Mission to the Tellik Four Station

The operation aimed at Tellik Four Station was an assignment executed by the newly established Inferno Squad with the purpose of rescuing and extracting Bokk Naarg, a former member of the Partisans who had defected.

The Objective

The mission's purpose for Inferno Squad was to extract Bokk Naarg, a Sullustan who had collaborated with Saw Gerrera since before the formation of the Galactic Empire. Gerrera had recently died. Naarg had apparently recognized the futility of Gerrera's cause, and therefore offered the Empire intelligence regarding where the Dreamers group was receiving their information.

The Task

The Corvus made its landing in Bay 47 of Tellik Four Station, ostensibly for refueling. Gideon Hask and Del Meeko's ID10 seeker droid proceeded to meet with Naarg at the Singularity, a drinking establishment/club located on the station.

Iden Versio donned stormtrooper armor and maintained a patrol outside the Singularity, positioned closely enough to provide assistance but sufficiently distant to avoid raising suspicion. An Imperial agent had instructed Bokk to identify a man wearing a brown jacket adorned with precisely three patches. Upon locating him, Hask observed that Bokk was accompanied by five allies: two Mirialans, two Pantorans, and a Togruta.

Aboard the Corvus, Meeko discovered that the newcomers were wearing fake jewelry that was actually explosives. Before calling off the mission, Seyn Marana and Meeko eavesdropped on the newcomers' conversation and learned they were beginning to suspect Hask was an Imperial.

Hask admitted to Bokk and his companion Sharima that he knew about his companion's explosives. Hask then deployed Del's droid Dio to sever the explosive jewels string, seize a datachip, and Hask catches the seven explosives. Hask then ran and threw the bombs into the Singularity. Versio rescued Hask from the explosion, and they boarded the Corvus along with the droid.

