Zeehay Versio was a female who had a daughter, the human named Iden Versio. She held the role of mother to Iden. Zeehay was a highly skilled artist who was known for creating propaganda posters to support the Galactic Empire's Coalition for Progress. One example of her work was Young Imperials Can Reach The Stars, which featured Iden looking up in awe at the stars. At one point, she entered into marriage with Garrick Versio, who held the position of Inspector General within the Imperial Security Bureau. When Iden reached the age of five years, Zeehay and Garrick underwent a divorce. Zeehay was battling an undisclosed ailment, the seriousness of which she concealed from both Garrick and Iden.
Iden harbored strong affection for her mother, while also developing some resentment towards Garrick. When Iden went undercover and infiltrated the rebel group called the Dreamers, Zeehay remained unaware that her daughter's public trial, for what appeared to be treason against the Empire, was merely a deception. Despite the regulations of the Imperial military that prevented Zeehay from being informed, Garrick ultimately made the decision to reveal to her that her daughter had not genuinely betrayed the Empire. Three weeks following Iden's "rescue" by the rebels, Zeehay died after her illness finally took her life. Knowing that she never held a strong fondness for Vardos, Garrick decided to inter her remains on Svaaha. Upon Iden's return from her mission, Garrick informed her of her mother's passing and also confirmed that he had shared the truth about her defection with Zeehay, for which Iden felt immense gratitude.
Zeehay possessed kind eyes and a radiant smile. As an artist, she favored the use of traditional paint in her creations, which could often be seen staining her long fingers. She had a hearty laugh that Iden remembered as a sound of pure joy.