Saxon on the ice outside their stronghold, using Ezra's lightsaber. Sabine managed to defeat Saxon and reclaimed the Darksaber. However, she spared Saxon's life. When Saxon tried to kill her, Ursa shot him dead.

Sabine's defeat of Saxon restored her family's respect. Sabine and Fenn chose to stay behind with Tristan and his mother to help them reunify the Mandalorian people in the wake of Saxon's death. Tristan and his family watched as Ezra and Kanan departed aboard the Phantom II to rejoin the rebellion. Tristan and the others listened as Sabine vowed to help them find Mandalore's true leader.

Civil War

Battle of Atollon

Tristan Wren fought in the Battle of Atollon.

After Gar Saxon's demise, Clan Wren became embroiled in a civil war against the Imperial-backed Clan Saxon. Clan Wren's forces were thinly spread, defending their territories. When Ezra Bridger and the rebel astromech droid Chopper arrived with news of Grand Admiral Thrawn's siege on Chopper Base, Tristan sympathized with the rebels but shared his mother Ursa Wren's view that Clan Wren couldn't provide assistance. Following some discussion, Ursa relented and allowed Ezra and Sabine to leave with several volunteers and ships. Tristan joined Sabine's strike team and participated in a successful attack on an Interdictor-class heavy cruiser. The destruction of the interdictor cruiser enabled the remaining Phoenix Cell forces to retreat to Yavin 4. This action solidified the alliance between Clan Wren and the Rebel Alliance.

Assault on Tarre Vizsla's statue

Tristan and Sabine admire the freed Tarre Vizsla statue

While fighting Imperial forces on Mandalore, Tristan accompanied his sister on a mission through rocky cliffs, approaching a large and ancient statue of Tarre Vizsla. Tristan inquired how she was so familiar with the area, and Sabine explained that their father had brought her to see the statue when she was a child and he was still an infant. As they approached the statue, they both used their helmets' macrobinocular viewplates and rangefinders to observe the Imperial stormtroopers and the outpost built around it. Although Tristan was hesitant and reluctant to risk getting caught and jeopardizing their mission for the sake of a statue, Sabine insisted the statue was too important to Mandalore's history to leave in Imperial hands. Tristan sighed and remarked that he preferred her when she was off in space, but followed Sabine.

The two climbed the statue, and while he planted detonators across the outpost's structure, Sabine wielded the Darksaber to slice its metal support beams. After successfully avoiding the stormtroopers' sight, they retreated to a safe distance, and Tristan activated the detonators, destroying the outpost. Tarre Vizsla's statue freed, they climbed up to its face, and Tristan remarked that the statue looked happy, admitting they did the right thing, "for Mandalore."

Mission to Mandalore

Tristan, along with his family, Fenn Rau, Clan Wren's forces, and several Spectres members, embarked on a campaign against Governor Tiber Saxon and the Empire on Mandalore. Tristan remained with his mother, Ursa, while Sabine led a strike team to rescue their father, Alrich, from an Imperial prison. Ursa later received information that the Empire had already moved Alrich and had set a trap at the prison. After Lady Bo-Katan Kryze's forces helped Sabine's forces defeat the Imperial garrison, Tristan arrived with his mother, who informed Sabine that Alrich was being transported by an Imperial convoy to the capital, Sundari, for execution.

While Sabine and her allies freed Alrich, Tristan and his mother led a successful skirmish against Governor Saxon's Imperial Super Commandos. With Clan Wren gaining the upper hand in the battle, Tristan and Ursa were contacted by Sabine, who informed them of their victory. While Ursa was reporting on their victory, Tristan noticed the arrival of a single Imperial reinforcement: a modified All Terrain Defense Pod. This walker was equipped with an Arc Pulse Generator known as the "Duchess," which could incinerate Mandalorian warriors. The "Duchess" reacted against the beskar alloy inside the armor, incinerating the warriors and leaving behind charred armor.

Tristan with his parents on Mandalore

Thanks to Sabine's warning, Tristan and Ursa managed to find shelter and survived the massacre. They were later rescued by Sabine's forces, who evacuated aboard one of Lady Bo-Katan's ships. During the journey, Tristan and the others learned about Sabine's role in creating the weapon during her Imperial Academy days. After arriving at Lady Bo-Katan's base, Sabine offered to lead an assault to destroy the "Duchess" and the associated data to atone for her mistakes. The weapon and the data were stored aboard Governor Saxon's Star Destroyer, which was docking above Sundari. Tristan volunteered to join his sister's strike team.

