Saw Gerrera

Saw Gerrera, an Onderonian human male, was a significant figure in resistance movements. As a leading member of the Onderon rebels, he battled the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Onderon during the Clone Wars. He and his sister, Steela Gerrera, played a vital role in liberating their homeworld during the Onderonian Civil War. After the Galactic Empire rose to power, Saw became a crucial player in opposing the fascist regime and helped establish the Alliance to Restore the Republic. His methods in the early rebellion against the Empire earned him a reputation as an extremist, a notoriety recognized by the Empire, the Alliance, and, years later, the New Republic.

During the initial resistance against the Separatist Alliance on Onderon, Gerrera and his forces faced overwhelming odds against the Separatist Droid Army. They sought assistance from the Jedi High Council, which led the Grand Army of the Republic against the Separatists. However, the Jedi Order opted not to directly intervene in the conflict on Onderon. Instead, they dispatched a team of advisorsGenerals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex"—to train the Onderonian fighters. The Jedi and Captain Rex imparted essential techniques and strategies for combating the battle droid army, which helped the rebels gain an advantage. Gerrera grew resentful when the rebels chose Steela as their leader. He was later captured during a poorly planned solo attempt to rescue the deposed King Ramsis Dendup from the Separatists. The rebels eventually rescued both of them and launched a final assault against the Separatists. Their efforts resulted in the liberation of their world and the restoration of Dendup to the throne. However, the victory came at a personal cost: Steela died during the final battle, leaving Gerrera to grieve and feel responsible for her death.

As the Clone Wars concluded, the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire. Horrified, Gerrera and his Onderonian compatriots resisted the Empire. Despite their previous contributions to Onderon's liberation, the Empire labeled them as insurgents. Gerrera evaded Imperial capture and continued his fight against the Empire. During this period, Saw relocated Imperial scientist Galen Erso, his wife, Lyra, and their daughter, Jyn, to the remote planet of Lah'mu. When Orson Krennic, an old acquaintance of Galen's, discovered their location, he abducted Galen and killed Lyra. Saw then traveled to Lah'mu, adopted Jyn, and raised her as his own daughter.

Gerrera fought against the Imperial Military, leading a resistance group known as the Partisans. This militant organization, considered extremist by some, employed terrorist tactics and operated under the codename "Stoneface." His resistance cell, an extension of his Onderonian resistance, was among the first to join the Rebel Alliance. He participated in the early campaigns of the Rebel Alliance, but his extreme methods clashed with those of Alliance leaders Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Eventually, Gerrera severed ties with Organa and Mothma, who viewed him as a radical extremist.

After learning that the Empire's massive kyber crystal originated from Jedha, Saw and the Partisans established their base there. Following the capture of an Imperial ensign, Bodhi Rook, who claimed the Empire was constructing a planet-killer, Saw reunited with Jyn, who had been sent by the Alliance to meet him. Rook had delivered a message from Jyn's father, which Gerrera showed her. The message revealed that the Empire was building a planet-destroying superweapon called the Death Star. As the message played, the Death Star struck Jedha City, destroying it. As the shockwave reached them, Gerrera told Jyn he would no longer run and remained at the base, where he perished in the aftermath of the explosion.


Early life and career

Saw and Steela were part of a fight to liberate their homeworld.

Born on the jungle planet of Onderon during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, Saw Gerrera was an Onderonian human male. He spent his formative years within the capital city of Iziz alongside his sister, Steela Gerrera. Growing up, Saw developed a profound respect for Onderon's monarch, the long-reigning King Ramsis Dendup. In 24 BBY, numerous star systems seceded from the Republic, establishing their own galactic government known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Within two years, in 22 BBY, the Republic and Confederacy engaged in a full-scale conflict—the Clone War. King Dendup, aiming to shield his people from the conflict, chose to remain neutral, aligning neither with the Republic and its newly-acquired Grand Army of clone troopers, nor with the Confederacy.

Within a year of the Clone Wars' commencement at the First Battle of Geonosis, the conflict raged across the galaxy. During this time, under the direction of Confederate Head of State Count Dooku of Serenno, the Separatist Droid Army invaded Saw's homeworld, imposing Confederate rule on its citizens. Further complicating matters for Saw, King Dendup was removed from his royal throne and replaced by King Sanjay Rash, a "puppet leader" subservient to Count Dooku. Deeply concerned about Onderon's future and undeterred by their banishment from Iziz for openly opposing King Rash, Saw and Steela began gathering resources and recruiting like-minded individuals to form a resistance against Rash and his battle droid forces.

Clone Wars combatant

Helping hand from the Jedi

Saw and Bonteri discuss their plight with the Jedi Council and request their aid in liberating Onderon from the Confederacy.

Around two standard years later, in 20 BBY, Saw had risen to become the self-declared leader of the Onderon rebels. Due to their exile from Iziz, the rebels established their base in an abandoned outpost located within ancient ruins in Sector S-29 of the wilderness. During this period, Lux Bonteri, the son of the late Mina Bonteri, the former senator of Onderon in the Republic's Galactic Senate, joined Saw's resistance. After acquiring sufficient armor, blasters, and other small arms to equip their forces, Saw, Steela, and Bonteri planned to reclaim Iziz for Onderon. However, following several minor skirmishes with battle droid forces, the rebel leaders realized they lacked the necessary equipment, training, and skills to engage in open warfare against the Confederacy. Consequently, Saw and Bonteri appealed to the Republic for assistance. In response, the esteemed Jedi High Council on Coruscant, the Republic's capital world, received Saw and Bonteri's plea via HoloNet transmission.

Grand Master Yoda assured them that the Jedi Order would find a way to help. Shortly thereafter, the freedom fighters were alerted to an intrusion in the jungle Sector S-11, prompting Steela to lead a squad to investigate. Steela soon returned, riding a dalgo, with Yoda's promise: Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, his Togruta Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and CT-7567, a clone trooper from the 501st Legion nicknamed "Rex." Saw, riding his reptavian ruping, welcomed the four Republic Military advisors to his world. Skywalker explained that they could not fight the Onderonian Civil War for the resistance, as Onderon was officially aligned with the Confederacy, regardless of Saw's perspective. However, he offered to train Saw's resistance to fight effectively on their own.

The Republic advisors train Saw and his resistance at the secret encampment.

Rex clarified that, as a clone trooper, he would support the Jedi Generals. After relocating approximately half a kilometer to a clearing in the jungle where a captured Separatist Armored Assault Tank was abandoned, Jedi Commander Tano and Clone Captain Rex instructed the freedom fighters on disabling the tank. They were to drop a pair of Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades—"droid poppers"—into both the tank's cockpits, targeting the pilot and [gunner](/article/gunner]. Saw and Bonteri partnered for the exercise, but their tense rivalry led them to inadvertently sabotage each other due to a lack of cooperation. Disgusted, Saw criticized Bonteri for being a "terrible soldier," which disappointed the Jedi advisors. As the day progressed, Saw grew increasingly frustrated, scolding Steela for frequently attending to Bonteri, with whom she shared a mutual attraction. As the confrontation between Saw and Bonteri neared a physical altercation, Steela intervened, explaining that there would be time for both the direct combat Saw desired and the political speeches Bonteri excelled at.

Next, the rebels returned to the encampment, where General Skywalker and Rex demonstrated the most effective method for disabling droideka security droids. Protected by a deflector shield, droidekas were impervious to blaster bolts. Skywalker explained that a slowly rolled droid popper was the optimal way to disable them. Confident in his skills, Saw volunteered to attempt the technique first; however, he rolled the grenade too quickly and failed to penetrate the shield. Bonteri then succeeded. After numerous attempts and coaching from Tano, Saw finally managed to roll the grenade at the correct speed and breach the shield.

Saw rushed to the battlefront at the first sign that their base was under attack.

