A fierce aerial combat, a dogfight, unfolded over the skies of Geonosis. This confrontation involved Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and it transpired within the perilous asteroid ring encircling the planet that served as the Separatist capital at that time.
Following a duel with Jango Fett on Kamino, Obi-Wan Kenobi strategically placed a homing beacon onto the exterior hull of the departing Slave I. He then proceeded to trace the ship's trajectory to the planet of Geonosis. After Boba Fett noticed that they were being tracked, Jango piloted the Slave I directly into the encompassing asteroid field.

Kenobi maintained a close pursuit of Jango, skillfully evading both asteroids and the barrage of incoming seismic charges. Jango executed maneuvers through asteroid tunnels, but Kenobi remained persistent. Reversing the situation, Jango emerged from Kenobi's line of sight and initiated his own attack, firing until the Jedi interceptor sustained damage. Subsequently, Fett launched a homing missile in an attempt to eliminate Kenobi.
However, Kenobi instructed his astromech droid, R4-P17, to jettison spare parts from his interceptor. This tactic caused the missile to detonate prematurely amidst the debris, leading Jango to believe he had successfully neutralized Kenobi. Nevertheless, Kenobi executed a landing on an asteroid and deactivated his systems until Jango had entered Geonosis's atmosphere, after which he resumed his pursuit to the planet's surface.
Following the aerial engagement, Kenobi touched down on Geonosis after tailing Fett to a droid foundry. While landing, he observed significant Trade Federation presence and became aware of the assassination attempts targeting Padmé Amidala. Secretly infiltrating the foundry in search of the bounty hunter, he overheard discussions between the Confederacy Head of State, the former Jedi Master Count Dooku, and various delegates. They were deliberating the deployment of a new droid army intended to compel the Galactic Republic to comply with the Confederacy's demands. Several interstellar conglomerates, including the Commerce Guild and Corporate Alliance, pledged their allegiance to Dooku and the alliance. However, Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation expressed his reservations, setting conditions for joining the alliance, specifically demanding Amidala's death, while still committing his battle droids to the cause.

During the assembly, Dooku announced that an additional 10,000 star systems were prepared to align with the Separatists. Foreman Wat Tambor assured Dooku that the droid army of the Techno Union was at his disposal, and Chairman San Hill confirmed that the InterGalactic Banking Clan would endorse his treaty. Dooku expressed his satisfaction, predicting that the combined might of the Trade Federation Droid Army and the other forces would overwhelm the Jedi. Following the conclusion of the meeting, Kenobi returned to his starfighter and attempted to communicate his findings to his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, instructing Skywalker to relay the message to Coruscant. Kenobi informed Mace Windu and Yoda about tracking Fett to the Geonosis droid foundry, the formation of a droid army by Dooku and the Council, and Gunray's involvement in the assassination attempt on Amidala. Subsequently, Kenobi was apprehended by the Geonosians and held captive until the arrival of Skywalker and Amidala, who attempted to rescue him, only to be captured themselves.