During the assault, Tristan and Fenn Rau fought Imperial forces in the hangar bay of Saxon's Star Destroyer while Sabine and Bo-Katan destroyed the weapon, causing an explosion that engulfed the Star Destroyer. Meanwhile, the Spectres Ezra, Chopper, and Kanan deleted the data. Tristan and his rebel and Mandalorian comrades escaped the Star Destroyer before it crashed to the ground. Following the destruction of the "Duchess," Tristan and his family joined the other Mandalorian clans in pledging allegiance to Lady Bo-Katan, who inherited the Darksaber and the mantle of Mandalorian leadership.

Death in the Night of a Thousand Tears

Tristan Wren and his family died during the Night of a Thousand tears

As the Galactic Civil War neared its end, the Empire committed a massacre against the Mandalorian people during the Great Purge of Mandalore. Moff Gideon of the ISB orchestrated the Night of a Thousand Tears, leading to the deaths of Tristan and his family, along with the rest of Clan Wren. Sabine, who had been on Lothal since Thrawn's defeat five years prior, survived and had been training to be a Jedi under the apprenticeship of Ahsoka Tano.


Following the loss of her family, Tano ended the training, fearing that Sabine's emotions over the loss of her family were the only driving force of her training. Baylan Skoll would recount the deaths of Tristan and his parents during his confrontation with Sabine Wren on Seatos in 9 ABY, where the fallen Jedi Knight observed that with the loss of her clan, Wren considered the missing Ezra Bridger the only "family" she had left. In turn, it allowed Skoll to persuade Wren to surrender in order to find Bridger. The Purge and the loss of Clan Wren was recounted to Ezra Bridger on the extragalactic planet of Peridea by architect droid professor Huyang.

Personality and traits

Tristan Wren was a capable warrior, both pragmatic and loyal.

Tristan Wren was a male Mandalorian youth characterized by his black hair and brown eyes. He was a skilled but conflicted warrior. While Tristan had love for his family, he struggled with his sister Sabine's choice to abandon the Imperial Academy and join the rebellion. Tristan was dedicated to Clan Wren and sought to safeguard his family's interests by serving as an Imperial Super Commando. Despite his alignment with the Empire, Tristan maintained a positive relationship with his sister, treating her with respect and affection. When Gar Saxon ordered the execution of his family, Tristan chose his family, assisting them and their rebel allies in defeating Saxon and his Commandos.

As a pragmatist, Tristan sympathized with the rebels but believed that Clan Wren lacked the resources to provide assistance to the rebels at Atollon. He later changed his mind and participated in a successful operation to disable one of Thrawn's Interdictor cruisers, enabling the Phoenix Squadron to escape. Tristan later assisted his mother, Ursa, in commanding Clan Wren's forces during the civil war against Clan Saxon and the Empire. He was devoted to his family and assisted Sabine in destroying the "Duchess," an Imperial energy weapon capable of reacting with Mandalorian armor.

Skills and abilities

Tristan operating a jetpack

Tristan Wren was a Mandalorian warrior who was skilled in marksmanship, melee combat, and the use of Mandalorian armor and vambraces. He possessed remarkable warrior abilities, much like his sister, and matched well against her in a fight. Tristan was proficient in using weapons including a blaster rifle, blaster pistol, and a staff, and he also knew how to operate a jetpack.


As an Imperial Super Commando, Tristan Wren wore white Mandalorian armor with yellow and red accents on the shoulders and a white helmet and jetpack. He also used a blaster rifle for combat.

After leaving the Super Commandos, Wren wore a suit of Mandalorian armor made out of beskar with the gray and yellow coloring typical of Clan Wren warriors with a pair of matching vambraces and a helmet equipped with a macrobinocular viewplate and rangefinder. He also carried a a pair of WESTAR-35 blaster pistols. On the right shoulder, Wren's armor was marked with an illustration of a loth-cat by his sister Sabine Wren.

Behind the scenes

Tristan Wren first appeared in "Legacy of Mandalore," an episode from the third season of Star Wars Rebels. Ritesh Rajan provided his voice. In the early development stages of the episode, his name was Jona Wren. The idea of Sabine having a sibling had been present since the initial development of the show, but the original plan was for her to have a twin sister named Sacha. Eventually, her sibling's gender was changed, and there was consideration of introducing him earlier as a Mandalorian Protector, but he was replaced by the new character named Fenn Rau.