Shortly thereafter, the Jedi advisors began instructing the rebels on the proper use of their blaster rifles. Steela, a sniper, impressed the Jedi with her marksmanship. During practice, they were alerted to an attack on their encampment. Separatist B1-series battle droids and an Assault Tank advanced through the brush, opening fire on the rebels. Saw narrowly avoided a missile blast from a B2-HA super battle droid, moved to the frontline, and returned fire. At a signal from the Jedi and Steela, Saw and other rebels launched disruptor explosives into the droids' path. Still outgunned, Steela released the dalgos, falumpasets, and tee-muss mammals, which stampeded and trampled the remaining droids. With only the armored tank remaining, Saw and Bonteri attempted to disable it once more. This time, the rebels collaborated and successfully destroyed the tank using a pair of thermal detonators. Overjoyed by their first victory, Saw remarked that Bonteri looked more like a soldier than a politician, given the dirt covering him from the fight. Aware that their base location was compromised, the rebels and their advisors devised a plan to infiltrate Iziz and wage a guerrilla war from within the capital, disguised as civilians.

Taking the fight to the Confederacy

Later that day, disguised as hunters, the rebels and military advisors boarded two dalgo-drawn Mandalorian transports and traveled to Iziz, deceiving the "dim-witted" OOM command battle droid checkpoint to pass through the city's ray shielded main gate. The rebels then split up: Saw informed other rebels already in the city that the time to fight had arrived, while Steela, Bonteri, Tano, and others sought new recruits.

Saw fires on Separatist droids near Iziz civilians, which caused the civilians to fear Saw and the rebels.

Over time, more Onderonians joined the independence fighters, and they took refuge in a safe house deep within the city. Laying siege to Iziz from within, Saw, Bonteri, and Steela received regular intelligence and guidance not only from Skywalker, Kenobi, Tano, and Rex, but also from the Jedi Masters on Coruscant. Saw and the rebels seized every opportunity to disrupt battle droid patrols and destroy droids harassing Iziz civilians, engaging in as many as five engagements in a single day, sometimes even in high-traffic areas like Malgan Market. Saw frequently opened fire on Separatist minions in public, causing fear among the civilian population, despite the lack of civilian casualties.

One day, Saw and his resistance held a meeting in their Iziz safehouse, where Skywalker commended them on their successful campaign thus far. However, Kenobi and Tano believed that the public perception of Saw's rebels had not gone as planned, as the people were increasingly fearful of the sudden violence in their city. Saw, however, believed that the people were simply afraid because the droids were still active and that he hadn't done enough to demobilize the Confederates. Steela and Bonteri added that they needed to assure the general populace that the freedom fighters were fighting for the people's freedom. Steela believed the rebels needed to win the hearts and minds of the people to gain their trust, a concept Saw struggled to grasp. To demonstrate the rebels' ability to oust the Separatists, Bonteri proposed an attack on the Onderon power generator. Agreeing, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Rex returned to the Core Worlds after outfitting the rebels as planned.

The resistance leaders devise a strategy to siege the Iziz power generators.

The Jedi Knights pledged to continue providing credits to Saw's movement and stationed Tano on Onderon. At dusk, Saw, Tano, Bonteri, and Steela scouted the power generator complex. Lying prone on a rooftop, Bonteri explained that disabling the power compound would cause a city-wide power outage, eventually immobilizing the Droid Army, as the droids, while operating independently of a control computer, still required periodic recharging using power cells. However, before assaulting the generators, the rebels determined they needed more information about the compound. Saw took it upon himself to gather the necessary intel, swiftly descending the building and forcefully removing the head of a patrolling "clanker" in the street. He returned to the rooftop, where a robolobotomy was performed using a Republic-provided device. From the holographic images provided by the cranial unit, Saw and the rebels concluded that any attack on the compound would be futile due to the overwhelming number of droids. However, Bonteri identified an opportunity, suggesting that with enough firepower, it could be accomplished using a hijacked Separatist Assault Tank.

To secure the tank, the resistance devised a plan: on a nearby street, the rebel Dono detonated an EMP-loaded airspeeder in the path of droid Patrol 118, initiating the attack. Saw, using droid poppers and a DC-15A blaster carbine, eliminated the entire patrol, except for the commander droid. The rebels allowed the commander to call for reinforcements, hoping the Separatists would send an Assault Tank. However, a pair of droidekas arrived first. Outmatched from the front, Saw and Bonteri flanked the droidekas.

Saw dodges enemy small arms fire during combat in the streets of Iziz.

True to his training, Saw rolled his EMP grenade into the droideka's bubble shield, successfully disabling it. However, Bonteri's grenade was too fast, alerting the other droideka to the danger behind. The droid turned and fired at its adversaries, but Saw acted quickly, pushing Bonteri to safety. Saw dove behind the disabled droideka but was pinned down. Steela leaped into action, gently depositing a droid popper into the droideka's shield bubble, disabling it. Just then, the desired Assault Tank rumbled onto the street and fired on the rebels. Saw and Bonteri rapidly closed the distance to the tank, eliminating its B2-series super battle droid escorts along the way. They disabled the repulsorcraft using the dual droid popper strategy, as they had been trained. Saw then boarded the tank and attempted to restart it, but failed. Steela, however, with her self-described "woman's touch" and superior piloting skills, managed to start it.

Saw piloted the tank to the entrance of the generator compound, blasting through the compound's two metal gateways. Steela sniped the droid guards while Saw waited for the tank's laser cannon to recharge. Bonteri and Steela fought off several BX-series droid commandos before Saw could target the generator. When he fired, the ensuing explosion plunged the entire city into darkness. Saw donned night vision goggles to see and was pleased to see the Iziz citizens cheering on the freedom fighters. Saw, Steela, Tano, and Bonteri returned to the safehouse and celebrated, raising drinks for Onderon. Skywalker, Kenobi, and Rex appeared via the HoloNet and a holoprojector, congratulating the resistance troopers. However, Kenobi added that the time had come for the movement to elect an official leader. Confident in his victory, Saw was disheartened when Steela was chosen instead by the Onderonian soldiers. Angrily, Saw stormed off.

Saw calls out the location of the Confederate convoy to Steela and her squad of rebels while wearing a hood.

King Rash's Separatist forces were increasingly feeling the pressure from the persistent rebel attacks throughout Iziz. Consequently, Dooku authorized the deployment of new droid legions as reinforcements, commanded by the super tactical droid General Kalani. These reinforcements arrived via several Multi-Troop Transports, a direct order from Count Dooku. Later, Saw, disguised, observed a city street and assisted Steela and other freedom fighters in destroying a Confederate Army convoy. This convoy included a Troop Transport, an Assault Tank, and a large number of battle droids. Utilizing his training, Saw personally demolished the Assault Tank, skillfully detonating the hovertank with two grenades. Following this, Steela addressed the gathered Onderonoians amidst the wreckage, reminding them that Rash had committed treason against their people by betraying Onderon to the Separatist Alliance. She urged them to join Saw and the rebels in their fight to reclaim their world and restore the rightful king, Ramsis Dendup, to the throne.

A Royal Blessing

Soon after, Saw and the rebel leaders returned to their hideout, where trooper Dono informed them that King Dendup was scheduled for execution by King Rash the following day in the central Yolahn Square. Steela deduced that Rash intended to make an example of Dendup to demoralize the rebels and undermine their cause. Tano argued that executing Dendup would turn him into a martyr, strengthening the rebel movement. However, Saw disregarded both his sister's and the war advisor's opinions and decided to rescue King Dendup before Rash could publicly denounce him as a traitor. Despite Steela's orders to stand down, Saw, believing Dendup's life was worth the risk, secretly departed, unaware that Steela had instructed Dono to follow him.

Saw and King Dendup are detected and arrested in the Unifar Temple courtyard.

