Garrick Versio

Garrick Versio, a male human, achieved the rank of admiral following his service as Inspector General within the Imperial Security Bureau, which functioned as both an intelligence and law enforcement organization for the Galactic Empire. Before his divorce from Zeehay when their daughter Iden was five years old, he and his wife Zeehay had Iden. Versio earned the title "Hero of Vardos" and a statue outside the Archive for bringing the planet Vardos under Imperial control.


Early life

"Hero of Vardos" ISB Admiral Garrick Versio

Before his advancement to the rank of admiral, Garrick Versio's role was that of an Inspector General within the clandestine Imperial Security Bureau. Firmly believing in the necessity of Imperial strength to ensure galactic stability in the galaxy, Admiral Versio applied this philosophy to his relationship with his daughter, relentlessly challenging and pushing her. Eventually, Iden rose to become the commander of Inferno Squad, an Imperial Special Forces commando team formed by Garrick, including Agents Gideon Hask, Del Meeko, and Seyn Marana, as a response to the destruction of the Death Star. His initial assignment for them was to infiltrate and eliminate the Dreamers, a mission that secured an Imperial triumph but resulted in the death of Marana.

The Battle of Endor

Later, Garrick took command of the Star Destroyer Eviscerator and participated in the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, where he observed the demise of Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett, whom he derided as a fool after the Super Star Destroyer Executor crashed into the second Death Star and was destroyed. Soon after, the second Death Star was obliterated by attacking Rebel forces. Vice Admiral Rae Sloane, the most senior commanding officer who survived, gave the order for a complete withdrawal. Garrick and the Eviscerator remained to extract Inferno Squad from Endor.

Operation: Cinder

Versio watches as the climate disruption satellites are activated on Vardos.

While positioned above Vardos, Garrick verified the death of Emperor Palpatine to his daughter, who was aboard the Eviscerator. He also shared the Messenger droid he had received, wanting her to share in the honor, which conveyed the Emperor's last directives: to immediately commence Operation: Cinder. He dispatched Iden and Inferno Squad to Fondor to safeguard Moff Derrek Raythe, who was transporting satellites vital to Operation: Cinder aboard his Star Destroyer Dauntless. Although a battle erupted at the Imperial shipyards over Fondor when Rebel Alliance forces attempted to seize the ship, they were ultimately defeated, ensuring the success of Operation: Cinder.

The Dauntless and Moff Raythe's satellites were, in reality, destined to strike Vardos, a world loyal to the Empire. Despite this planet being his own origin and filled with Imperial loyalists, Garrick, following the Emperor's posthumous orders, commanded that the satellites be activated, and instructed his daughter to extract Protectorate Gleb. However, Iden and Meeko turned against the mission, deeming it immoral to abandon loyal Imperial citizens to their deaths. They fled on the Corvus with their crew and some survivors, but Hask betrayed them, returning to Garrick with Protectorate Gleb and her agent, which led Garrick to promote Hask to Commander.

Garrick then commanded an Imperial Navy fleet and oversaw operations on Bespin and Sullust, securing fuel and weaponry for his fleet and the fractured Empire. During this time, he and Hask were pursued by Iden and Meeko, who had joined Inferno Squad within the New Republic. At some point during the final year of the Galactic Civil War, Garrick came under the authority of Counselor Gallius Rax, who was secretly directing the clandestine Contingency, and he participated in the Battle of Jakku.

Battle of Jakku and death

Iden tries to save her father

As instructed by Counselor Rax, Admiral Versio went to the Battle of Jakku aboard the Eviscerator. However, during the battle, the Eviscerator sustained severe damage and began to lose structural integrity. As it plummeted from the skies of Jakku, Iden attempted to save her father after shooting down Hask. Although Rax also intended for Garrick to leave, he refused his daughter's rescue attempt. Surveying the battle and his rapidly collapsing starship, Garrick expressed regret for dedicating his life to a flawed and weak Empire, while Iden tried to persuade him to leave, asserting that he deserved a better fate. In their last moments, he reconciled with his daughter, urging her to leave and live a fulfilling life, something he felt he did not deserve. Iden reluctantly left him on the bridge and escaped in an escape pod, while Garrick remained on the Eviscerator as it crashed into the deserts of Jakku, perishing in the impact.


In the years that followed, Garrick gained a son-in-law posthumously when Iden married Del, and later became a grandfather with the birth of Zay, their daughter. The family would later be involved in the war between the First Order and the Resistance, a conflict that claimed the lives of both Iden and Del. By this time, General Leia Organa remembered Garrick as one of the most infamous admirals in the Imperial Navy.

Personality and traits

Garrick Versio possessed unwavering loyalty to the Empire. He strived to make Iden stronger and a "true Versio." He exhibited some empathy when he informed Iden's mother, Zeehay, that Iden was not a traitor and was on a mission, as Zeehay was ill, and he did not want her to die believing her daughter was a traitor. However, his extreme loyalty allowed him to unleash Operation: Cinder on Vardos without hesitation, a planet where he was regarded as a leader. He even authorized his daughter's execution if she resisted. Despite all this, he ultimately recognized the Empire's corruption and chose to die with his ship after advising Iden to live in peace.

Behind the scenes

Anthony Skordi played Garrick Versio in Star Wars Battlefront II.

