The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser, alternatively known as the Interdictor-class cruiser, or more simply as the Interdictor-class, and sometimes referred to as the Imperial Interdictor, was an Interdictor type spacecraft. This craft was a successor to the earlier Immobilizer 418 cruiser. This design, which was both developed and utilized by the forces of the Galactic Empire, had the capability to project an interdiction field. This field could forcibly extract vessels from hyperspace, or alternatively, prevent them from initiating a jump to lightspeed. Despite not being commonly observed within the ranks of the Imperial Navy, the ship was viewed as a significant threat by rebel factions who depended on quick strike strategies. This spacecraft saw action against the rebellion during 4 BBY, and several ships were part of the 7th Fleet.

The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser, also designated as the Interdictor-class cruiser, was classified as a heavy cruiser type warship. This particular vessel represented an advancement over the preceding Immobilizer 418 cruiser model. The Interdictor-class would eventually be created.
The vessel incorporated four gravity well projectors of spherical design. These projectors housed the necessary technology to forcibly remove numerous spacecraft from the realm of hyperspace. The vessel measured 1,129 meters in overall length and was capable of attaining a maximum velocity of 975 kilometers per hour. The ship was equipped with a class 2 hyperdrive system, as well as a deflector shield generator. The Interdictor-class was armed with a complement of twenty quad laser cannons and was also equipped with escape pods. The ship could support a complement of twenty-four TIE fighter series starfighters, which were launched from a singular ventral hangar bay. The operational crew of Interdictor-class heavy cruisers consisted of 2,800 individuals, including Imperial officers, Imperial weapons technicians, and stormtroopers.
The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser functioned as both an interdictor type spacecraft and a command ship. Within this capacity, it was deployed for the purposes of blockading planets, conducting investigations of potentially suspicious hyperspace routes, and preventing enemy vessels from escaping. Typically, Interdictor-class ships were integrated into smaller battle groups, providing support to larger formations of capital ships alongside frigates and starfighters.
The Interdictor, a prototype Interdictor-class heavy cruiser, underwent testing within the Del Zennis system during 4 BBY, under the command of Admiral Brom Titus. After extracting the rebel ship Liberator from hyperspace, the crew was imprisoned. However, they escaped and sabotaged the ship, causing its destruction during their escape. Before its destruction, the Interdictor created an interdiction field around a planet with two other Interdictor-class heavy cruisers, preventing a CR90 corvette from entering hyperspace.
In 2 BBY, two vessels were used by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Seventh Fleet during their assault on Atollon. However, the cruiser under the command of Admiral Kassius Konstantine was drawn out of position by an approaching rebel Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier, as the admiral sought personal glory and was sick of Thrawn's games. The carrier deliberately collided with the Interdictor, destroying both ships, to allow Ezra Bridger's Gauntlet to escape and seek reinforcements. The other cruiser was later destroyed by a Mandalorian strike team from Clan Wren, brought by Bridger.

During the Galactic Civil War, an Interdictor-class heavy cruiser engaged in combat alongside other Imperial forces against an MC75 Star Cruiser, at least two EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates, and other forces of the Rebel Alliance. The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser was eventually superseded by the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer line.
Around the time of the Battle of Jakku, one of the last remaining Interdictor-class heavy cruisers, named the Spectral, was tasked with guarding the shipyards of Fondor, prior to the fall of the planet to the New Republic. The ship subsequently departed for Jakku, but was disabled through the actions of Bak Rychuk and his droid Zeetoo-Zeetoo, resulting in its crash on the planet's surface.
The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser made its initial appearance in "Stealth Strike," an episode from the second season of Star Wars Rebels. The ship was originally introduced within the Star Wars Legends continuity as the Immobilizer 418 cruiser.
The 2018 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles states that the Interdictor-class heavy cruiser had a complement of 24 TIE fighters, while the 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition establishes that Interdictor-class heavy cruisers possess a complement of 20 TIE fighters, As the 2020 sourcebook Starships and Speeders establishes that they had a complement of 24 TIE series fighters of mixed designation, and Starships and Speeders is the most recently published source, this article assumes Starships and Speeders is correct.