Wearing a cloak, Saw hurried towards the base of the Unifar Temple in Yolahn Square and used a grappling hook to ascend the multi-story structure. Reaching the rooftop, Saw quickly located King Dendup in the temple courtyard and silently eliminated a nearby sentry droid as he approached. Kneeling before his lord, Saw pledged his loyalty to the former king, introduced himself, and explained the impending execution. Dendup, distressed, criticized Saw for "interfering with the affairs of the throne" by forming the resistance. He admitted his failure as king, explaining that his decision not to align Onderon with either the Republic or the Confederacy during the Separatist Crisis had inadvertently chosen a side for them. This inaction led to the Onderonian Civil War, forcing Onderonians like Saw to step in and correct his mistakes. Undeterred, Saw encouraged Dendup, surprising him with the news that the rebels had the support of the Jedi Order. Encouraged, Dendup agreed to escape with Saw. However, when Saw used his grappling hook to escape the courtyard, he discovered it was blocked by a one-way shield, alerting the Unifar Temple to the intrusion. Amidst blaring alarms and spotlights, Saw and Dendup were apprehended by six droidekas.

Saw was taken to the royal central command within the palace. There, under the orders of Kalani and King Rash, Saw was cuffed, suspended in a containment field, and subjected to interrogation by Kalani. General Akenathen Tandin of the Royal Onderon Militia oversaw the investigation. Kalani tortured Saw throughout the night, but the Onderonian patriot refused to reveal any rebel secrets to the droid general. Frustrated, Kalani intensified the electric torture, increasing both the dosage and duration, hoping to break Saw. Despite his body smoking from the electricity, Saw remained steadfast in his beliefs and endured the torture until Kalani and his EV-series medical droid increased the voltage to potentially lethal levels. As Saw hung there, the torture took a toll not only on his body but also on his mind and spirit, hardening him and setting him on an irreversible path toward becoming a ruthless soldier. Tandin, sympathizing with his fellow Onderonian, ordered Kalani and his droids to give Saw a rest, to which Kalani reluctantly agreed.

Saw's torture at the hands of Kalani began his conversion from caring soldier to what many would later call a remorseless madman.

Shortly after, Tandin offered Saw a drink of tea and questioned his decision to rebel against Rash, arguing that Ramsis Dendup's rule was outdated and that Onderon's future lay under Confederate control. Saw countered, explaining that he rebelled because King Rash abused his power for personal gain rather than serving the people. Saw passionately argued that Dendup fought politically for the people, refusing to side with either the Republic or the Confederacy for selfish reasons, unlike Rash. Saw's patriotic words deeply affected Tandin.

The following day, Rash and Kalani, escorted by four IG-100 MagnaGuards, led King Dendup and Saw in chains to the steps of the Unifar Temple overlooking Yolahn Square for their planned executions. Hundreds of Iziz citizens gathered to witness the event, listening to Rash declare Dendup and Saw as traitors deserving of beheading. Rash instructed his MagnaGuards to use their electrostaffs to execute Dendup with an electroguillotine. However, Dono, having informed Steela and Bonteri of Saw's arrest, initiated a raid to rescue Dendup and Saw from the Separatists. Bonteri deployed smoke bombs into the Separatist ranks, creating chaos while Steela and other soldiers extracted Saw and Dendup. Saw even managed to knock Kalani to the ground with his restraints before the group began their escape. The retreat was abruptly halted when B2 battle droid reinforcements surrounded Steela's team, forcing them to surrender. This disheartened the Onderonian citizens, who had come to see Saw's rebels as allies and Rash's Separatists as invaders. Regaining control, Rash prepared to execute Dendup, Saw, and the newly captured Steela.

General Tandin found true conviction in Saw's words of patriotism and as a result, chose to defect to Saw's rebels.

Accepting his fate, Saw thanked his sister for trying to save him. General Tandin, however, moved by Saw's words hours earlier, decided to prevent Rash from executing Saw and Dendup. He stormed into the square with his Onderon guards, holding King Rash and Kalani at laser lance point. Saw was surprised and touched that Tandin had abandoned King Rash's Royal Court to side with the Onderonian rebels. Using Rash as a human shield, Tandin ordered the rebels to flee into the city, thanking Saw for showing him that he had betrayed the true Onderon by serving King Rash. The Royal Militia followed Saw and the rebels to their safehouse while Tano helped Tandin escape Rash and his forces.

Later, Tandin informed King Dendup that, inspired by Saw's words, he had officially defected from the Separatist-led Onderon Royal Court and pledged himself and his army to Saw's rebels and Dendup. Dendup, like Steela, believed that winning the civil war required winning the hearts and minds of the people. Saw agreed and prioritized protecting Dendup from Count Dooku's Confederate forces, who undoubtedly wanted Dendup dead more than ever after the day's events.

The Real Cost of War

As the conflict continued, the resistance relocated their headquarters from the urban center of Iziz to the remote eastern mountain range known as the Onderon highlands. There, back in the jungle, Saw reunited with his team. In the highlands, Saw and the rebels established a new base called "the nest," named after the rupings that nested in the area. During this time, Padawan Tano and Bonteri undertook a mission to Iziz, where they used a holographic message from King Dendup, now in exile, to declare his support for the Onderon rebels, whom he hailed as true patriots. Upon their return, Bonteri informed Saw that Dendup's message had sparked riots in the streets of Iziz. Encouraged, Saw wanted to join the civilians and confront Rash directly in Iziz, but Steela, Tano, Tandin, and King Dendup disagreed. They believed it was crucial to avoid civilian casualties and that the Confederate forces needed to be drawn out of the city and into the highlands.

Saw swoops over the battlefront, attacking a Separatist droid gunship, on his ruping during the final battle of the Onderonian Civil War.

Soon, Kalani located the rebels' base in the highlands and deployed his army to engage them. The rebels and Royal bodyguards fortified the jungle mesas, preparing to repel the droid infantry. As the battle of the Onderonian highlands commenced, Saw led a group of ruping riders, providing aerial support for the dalgo-mounted cavalry commanded by Tandin. The Confederate forces were surprised by the rebels' attack and suffered heavy losses against the rebels' diverse forces of rupings, cavalry, snipers, and blaster cannons mounted on towering fambaas. Saw and his riders swept across the battlefield, destroying the droids' support vehicles with grenades. However, three HMP droid gunships entered the battle, systematically turning the tide by decimating Tandin's cavalry and fambaas. Two of Saw's ruping riders were shot down, forcing Saw to seek cover from the droid fighters. Seizing an opportunity, Saw directed his ruping towards a distracted gunship and launched a detonator at the hovering droid. However, the detonator failed to damage the heavily shielded craft. The gunship then targeted Saw, killing his ruping and throwing him to the ground. With the battle turning against them, Tandin's cavalry retreated, and the Royal General pulled Saw onto his dalgo as the surviving rebel forces retreated to the nest in disarray.

At the nest, the Gerreras, Tandin, Tano, and Bonteri gathered to strategize. Tano explained that she had contacted her Jedi superiors, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, requesting assistance from the Jedi Council, but she was unsure if they could help. Undeterred, Steela emphasized the need to fortify the nest for the imminent invasion, as the droids could not be stopped. Inspired by her resolve, Saw expressed his pride in his sister, who credited her leadership skills to observing Saw. Saw then went to organize the defenses at the battlefront, a short distance from the nest. Soon, Tano, Bonteri, and Steela arrived with new armaments provided by Skywalker and Kenobi through the Weequay Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate lord of the Ohnaka Gang: Sienar Fleet Systems RPS-6 rocket launchers. Saw immediately grabbed a rocket launchers and destroyed a nearby gunship with a single shot, boosting the rebels' morale with a weapon capable of inflicting significant damage. As the launchers were being distributed, word arrived that the nest had been discovered and was under attack by the remaining gunships.

