Mission to Kamino (Separatist Crisis)

title: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Mission to Kamino

As the Separatist Crisis neared its climax, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, journeyed to Kamino, a planet located in Wild Space. His objective was to uncover the individuals and groups behind the plot to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo.


The Jedi High Council entrusted Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, with the responsibility of identifying the bounty hunter responsible for the plot aimed at assassinating Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. While his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, was assigned to protect Amidala on Naboo by the Council, Kenobi sought out his old acquaintance, the Besalisk Dexter Jettster, known as Dex, at Dex's Diner. He needed information about a toxic dart recovered from Zam Wesell's body. Wesell had been fatally shot with the dart and killed before she could divulge details about the assassination plot. Dex informed Kenobi that the dart originated from the Kaminoans, a species residing beyond the Outer Rim Territories. After departing the diner, Kenobi, aided by Librarian Jocasta Nu, consulted the Jedi Archives to locate the planet Kamino. However, Kamino was inexplicably missing from the archives, suggesting its non-existence. Disturbed by this, Kenobi decided to discuss the matter with Jedi Yoda.

Obi-Wan Kenobi meeting Jango Fett.

Within the Jedi Temple, Yoda was instructing a group of younglings. One of the younglings proposed that Kamino might have been deliberately removed from the archives. Yoda instructed Kenobi to proceed to the specified coordinates. Upon arrival, Kenobi discovered Kamino near the Rishi Maze. He landed on the rainy, ocean planet and was greeted by the Kaminoan Taun We, who escorted Kenobi to Lama Su, the Prime Minister of Kamino. Su informed Kenobi about the creation of a clone army for the Galactic Republic, instructing him to inform Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas that the order would be delivered on schedule. This confused Kenobi, as Sifo-Dyas had been deceased for a decade. The Kaminoans revealed that the template for the clones was a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. Taun We then led Kenobi to Fett's living quarters in the capital, Tipoca City. Fett's unaltered clone offspring, Boba Fett, granted Taun We and the Jedi access. Jango soon arrived, and We introduced the Jedi. Kenobi subtly questioned Fett about the assassination plot against Amidala, but Fett remained tight-lipped.

Fett instructed Boba to close the door to a closet containing his Mandalorian armor before responding to the questions. He also denied any knowledge of Sifo-Dyas, claiming he was recruited by a man named Tyranus. As We and Kenobi departed Fett's residence, Fett and his son prepared for immediate departure from Kamino. Kenobi contacted Yoda and Jedi Master Mace Windu. They inquired if the Kaminoans were involved in the assassination attempts, but Kenobi dismissed this idea after reporting his discoveries, including the fact that Sifo-Dyas had somehow ordered a clone army for the Republic despite his long-standing death. Yoda instructed him to bring Fett back to Coruscant for further investigation.


Obi-Wan and Jango duel near Slave I

While cargo was being loaded onto the Slave I, Kenobi emerged onto the landing platform where the ship was docked. Boba spotted Kenobi and alerted his father to the Jedi's presence. Kenobi activated his lightsaber, while Fett drew his twin WESTAR-34 blaster pistols and opened fire. Kenobi deflected the blaster fire, forcing the bounty hunter to activate his jetpack and take cover atop a lighting fixture. Fett launched a missile from his jetpack at Kenobi, resulting in an explosion that dislodged Kenobi's lightsaber. Inside Slave I, Boba activated the starship's heavy twin blaster cannons and fired at Kenobi. The shots struck nearby, sending Kenobi reeling. Jango descended from the fixture and flew towards Kenobi, who used the Force to jump and kick Fett, knocking him to the ground and causing him to lose his blasters.

Jango, using his Whipcord launcher to grab onto Kenobi.

As the two engaged in close combat, Jango attempted to grapple the Jedi. With a swift kick to the bounty hunter's helmet, Jango was forced to release Kenobi. Regaining his footing, Fett headbutted Kenobi with his helmet, causing Kenobi to stumble back onto the platform. Noticing his lightsaber near the edge, the Jedi attempted to summon it to him. However, Jango fired his whipcord launcher at the Jedi, and the cord wrapped around Kenobi's outstretched hand, pulling him away from his lightsaber and dragging him across the platform.

Kenobi entangled the whipcord around a lighting fixture, causing Jango to crash onto the platform. The jetpack detached from his armor and exploded nearby. Rising to his feet, the bounty hunter grabbed one of his fallen blasters and fired at Kenobi, who was charging towards him. Kenobi kicked Jango off the platform, realizing too late that he was still connected to the whipcord around his hands. Kenobi was flipped over the side of the platform and slid down towards Jango. In a desperate attempt to save himself, Jango activated a series of grappling blades on his arm and embedded them into the platform to slow his descent. Without similar tools, Kenobi slid past Jango and over the edge, dangling by the whipcord. As Jango's grappling tools began to fail under the combined weight, he released the whipcord, sending Kenobi plummeting towards the ocean.

Using the Force, Kenobi managed to secure the cord to a structure below the platform. After ensuring that the Jedi was out of sight, Jango used his grappling tools to climb back to the top of the platform. Meanwhile, Kenobi landed on a ramp and re-entered the city to intercept Jango, who was boarding Slave I. Kenobi reappeared on the platform and quickly retrieved his lightsaber. However, both Fetts were already aboard Slave I, which was lifting off. Kenobi threw a homing beacon onto the side of the starship's hull.


After Jango and Boba Fett's departure from Kamino, Kenobi boarded his Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter and pursued Slave I to Geonosis, the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Once again, Kenobi engaged Fett in the asteroid field above the planet. By intercepting Fett, Kenobi would gain further insight into the assassination attempt on Amidala on Geonosis.

