The events described below transpired in the year 0 ABY, which corresponds to 3277 LY according to the Lothal Calendar, and 7977 as per the C.R.C. calendar system.
- In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic holds a celebratory Royal Award Ceremony located on the moon Yavin 4 [2]. Subsequently, they evacuate the planet. [8]
- Princess Leia Organa undertakes a mission focused on the rescue of survivors from Alderaan. [8]
- Han Solo together with Chewbacca are dispatched to extract Caluan Ematt from the planet Cyrkon. [9]
- Anandra Milon , along with her brother Santigo Milon, seek refuge from the Empire on the world of Coruscant. [10]
- Chewbacca assists Zarro in his efforts to halt Jaum's mining activities occurring on the planet Andelm IV. [11]
- A reconnaissance team investigates the planet Fex on behalf of Kelen Biolabs, but nearly all of them are killed by the native Fexian skullborers. [12]
- Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen successfully rescue Drusil Bephorin from Imperial capture, returning her safely to her family. [12]
- Luke Skywalker engages in training at the Temple of Eedit which is located on the planet Devaron. He later duels with the scavenger known as Sarco Plank. [13]
- The Rebel Alliance initiates an Assault on Cymoon. [14]
- The Alliance conducts a bombing raid on an Imperial supply base situated on Imdaar. [15]
- The Alliance executes a bombing run against the shipyards orbiting the planet Kuat. [15]
- Following the destruction of Imperial shuttle CZ-246 by pirates, Darth Vader locates and eliminates them at their base. [16]
- Vader enlists the services of Doctor Aphra, BT-1, and 0-0-0. [17] Together, they journey to Geonosis with the goal of acquiring a droid army. [18]
- Boba Fett tracks down Luke Skywalker to Tatooine, but Skywalker manages to escape with assistance from R2-D2. [19]
- Vader confronts Cylo at his research facility. [20]
- Sana Starros finds her "husband," Solo, along with his current romantic interest, Organa. [21]
- Skywalker travels to the moon Nar Shaddaa [22], but is captured by Grakkus the Hutt. He is later freed through the combined efforts of Solo, Organa, Chewbacca, and Starros. [23]
- Vader utilizes Aphra and a team of bounty hunters to steal a significant sum of money from the Empire for his own purposes. [24]
- Vader eradicates evidence that would link him to the theft, all while being observed by Thanoth. [25]
- Aphra, BT-1, and 0-0-0 receive instructions from Vader to gather as much information as possible about Luke Skywalker. [26]
- An attempt orchestrated by Rebel operative Eneb Ray to liberate imprisoned senators and assassinate Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine on Coruscant ends in failure. [27]
- Vader journeys to the planet Shu-Torun, where he eliminates the entire Royal family with the exception of Princess Trios. [28]
- The Alliance is compelled to withdraw from their base on Vrogas Vas due to Imperial pressure, but they succeed in capturing Aphra. [29]
- Eneb Ray attempts to execute every prisoner held within the Rebel Sunspot Prison, but is stopped by Aphra, Organa, and Starros. [30]
- Vader goes back to Shu-Torun to suppress a civil war and expose Cylo-V as a traitor against the Empire. [28]
- Cylo briefly seizes control of the Executor, but Vader defeats and kills him. [31]
- Imperial Task Force 99 captures Alliance Admiral Verette on the Ghost Moon. [32]
- The Rebel Alliance successfully captures the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Harbinger. [33]
- Thane Kyrell defects from the Empire, eventually finding employment as a pilot and navigator aboard the Mighty Oak Apocalypse under the leadership of the Wookiee Lohgarra. [34]
- Seven months following the Battle of Yavin [34] Arrests on Zeitooine[34] Evacuation of Ivarujar[34]
- The Campaign commanded by Saw Gerrera's Partisans concludes. [1]
- Ambush on Taanab [9]
- Cyrkon Extraction [9]
- Evacuation of Yavin 4 [8]
- Mission to the Tellik Four Station [1]
- Infiltration of the Dreamers [1]