Saw cradles his sister in mourning, feeling responsible for her death, which he blamed on himself for the rest of his life.

Steela quickly gathered the rupings and her troops, heading back to the mesas where the fort was located to protect King Dendup. Saw, along with two soldiers, supported Steela by distracting the gunships. Within minutes, only one gunship remained, and Saw shot it down with his launcher. The damaged ship crashed into a cliff face where Steela was defending Dendup from several commando droids. The weakened cliff face collapsed, and Saw watched in horror as Steela fell, hanging from the edge. Tano began using the Force to lift Steela to safety, but the still-active gunship fired on Tano, hitting her in the shoulder. Tano's injury disrupted her concentration, breaking her telekinetic hold on Steela. Saw ran to his fallen sister as she plummeted to her death on the rocks below. Holding Steela's lifeless body, Saw remembered that he had been the one to shoot down the gunship. He was consumed by guilt, a feeling that would haunt him forever.

The rebels emerged victorious in the highlands, and the Confederate defeat led Dooku to withdraw Kalani and his forces from Onderon to the planet Agamar, anticipating a prolonged conflict with the rebels. Later that day, the rebels returned to Iziz, where Dendup was reinstated as king. Sanjay Rash had been assassinated by Kalani on Dooku's orders following the Confederate defeat. A funeral was held for Steela on the steps of the Unifar Temple in Yolahn Square, attended by thousands of Onderonians mourning her death. Saw paid his respects at his sister's sarcophagus, rejecting Tano and Bonteri's condolences, angry that he couldn't prevent her death. Overwhelmed by guilt and heartbreak, Gerrera vowed to continue his fight against all forms of perceived evil.

The Siege of Onderon

Despite their victory in the Civil War, Onderon and Gerrera were not free from conflict. During the Outer Rim Sieges near the end of the Clone Wars, Gerrera, now using Anakin Skywalker's subspace frequency "Fulcrum," was involved in the Siege of Onderon. During the battle of Yerbana, Skywalker and Kenobi received a transmission using the Fulcrum frequency, leading them to believe Gerrera was contacting them, suggesting something had gone wrong with the siege. Admiral Wullf Yularen informed the Jedi that it was not Gerrera who contacted them. As they learned aboard their Venator-class Star Destroyer, Tano and Lady Bo-Katan Kryze had contacted them to share information about the rogue Sith Lord Darth Maul.

Age of the Empire

Branded as Insurgents

Gerrera speaks to the Bad Batch.

After the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire, Saw Gerrera's militia was labeled an insurgency by the Galactic Empire for resisting the Proclamation of the New Order, despite their role in liberating Onderon during the Clone Wars and their alliance with the Republic. Believing the Empire threatened everything they had fought for, Gerrera and his militia began resisting, drawing the attention of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin. Tarkin deployed the experimental Clone Force 99 to deal with Gerrera's faction, partly to test their loyalty. Upon seeing Gerrera's group, the squad, except for Crosshair, refused to carry out their orders. Crosshair insisted on completing the mission. Gerrera and his men captured the clones but soon released them, giving [Hunter](/article/hunter], the squad's leader, a chance to choose a side. Gerrera then left with his militia, leaving the clones alone. Later, a new squadron led by Crosshair, who had left Clone Force 99 for defecting from the Empire, arrived to eliminate Saw and his militia. However, Saw was gone, leaving behind only militia members and civilians, all of whom were killed. This included Elite Squad Trooper ES-01, who refused to kill the civilians, an act Crosshair considered treason.

Resisting Imperial Rule

Gerrera in the Arkanis sector.

One of Gerrera's first operations against the Empire targeted an imperial summit at Eriadu, specifically the facility known as Raven's Peak. Governor Tarkin presided over a table of five high-ranking officers, including Doctor Royce Hemlock. Gerrera led a small infiltration team disguised as stormtroopers, intending to destroy the base. They stealthily placed remote explosives throughout the lower levels. As they neared completion, Gerrera encountered Clone Force 99. Gerrera explained his plan, but Hunter objected, as they were tracking Hemlock to find imprisoned clone troopers. Despite Tech's logical arguments, Gerrera insisted it was necessary "for the greater good." Before they could resolve their differences, a security team interrupted, forcing them to separate. With the Imperials alerted, Gerrera ordered his team to retreat to an escape shuttle, having failed to place detonators in the command center. Most of his team escaped off-world, at which point Gerrera detonated the explosives. While the explosion destroyed the hangar and much of the interior, the command tower remained intact. Unbeknownst to Gerrera, the explosion also caused a power outage to the facility's skyrail, which Clone Force 99 was using to escape. As a result of Gerrera's actions, Hemlock's tracked shuttle was destroyed, and Tech sacrificed himself to allow his companions to escape.

Gerrera fought against the Imperial Military and reorganized the Onderon resistance into a group known as the Partisans. Around 18 BBY, he hired a Lasat mercenary and fought an Imperial squad under ISB Agent Kallus sent to Onderon to enforce peace. The mercenary and other partisans killed Kallus' entire unit except for Kallus himself. Ultimately, Gerrera believed Onderon was lost and retreated from his homeworld.

Before 17 BBY, Gerrera joined an arms smuggling ring led by Has Obitt. The smugglers were to deliver arms to resistance fighters in the Salient system, but the smuggling ring was orchestrated by Orson Krennic, who was using small uprisings as a pretext to seize control of resource-rich planets needed to build the Death Star. Obitt revealed this to his partners, and they decided to betray the Empire. Upon arriving at Salient, it became clear that the Empire was waiting to arrest Obitt and the mercenaries. Gerrera convinced Obitt to stay and fight. The people of the Salient system eventually lost the battle, and Obitt was captured and later released by Wilhuff Tarkin. Gerrera, however, escaped.

Assisting the Ersos

In 17 BBY, Obitt contacted Lyra Erso, who wanted her husband, Galen, to stop working with Krennic. The only way to do this was for the family to flee Coruscant. Obitt, who had known the Ersos since Jyn's birth, knew Krennic would expect him to help them, so he asked Gerrera to go instead. Gerrera smuggled Lyra, Galen, and Jyn Erso off Coruscant and helped them establish a homestead on Lah'mu. The Ersos remained vigilant on Lah'mu, creating an escape plan in case Krennic found them. Lyra and Jyn Erso were to hide in a shelter under a cave and contact Gerrera for extraction.

Liberating Wookiees

Gerrera speaking with Kestis on Kashyyyk.

Sometime after 14 BBY, Gerrera, accompanied by his Partisans, journeyed to the planet Kashyyyk. While there, he brandished a DH-16 Blaster Pistol. The Partisans made a startling discovery: one of the Empire's installations for refining resources was utilizing wroshyr tree extract to synthesize a potent substance. Following this revelation, they encountered Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan, and implored him to assist them in their endeavor to liberate the Wookiees.

The Partisans made a deal: in exchange for Kestis' support in the forthcoming assault on Kashyyyk, they committed to locating Tarfful, a prominent Wookiee Chieftain. Tarfful's knowledge could be instrumental in Kestis' quest to find a Jedi holocron containing the identities of numerous Force-sensitive children. With the refinery now under their control, Gerrera delivered an impassioned speech, aiming to ignite the flames of rebellion against the Empire. He then extended an invitation to Kestis, offering him a place among the Partisans, stating that the presence of a Jedi fighting alongside them would be invaluable. Though Kestis was deeply appreciative of the offer, he ultimately declined, citing his unwavering commitment to his current mission. Gerrera affirmed that the offer remained open. After locating Tarfful within the dangerous Shadowlands, the Partisans found themselves overwhelmed by the might of the Imperial forces, compelling the majority to retreat before Kestis' return to Kashyyyk. Those who remained behind on Kashyyyk did so against Gerrera's wishes.

