Fondor Shipyards

The Fondor Shipyards, situated above the planet of Fondor, functioned as a shipyard comprising a minimum of nineteen expansive, wheel-shaped Imperial dockyards. These dockyards were equipped with numerous hangars and docking bays suitable for accommodating Imperial-class Star Destroyers.


Following the founding of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the previously civilian shipyards underwent a transformation to become manufacturing centers for Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Leading up to the Battle of Scarif, Rebel operatives positioned themselves near the Fondor Shipyards, relaying their observations to General Airen Cracken.

During the course of the Galactic Civil War, Rebel forces, commanded by Major Shin, launched an assault on the Fondor Shipyards. As the Rebels endeavored to eliminate an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer undergoing repairs at the shipyards, Colonel Brenna and her squadron mobilized to defend the vessel.

After the pivotal Battle of Endor, which resulted in the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of Emperor Sheev Palpatine, Inferno Squad was deployed to one of the shipyards to safeguard climate disruption arrays as part of Operation: Cinder, under the direction of Admiral Garrick Versio and one of the late Emperor's sentinel droids. Shortly thereafter, one of the stations was attacked by Rebel Alliance vessels seeking to commandeer the Star Destroyer Dauntless, which was transporting the climate disruption arrays. This attempt was unsuccessful, and the Alliance forces were defeated.

In the period preceding the Battle of Jakku, the Shipyards were once more attacked, this time by the New Republic, the successor state to the Rebel Alliance. This engagement culminated in a New Republic victory, leading to their capture of the shipyards.

Following the Battle of Crait, the First Order dispatched a minimum of thirteen Resurgent-class Star Destroyers to the Fondor Shipyards in response to rumors of Resistance activity. During an interrogation, a crewmember from the shipyards acknowledged the Resistance's presence but declined to provide assistance. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren asserted that mere contact with the Resistance constituted treason, thereby justifying the formal imposition of First Order control over the shipyards, a measure he believed the "lenient" Empire should have taken. The crewmember protested that Fondor had always been independently run, which even the Empire respected, but Ren executed him.

