San Hill

San Hill, a male Muun, held the position of Chairman within the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the period known as the Clone Wars. He committed the Banking Clan's resources to supporting the Confederacy of Independent Systems, representing the financial group on the Separatist Council. At the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Hill, along with all other members of the council, met his end at the hands of Darth Vader on Mustafar in a massacre.


San Hill pledges the financial support of the Banking Clan to the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Originating from the planet [Scipio](/article/scipio], San Hill, a male of the Muun species, served as both President and Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, often referred to as the IGBC. Despite being among the wealthiest Muuns in the galaxy, he relentlessly pursued further enrichment. It is known that Hill once attempted to assassinate General Grievous, a Kaleesh warlord who had previously allied himself with the Banking Clan as an agent because of his animosity towards the Jedi and the Republic. Grievous survived a shuttle crash and was subsequently transformed into a cyborg.

As the Clone Wars began, Hill participated in a clandestine meeting on Geonosis, where he formalized a treaty with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. This agreement committed the Banking Clan's financial resources and military assets to the Separatist cause, though on a non-exclusive basis. The banks intended to continue conducting business with the Republic to generate profits from both warring factions, while subtly favoring the Separatist side.

Hill functioned as the representative of the financial cartel on the Separatist Council. In the concluding days of the Clone Wars, Hill, together with the other Separatist leaders, relocated from Utapau to Mustafar, where they all met their death at the hands of Darth Vader.

Personality and traits

San Hill, like many Muuns, felt more at home in the world of commerce and behind-the-scenes politics than on the battlefields of war. He wielded considerable influence and was not averse to engaging in conspiracies to achieve his objectives. As the Chairman of the IGBC, Hill firmly believed that financial backing was essential for any war effort.

Standing at a height of 1.91 meters, Hill, a male Muun, possessed yellow eyes and a pale complexion.

Behind the scenes

San Hill made his debut appearance in the 2002 motion picture Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which is the second film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. He reappeared in 2005's Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. His slender physique was adorned with CG-generated clothing designed by concept artist Dermot Power. Although Hill's demise was not explicitly shown onscreen during Revenge of the Sith, the illustrated screenplay indicates that he was killed shortly before Poggle the Lesser. His death was confirmed by the 2015 canon reference book Ultimate Star Wars.

According to information from a Star Wars: Card Trader release, Hill conspired with Poggle the Lesser, the Archduke of Geonosis, and Dooku to eliminate their unpredictable ally, Grievous, with the intention of rebuilding him into a super-cyborg slave. Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group advised fans to disregard this information, considering it an outdated Legends reference. However, similar details have surfaced in other canon sources.