Mentorship of Jyn

In 13 BBY, Saw took on the responsibility of safeguarding Jyn. This occurred after Lyra's tragic death and Galen's capture by Orson Krennic, who sought to exploit his expertise in the Death Star project. He rescued Jyn from Lah'mu and brought her to Wrea, to an outpost he had established, which at that time was mostly unpopulated. He voiced his aversion to droids after Jyn suggested acquiring one. The day following her arrival, Jyn discovered a training area filled with the dilapidated remains of droids, which Saw used for target practice. Subsequently, Jyn requested Saw's guidance in combat training. On the third day of her stay, she had the opportunity to hone her hand-to-hand combat skills on several sets of stormtrooper armor that Saw had arranged for her benefit. Gerrera commanded numerous partisans, among them Reece Tallent, a human personally trained by Gerrera, the Twi'lek Xosad Hozem, and Idryssa Barruck, with whom Jyn developed a fondness. By providing shelter, sustenance, primarily in the form of nutritive milk, and missions, Wrea evolved into a central hub for diverse rebel fighters seeking various objectives.

In 10 BBY, Saw permitted Jyn to accompany him during negotiations with Enfys Nest for coaxium that had been procured from the Crimson Dawn syndicate.

In 9 BBY, Saw received classified military intelligence pilfered from the Empire by Cal Kestis, who had maintained contact with Saw since their initial encounter on Kashyyyk.

In 6 BBY, Saw and several members of his Partisans were contracted by Arane Oreida to travel to Inusagi and infiltrate the Sakoola blossom festival with the intention of assassinating Governor Cor Tophervin. He and his Partisans committed a massacre at the festival, indiscriminately killing Imperials, the Inusagi chieftain, guests, and numerous Inusagian civilians in order to send a message to the Empire.

As Jyn matured, and Saw's paranoia intensified, he grew increasingly fearful that Jyn would eventually be recognized as the daughter of a known Imperial collaborator, making her vulnerable to exploitation as a bargaining chip against Galen. To mitigate this risk, Saw resorted to torturing Partisans in an attempt to ascertain whether they were aware of Jyn's true identity, even disposing of Jari at an undisclosed Imperial military base for the same reason. Consumed by the constant anxiety that others would uncover Jyn's origins, Saw made the difficult decision to abandon her, at the age of sixteen, in a bunker equipped with only a knife and a blaster for self-defense. He instructed her to remain in the bunker until morning, by which time Saw would have departed. He rationalized his decision by convincing himself, and later her, that she had already become one of his most capable operatives and that he was confident in her ability to survive independently. This decision was perceived as a profound betrayal by Jyn, instilling in her a sense of disillusionment with Saw and the rebellion as a whole.

Encounter with Luthen Rael

Following the raid on the Imperial garrison on Aldhani in 5 BBY, Luthen Rael journeyed to Gerrera's base on Segra Milo to meet with him. Getting straight to the point, Rael offered the freedom fighter the chance to trade for several pieces of stolen Imperial technology, including a full set of Imperial drive adapters and three sealed Steergard targeting deflectors. After Rael verified that he possessed the items, Gerrera requested that he state his price.

Saw Gerrera grew increasingly extremist as the Imperial era continued on.

To Gerrera's astonishment, Rael stipulated that he meet with Anto Kreegyr, a contact who had been investigating the Imperial power station located at Spellhaus. Rael elaborated that Kreegyr had identified vulnerabilities in the defense system, but that he required assistance. Given Kreegyr's affiliation as a Separatist, Gerrera immediately rejected Rael's proposition. However, Rael insisted that Gerrera at least hear Kreegyr's plan. As Gerrera remained unwilling to collaborate with Kreegyr, Rael clarified that the technology would only be provided on the condition that he work with Kreegyr, warning him that he would seek an alternative partner if he refused.

Gerrera maintained his preference for operating independently, but Rael countered that such an approach would need to change, emphasizing the necessity of collaboration to dismantle the Empire. Gerrera retorted that he was not a mercenary, but Rael urged him to envision Spellhaus engulfed in flames. After recounting a series of failed rebel alliances, Gerrera inquired about Rael's ultimate objective. Rael confessed that he was a coward and that he harbored deep fears that the Empire's power would surpass their ability to resist it. He emphasized the need to set aside their differences, but Gerrera countered by asserting that he alone possessed clarity of purpose. With a sardonic laugh, Rael remarked that anarchy was an appealing concept for a man concealed in frigid caves and scavenging for spare parts. Despite this, Gerrera declined to acquire parts from Rael, advising him to seek another collaborator to assist Kreegyr.

Subsequent meeting with Rael

A little over a month later, Gerrera reconsidered his stance and convened with Rael for a second time, agreeing to participate in Kreegyr's assault on the Spellhaus power station. He informed Rael that he would provide air support, but that he would not accept tactical orders from Kreegyr, and that his terms were non-negotiable. With the attack scheduled for the following day, Rael informed him that he was too late. As Gerrera remained steadfast in his position, Rael reluctantly revealed that the ISB had become aware of the impending attack and would be lying in wait for the rebels upon their arrival at Spellhaus. Gerrera questioned how Rael could be certain that he would not warn Kreegyr, to which Rael responded that Gerrera was notoriously unpredictable. He further stated that the decision to warn Kreegyr now rested with Gerrera, but urged him to consider the ramifications of both outcomes.

Deducing that Rael must have an informant within the ISB, Gerrera began scrutinizing his HQ, suspecting that a spy might be present among his own ranks. Rael asserted that Gerrera was evading the matter at hand, but Gerrera demanded to know the identity of the spy. Rael claimed that Benthic was his source, providing him with all the information he needed, prompting Benthic to step forward in protest. Rael swiftly disarmed Benthic, seizing his blaster and aiming it at Gerrera to command his attention. Rael elaborated that the ISB would grow complacent following Kreegyr's demise, granting them a "clear field to play." He suggested that the alternative would sow doubt and distrust within the ISB, mirroring Gerrera's current state of suspicion. After confirming that thirty-one men would be sacrificed for this outcome, Gerrera made the difficult decision to refrain from warning Kreegyr, prioritizing the greater good of the war effort.

Orchestration of Moff Panaka's Assassination

Gerrera arranged for the assassination of Moff Panaka.

In 3 BBY, Gerrera, having once again shaved his head bald, orchestrated the detonation of a bomb at the residence of Moff Quarsh Panaka. The bomb successfully achieved its objective of eliminating the Moff, who was widely regarded as one of the Emperor's most devoted servants. The timing of the explosion narrowly averted the deaths of Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan and Naboo's queen [Dalné](/article/daln%c3%a9], who had just bid farewell to the Moff at his chalet moments before the blast, following a discussion about improving the working conditions of the miners on Onoam. Although concrete evidence implicating Saw in the Moff's death was never presented, Leia's mother, Breha Organa, correctly surmised that as the leader of the Partisans, he must have been involved in some capacity, and informed Leia that she and her husband would convey to Saw the gravity of how close he had come to murdering their daughter.

The assassination of Panaka deeply troubled the rest of the rebels, who grew increasingly frustrated by the challenge of managing the Partisans, as Panaka was the highest-ranking member of the Emperor's inner circle with whom they had any hope of establishing contact and potentially collaborating. Saw's actions effectively eliminated this possibility. Princess Leia also disapproved of Panaka's assassination, viewing him as a virtuous individual, although she initially permitted the Partisan she encountered on Onoam to evade Imperial arrest, fearing that her parents might have been complicit in the assassination, an accusation that deeply offended Bail Organa.

Unbeknownst to Gerrera, his actions had inadvertently saved Leia and her adoptive family. During Panaka's meeting with her and Danlé, Leia was wearing the jubilation dress that had once belonged to her biological mother, Padmé Amidala, which caused Panaka considerable shock. He managed to deduce Leia's true lineage, a secret unknown even to the princess at the time, and had intended to inform Palpatine, but his death prevented him from doing so.