- Mission to Affadar [1]
- Mission to Anukara [1]
- Mission to neutralize blackmailers [1]
- Mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan [8]
- Cyrkon Extraction [9]
- Mission to Rodia [12]
- Mission to Fex [12]
- Mission on Denon [12]
- Mission to Pasher [12]
- Mission to Omereth [12]
- Mission to Giju [13]
- Mission to recover Imperial communication logs [13]
- Skirmish in the Temple of Eedit [13]
- Assault on Cymoon [14]
- Skirmish over an unidentified green planet [16]
- Attack on an unidentified pirate base [16]
- Theft of the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix [17]
- Secret mission to Geonosis [18]
- Skirmish in Cylo's research base [35]
- Duel in Ben Kenobi's home [19]
- First attack on the Son-tuul Pride [36]
- Son-tuul Pride robbery [24]
- Escape from the Monsua Nebula [22]
- Assault on Commodex Tahn's villa [26]
- Rescue of Luke Skywalker [22]
- Mission to Shu-Torun [28]
- Battle of Vrogas Vas [37]
- Arrth-Eno Mission [27]
- Prison siege at Sunspot [38]
- War on Shu-Torun [39]
- Battle at a delving citadel [39]
- Attack on the ancestral retreat [40]
- Battle at Rubix's citadel [41]
- Capture of Chelli Lona Aphra [42]
- Hijacking of the Executor': [42]
- Skirmish on the Ghost Moon [32]
- Hijacking of the Harbinger [43]
- Siege on Tureen VII [33]
- Mission to Vagadarr Prime [44]
- Raid at the Great Temple [45]
- Twilight of the Ordu Aspectu [46]
- Mission to Ktath'atn [47]
- Escape from an unidentified ocean planet [48]
- Athgar Heece was born [49] on Dybrin 12. (This is an estimated date). [50]
- Luck Luck Freidal died [51]
- A Rodian perished on Taanab. [9]
- Oon-ai met their end [16]
- A black astromech droid was destroyed near the Annihilator. [16]
- A moisture farmer was killed on Tatooine. [19]
- Thanoth died on Anthan 13. [42]
- The following died on Anthan Prime [25]: Doowan[25], The Dragon[26], and The Ante[52].
- The following died on Coruscant [10]: Coleet[27], Tanner Cadaman[53], Ivor Drake[53], Shea Sadashassa[53], Nadea Tural[27], a Darth Sidious body double[27], and a stormtrooper[10].
- The following died on the Cosmatanic Steppes [54]: Ulbik Tan[54] and Soo-Tath[54].
- The following died aboard Cylo's research base [20]: Cylo[31], a Trandoshan[20], and Tulon Voidgazer[55].
- A Twi'lek male died on Cyrkon. [9]
- Venk died [56] above Espirion. [57]
- The following died aboard the Executor [31]: Cassio Tagge[31] and Thlu-Ry[58].
- The following died on Fex [12]: Hafner[12] and Priban[12].
- The following died above a green planet [16]: A shuttle pilot[16] and a shuttle copilot[16].
- Morit Astarte perished in the Kuat system. [59]
- The following died on Kupoh [12]: Azzur Nessin[12] and Ruuf Waluuk[12].
- Ruen died on Lotho Minor's Wreck Belt. [60]
- The following died on Naboo [61]: Mul Sanaka[61], Commodex Tahn[26], and Commodex Tahn's protocol droid[26].
- Nakari Kelen died on Omereth. [12]
- The following died on board a pirate controlled space station [16]: A Mon Calamari pirate[16], a Sullustan[16], and a Twi'lek pirate[16].
- Utani Xane died on Quarantine World III. [17]
- The following died on Shu-Torun [28]: Aiolin Astarte[41], Beebox[40], Hollian[28], Jooli[62], Monthan[28], Rubix[41], and The King of Shu-Torun[28].
- Dreed died on Skaradosh. [63]
- Bornae died on Sullust. [64]
- Verette died [65]
- The following died on Vrogas Vas [37]: Blue Five (Vrogas Vas)[37], Blue Leader (Vrogas Vas)[37], Blue Three (Vrogas Vas)[37], Gray Five (Vrogas Vas)[37], and Karbin[29].
- Kolar Ludd died on Sunspot Prison. [66]
- The following died on Ktath'atn [67]: Hossferin[67], Bombinax[68], The Queen of Ktath'atn[69], Varroa[69], and Vespinax[69].
- The following died on Tellik Four Station [1]: Bokk Naarg[1] and Sharima[1].
- Zeehay Versio died [1]
- The following died on Affadar [1]: Kaev[1] and Nadrine[1].
- The following died on Anukara [1]: Rys Deksha[1], Ivel Toshan[1], and Sadori Vushan[1].
- The following died on Jeosyn [1]: Dahna[1], Seyn Marana[1], Azen Novaren[1], Piikow[1], Staven[1], a stormtrooper[1], Ru Vushan[1], and Halia Vushan[1].