Galactic Civil War

Expedition to Geonosis

In 2 BBY, Saw spearheaded a mission to investigate the apparent disappearance of the Geonosian species from the planet Geonosis. His Partisan group had evolved into one of the numerous cells that would eventually coalesce to form the Rebel Alliance. Saw embarked on the Geonosian mission on behalf of Rebel Command and Senator Bail Organa, a supporter of the burgeoning rebellion within the Imperial Senate. His team lost contact with Rebel Command after detecting an energy signature, which was later identified as an operational deflector shield generator.

While exploring an underground labyrinth, Saw and his team were ambushed by Klik-Klak, the sole Geonosian survivor of the Sterilization of Geonosis. Klik-Klak's battle droids decimated Saw's team, but Saw managed to survive long enough for members of the Spectres rebel cell and Rex to come to his rescue. Saw then assisted the Spectres and Rex in fending off a group of B1 battle droids and a droideka. Believing that Klik-Klak held the key to uncovering the Empire's motives for exterminating the Geonosian population, Saw persuaded Rex and the Spectres to aid him in capturing Klik-Klak.

Saw Gerrera on Geonosis in 2 BBY.

While exploring the central air shaft, Saw and his team located Klik-Klak concealed on the opposite side. As the Spectres Ezra Bridger and Chopper pursued the Geonosian, Saw waited with Kanan and Rex when the Spectres' leader Hera Syndulla contacted Kanan. When Hera instructed them to leave, Saw convinced the Spectres to prolong their stay in order to complete his original mission of investigating the disappearance of the Geonosian species. Using the Force, Kanan manipulated a stone bridge to safely transport Saw and Rex across to the other side of the air shaft.

Once they had crossed, Saw and his rebel companions managed to corner Klik-Klak. Saw also neutralized Klik Klak's remote controller with his blaster, disabling several droidekas that were attacking the Spectres Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios above. Saw then interrogated Klik-Klak, demanding to know what the Empire was constructing on Geonosis. Unable to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard, Klik-Klak resorted to drawing in the sand repeatedly. Ezra managed to establish a rapport with Klik-Klak. After Chopper detected an energy signature, Saw compelled Klik-Klak to lead them to its source.

Saw and his companions soon discovered that the energy signature originated from Klik-Klak's nest, which served as his workshop and housed a transmitter. Still embittered by the loss of his sister Steela at the hands of the Separatists, Saw aggressively questioned Klik-Klak and rummaged through his belongings. Saw's forceful methods yielded no results, while Ezra's more compassionate approach convinced Klik-Klak to reveal that he was the custodian of the last known Geonosian queen egg. Saw sought to interrogate Klik-Klak off-world, but Ezra objected, arguing that Klik-Klak and the egg represented the last remnants of their species and belonged on Geonosis. Ultimately, Kanan brokered a compromise whereby the rebels could question Klik-Klak at Chopper Base and then return him to Geonosis.

Saw, his rebel allies, and their prisoner Klik-Klak rendezvoused with the Spectres' ship Ghost in the central air shaft. Once aboard, Saw exchanged pleasantries with Hera and the rest of her crew. While Kanan and Hera were preoccupied, Saw reneged on his earlier agreement and attempted to transport Klik-Klak off-world on the shuttle Phantom II. To compel Klik-Klak's cooperation, Saw subjected him to an electro-shock device. This sparked a heated argument with the Spectres and Rex, who all condemned Saw's harsh methods. After fending off Ezra and Rex, Saw threatened to destroy the Geonosian queen egg. In response, Ezra and Rex implored him not to emulate the Empire he was fighting against.

Saw's altercation with the Spectres was interrupted by the arrival of Captain Brunson's Arquitens-class command cruiser, which obstructed the air shaft and deployed a squad of Jumptroopers to board the Ghost. Saw joined the rebels in repelling the Imperial boarders as the ship descended into the depths of Geonosis. Once at the bottom, Saw and his rebel comrades discovered several poison canisters, providing compelling evidence that the Empire had perpetrated genocide against the Geonosians. Regretting his past treatment of Klik-Klak, Saw argued that the Geonosians deserved the same opportunity to rebuild as other species and released Klik-Klak and the Geonosian egg.

After releasing Klik-Klak and securing several of the poison canisters, the Ghost managed to escape Geonosis by blasting through the Imperial light cruiser with proton torpedoes. Despite their successful escape, the rebels lost the poison canisters and were forced to rely on images of the canisters instead. Although Senator Organa and Commander Jun Sato deemed the mission a success for rescuing Saw and obtaining a new deflector core, Saw was disappointed that they had yet to uncover the Empire's construction project on Geonosis. Kanan reassured him that they would eventually discover the truth sooner or later.

Jalindi and a quest of his own

Saw Gerrera clashed with Mon Mothma's Rebel Alliance over tactics.

In 1 BBY, Bail Organa made the first mention of Saw, sharing intelligence that was supplied by Saw; specifically, information about a new relay station being utilized by the Empire. When the Rebellion sought to tap into the relay in order to glean information about the Empire's activities, Saw, who had dispatched an astromech droid, appeared and accused them of cowardice, asserting that they were not willing to take the necessary measures to achieve victory. After Mon Mothma terminated communications with him, Saw prepared to travel to the relay with the intention of destroying it. He arrived in his U-Wing, piloted by Edrio. Upon opening the doors to deploy bombs, he was surprised to encounter Ezra and Sabine, greeting them while simultaneously launching three packs of proton bombs at the relay. Informing them that the bombs were set to detonate imminently, he invited them to board his starfighter, and they proceeded to evacuate the area just as the bombs exploded, obliterating the relay and killing Brom Titus.

While in space near Jalindi, Hera contacted him and demanded that he return Ezra and Sabine. Saw agreed and initiated the process; however, a Star Destroyer suddenly materialized, forcing Saw to divert course to Faos Station with them. During the journey, Saw revealed to the two that he required their assistance, as he had been unable to ascertain the Empire's construction project following the events on Geonosis. Upon arriving at Faos Station, he, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper boarded Freighter 2716.

Upon inspecting the materials, which were intended for the construction of Star Destroyers, Saw asserted that the Empire was engaged in something significant. Continuing his investigation, they discovered Imperial stormtroopers aboard the ship and learned that the freighter was en route to the remote Tonnis sector, solidifying Saw's suspicions. When Chopper informed him that hold 12 contained an Imperial shuttle, they proceeded to investigate and discovered prisoners, who were identified as power or reactor technicians. Later, when Ezra continued to hear "singing," Chopper revealed that hold 17 was a restricted area. Upon opening the door to that hold, they encountered a death trooper, prompting Saw to fire at point-blank range, killing the trooper. Sabine deployed several smoke grenades into the room, which Saw utilized to blend in and subdue several troopers.

After securing the area, one of the troopers managed to escape. Saw expressed his desire to pursue her, but Sabine dissuaded him. They examined the mysterious cargo the troopers were guarding and realized that it was an unusually large kyber crystal. Saw, determined to uncover the Empire's construction project, reluctantly remained to guard the crystal while Ezra and Sabine departed to sabotage the hyperspace drive. However, he swiftly betrayed them, stunning the two in the engine room.

When Ezra and Sabine regained consciousness, they demanded to know why Saw had betrayed them. Saw explained that they were on the verge of uncovering the secret weapon and directed them to look at the screen. When the freighter arrived in the Tonnis sector, they observed only a single Star Destroyer. Perplexed, but still convinced of the Empire's nefarious intentions with the crystal, he utilized Ezra's lightsaber to destroy the freighter's hyperdrive before firing upon the crystal's mounting, effectively transforming the crystal into a time bomb. He then released the two, while Edrio, who had been tailing the freighter, informed Saw that he was waiting outside. Aware that Ezra and Sabine no longer condoned his methods, Saw bid farewell to them as they made their individual escapes before the freighter and Star Destroyer were obliterated.

Operation on Dooma 4

Gerrera subsequently discovered that the Imperial Metal Factory on Dooma 4 was supplying components for a clandestine Imperial initiative. He and the Partisans launched a mission to the factory with the objective of destroying the station.

Taking the fight to Jedha

Saw Gerrera meeting with Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus and attempting to recruit them into his Partisans.

As his campaigns against the Empire grew increasingly ruthless, Alliance High Command, prompted by Mon Mothma, formally condemned Gerrera and severed all official ties with the Partisans. By this point, Gerrera had lost his right leg and struggled to walk with a rudimentary cybernetic replacement. His lungs had also sustained damage, confining him to a pressurized armor suit and necessitating regular supplementary oxygen from a breath mask.

Having previously learned that the Empire's massive kyber crystal originated from Jedha, Gerrera relocated his militia to the moon, believing it to be an appropriate location to wage his rebellion, as it was a sacred world to numerous galactic religions. Due to the Imperials' desecration of many religious temples and artifacts in their pursuit of kyber crystals, small, local insurgent cells had begun to emerge in the Holy City of NiJedha in opposition to the occupation. From his new base of operations in the Catacombs of Cadera, located just a half-day's walk outside the Holy City, Gerrera began to recruit and organize the local insurgencies under the banner of his Partisans. During this period, he also commanded a pair of UT-60D U-wing troop transports and six T-65 X-wing fighters. Dubbing them the Cavern Angels, Gerrera began to deploy this squadron in hit-and-run air raids against Imperial facilities in the Holy City, as well as the outlying, Imperial-controlled kyber mines.

Among the local insurgents Gerrera recruited were Guardians of the Whills Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus, whom he enticed into joining by providing much-needed provisions for the orphanage run by Îmwe and Malbus's friends, Kaya and Killi Gimm. Over several months, the Partisans attacked the Imperial occupiers, leading to increasingly harsh reprisals from the Empire. The Star Destroyer that had previously orbited high above Jedha descended to rest directly above the Holy City, and the number of stormtroopers, tanks, and walkers on patrol in the streets increased significantly. Îmwe and Malbus approached Gerrera, requesting assistance in stealing a spacecraft so that the Gimm sisters could evacuate the planet with their orphans. A group of Partisans, led by Beezer Fortuna, assisted Îmwe and Malbus in stealing a Sentinel-class shuttle. Under Gerrera's orders, Fortuna and the other Partisans attempted to betray Îmwe and Malbus, intending to use the shuttle to destroy the Star Destroyer above the city. Îmwe and Malbus managed to dissuade the Partisans from seizing the shuttle, allowing the orphans to escape Jedha. However, this resulted in Gerrera parting ways with Îmwe and Malbus.

Reunion with Jyn and ultimate demise

Gerrera meeting with Jyn Erso.

In the year 1 BBY, leading up to the pivotal Battle of Scarif, the rebel group known as the Partisans took into custody Bodhi Rook, a former pilot of the Empire who had recently switched sides. Rook was the bearer of a critical message from Galen Erso, intended to warn the Rebel Alliance about the almost finished Death Star project. However, Saw Gerrera, consumed by paranoia and the belief that Imperial spies were lurking everywhere, became convinced that Rook's defection was nothing more than an elaborate deception orchestrated by the Empire. In a desperate attempt to uncover the truth, Gerrera resorted to using a mairan creature named Bor Gullet to delve into Rook's mind, a process that risked shattering his sanity. Following this invasive procedure, Gerrera confined the now-catatonic Rook to a holding cell before dispatching his forces, under the command of Benthic and Edrio, to launch an assault on an Imperial convoy transporting kyber crystals in Jedha City. During the intense conflict that ensued, Rebel intelligence Captain Cassian Andor, along with Jyn Erso, found themselves captured. Both were present on the moon seeking Rook, whom the Rebel Alliance had discovered possessed a message originating from Galen Erso.

Jyn and Cassian, together with Îmwe and Malbus, who had been swept up in the chaos of the battle, were escorted to Saw's base of operations nestled within the Catacombs of Cadera. Saw granted an audience only to Jyn, interrogating her about her motives and demanding to know if she had come to assassinate him. She explained that her sole purpose was to retrieve the message from her father and that once it was delivered to the Rebel Alliance, she would depart. Saw challenged her lack of faith in the pursuit of galactic freedom. She recounted his abandonment of her at the age of sixteen, asserting that his war held no significance for her. Subsequently, he revealed the message from her father, which exposed a critical vulnerability in the Empire's formidable weapon. However, during their conversation, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Orson Krennic made the decision to conduct a test firing of the Death Star's superlaser on Jedha, having tracked Bodhi's presence there and recognizing an opportunity to eliminate Saw's insurgency. A low-power blast obliterated Jedha City in an instant, unleashing a shockwave that radiated outwards for kilometers, threatening the Catacombs. Recognizing the imminent danger, Saw freed his prisoners, entrusting Galen's message to Jyn and imploring her to rescue the Rebellion. Nevertheless, he declared his refusal to "run any longer" and chose to remain in the Catacombs. After witnessing Jyn's group escape, his final act was to remove his breathing apparatus before the destructive wave engulfed the Catacombs, resulting in his death. His last thoughts were of his deceased sister, Steela, and her name was his final word.


Saw's old ally Lux lead his remaining Partisans, renaming them the Dreamers.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, surviving members of the Partisans reorganized themselves, establishing the Dreamers under the leadership of Staven and Lux Bonteri. The elite Imperial unit known as Inferno Squad successfully infiltrated the Dreamers within their base on Jeosyn, ultimately dismantling them from within. Another contingent of remaining Partisans, led by Benthic, maintained their presence on Jedha, defending against the Imperials who had returned to the moon in pursuit of additional kyber crystals.

Bonteri, a former ally of Gerrera, eventually aligned himself with the Dreamers, adopting the moniker "the Mentor." He had reached out to his stepdaughter, conveying that Gerrera's passing had affected him more profoundly than he had anticipated. He offered amnesty in exchange for surrendering to the Empire and revealing all his knowledge of the Rebel Alliance and their operations. She provided him with a schedule of specific times and locations where he could turn himself in. However, Bonteri instead utilized these locations to furnish Staven with a collection of valuable targets to strike.

By the time of the New Republic, certain individuals, such as the Centrist junior senator Ransolm Casterfo, remembered Saw Gerrera and his Partisans as radical extremists who embodied the most undesirable aspects of the Rebel Alliance. Casterfo cited Saw's actions as evidence of the Alliance's alleged atrocities during a political discussion with the Populist senior senator Leia Organa.

Personality and traits

An impassioned rebel

Although Gerrera fought for freedom against oppressors such as the Galactic Empire, his methods negatively affected his image.

In his younger days, Saw Gerrera displayed the traits of a fiery and impetuous soldier, eager to assume leadership and viewing himself as a devoted patriot of Onderon. Possessing compassion and charisma, Saw held freedom and independence in high regard, remaining a steadfast supporter of King Ramsis Dendup and readily engaging in conflicts that championed these principles. The tragic loss of his sister, Steela, left an indelible mark on Saw, laying the groundwork for the more morally ambiguous tactics he would later employ throughout his life.

Saw Gerrera cultivated a reputation as a capable, yet ruthless and cunning commander during both the Clone Wars and the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. His severe methods led many to perceive him as an unyielding extremist. Despite this extremism, he resisted being labeled a terrorist, holding a different understanding of the term. He considered himself a patriot, believing that resistance was distinct from terrorism, and found it frustrating that members of the rebellion worried about how they would be labeled, knowing the Empire would classify them negatively regardless. He also harbored a deep-seated aversion to both slavery and indentured servitude, seeing little difference between the two. This aversion was notable by a young Jyn Erso, believing that Saw had to have experienced a mission that made the topic a particularly sensitive topic.

Gerrera held profound animosity towards the Separatists for their invasion of his home planet, Onderon. He also harbored a dislike for the Geonosians due to their allegiance with the Separatists and their construction of gunships, which contributed to his sister Steela's death. This, coupled with the loss of comrades during a mission on Geonosis, led him to brutally interrogate the Geonosian Klik-Klak, causing discomfort among his former comrade Rex and the Spectres. Gerrera also disagreed with some of the Jedi's principled tactics, believing them lacking and costing them the Clone Wars.

Despite his antipathy towards the Geonosians, Gerrera was horrified by the Empire's genocide against the species and believed that they had the same right to rebuild as other species. Gerrera's change of heart led him to release Klik-Klak and the Geonosian queen egg he was guarding. He also still retained greater level of respect for Jedi, acknowledging their help in the past even when wanting to dismiss them and offered Cal Kestis a place in his rebel group, acknowledging that a Jedi would aid the Partisans in their fight against the Empire. When Kestis refused because he had his own mission, Gerrera said the invitation was open, not giving up on the idea of having Kestis on the side of the Partisans.

Strained relationships

Saw Gerrera had a tenuous relationship with the other rebel cells.

Gerrera's aggressive tactics, which included the killing of prisoners, civilians, and violations of the rules of engagement, created strife with members of the Rebel Alliance, whom Saw equally regarded as a source of frustration due to their focus on how the Galactic Empire would labels them and disliked their views on prioritizing while simultaneously enlisting his aid for more controversial missions. Mutually, the Rebel Alliance believed Gerrera's actions hurts them more than helps them and opined that his fatal flaw being that as a leader, Saw lacks the understanding of people valuing peace and order more than freedom and that his actions raises alarming concerns that the Rebel Alliance will replace the order the Galactic Empire represents with chaos and danger.

His strained relationships extended to key figures such as Mon Mothma; he perceived her as weak and indecisive, though he did see fire in her, while Mothma regarded him as a war criminal and terrorist mired in cynicism. Gerrera also saw potential in Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper as effective soldiers for a mission to discover the Empire's secret superweapon. However, Gerrera's willingness to risk the lives of civilians in this quest strained his partnership with Ezra and Sabine. Ezra, who initially admired Gerrera's ability to acquire intelligence, became disillusioned with his ruthless and aggressive tactics. Gerrera believed that if a planet was lost, then there was no other option but to leave, which put him at odds with fellow Partisan Mari Kosan, who chose to stay with the Wookiees on Kashyyyk.

Gerrera's pressure suit was the result of his relentless battle against the Empire.

Gerrera became a mentor to Jyn Erso after she lost her parents to the Empire. Saw referred to Jyn as his daughter and taught her how to defend herself and gave her a datapad to teach herself more traditional subjects such as maths. Though Jyn ended up going on missions by the time she was fourteen Saw was more hesitant to put her in danger and went out of his way to hide her true identity from others including giving her a green scarf to cover up her mother's pendant. He abandoned her at the age of sixteen in order to protect her from other rebels who wanted to use her as a hostage due to her status as Galen Erso's daughter. Gerrera initially did not believe the Imperial defector Bodhi Rook's report that the Empire was building a new superweapon called the Death Star and had him tortured with a Bor Gullet. Despite his estranged relationship with Jyn, Gerrera was still able to inspire her to find the weakness in the Empire's superweapon in order to save the rebellion. Gerrera was unafraid of death and stayed behind when the Empire destroyed the Jedha Holy City.

Gerrera fought alongside Lux Bonteri to free their home plant of Onderon however the two often argued as Saw viewed Bonteri as more of a politician than a fighter with Saw's sister Steela working as a mediator between the two. Both where deeply saddened by her death. Following the rise of the Empire, Bonteri joined the Rebel Alliance instead of Gerrera's Partisans, which his goddaughter Maia did join. After Gerrera's death, Bonteri contacted his stepdaughter, a clerical worker loyal to the Empire, saying Gerrera's death had upset him more than he could have realized and for amnesty in exchange for surrendering to the Empire and disclosing all his information on the Rebel Alliance and their operations. She gave him a list of specific times and locations where he could turn himself in. Bonteri, however, instead used the locations to give Staven, the leader of the Dreamers, a group consisting of surviving Partisans, a supply of targets to hit.

Ruthless though he was, Gerrera carried several regrets throughout his life. He felt responsible for the death of his sister, Steela. Thus, he vowed to keep up his war against what he saw as evil, no matter what form his enemies took. Despite justifying his reasons for doing so, he deeply regretted abandoning Jyn Erso and leaving her on her own.

Skills and abilities

Gerrera was a ruthless and headstrong yet successful leader

As a seasoned veteran of the Clone Wars, Saw Gerrera was a skilled and cunning fighter and commander who learned combative arts from the Jedi; he was skilled in hand-to-hand combat, able to overpower both Ezra and Rex could easily incapacitate both stormtroopers and death troopers. He was also versed in the usage of various melee weaponry including a staff, truncheons, and knives in addition to ranged weaponry. He was proficient in operating a blaster, sniper rifle, and explosives, having used a grenade to destroy several battle droids and later helped the Spectres and Rex to hunt down Klik-Klak.

While an exceptional fighter, Saw's greatest attribute was his intellect and leadership skills as a military tactician, which only improved and sharpened over time. He was an effective military commander who was adept in extracting information and launching hit-and-run raids on the Empire. Contrary to the rest of the rebels however, he was unrestrained by ethical concerns and as a result, willing to do just about anything to bring down his enemies. His torture of Imperial prisoners and willingness to treat civilians as collateral damage strained relations between his group and the Rebel Alliance. Overtime, he also proved to a charismatic leader and mentor to those in the Partisans. As a veteran in the Clone Wars, he was keenly aware of how to battle droids in combat and memorized various models and their weaknesses.

Saw later suffered severe injuries to his lungs and legs which forced him to wear a pressure suit for survival and to walk on prosthetic legs.

Behind the scenes

Early conceptual art for Saw Gerrera's live-action appearance in Rogue One by Aaron McBride.

The character of Saw Gerrera was voiced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Bad Batch by Andrew Kishino. Saw Gerrera was played by Forest Whitaker in the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, who returned to voice the character in Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. He was originally conceived by Star Wars creator George Lucas for the unproduced live-action television series Star Wars: Underworld.

As a result, the character's name is a "mnemonic riff" on real-life Argentinian revolutionary and associate of Castro - Che Guevara as revealed in The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Lucasfilm Story Group's Kiri Hart was the one who suggested that the character be used in Rogue One. Another inspiration for Gerrera's character, according to Phil Szostak, was Marlon Brando's Colonel Kurtz from Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film Apocalypse Now. According to writer Gary Whitta, Forest Whitaker was the only actor they considered to play Gerrera in Rogue One.

Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera in his character poster

Whitaker reprised his role as Gerrera in the episodes "Narkina 5" and "Daughter of Ferrix" in the Andor television series. Executive producer and writer Tony Gilroy wanted Gerrera and the other legacy characters to not provide fan service. The night before a rehearsal for Gerrera and Luthen Rael's argument in "Narkina 5," Whitaker asked director Toby Haynes questions about backstory and kyber crystals. During the rehearsal, Whitaker and Rael's actor, Stellan Skarsgård, read the scene for the first time and went at each other. According to Haynes, when the scene was filmed for real, Whitaker and Skarsgård almost deconstructed what they did in a natural and spontaneous way. They then had to completely reconstruct the scene, and it was hard to get to the same pitch. Haynes wanted to end Gerrera's rant with a very direct, face-on shot of Whitaker to build the intensity and bring the audience into the argument. To accomplish this, Haynes had Whitaker do his speech several times, telling him to "go crazy with it."

