The Bear Clan, alternatively referred to as the Mighty Bear Clan, represented a group of Jedi younglings who commenced their training in the principles of the Force under the guidance of Grand Master Yoda. Before the onset of the Clone Wars, Yoda enlisted the clan's support in Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi's mission to locate the missing planet of Kamino.
Within the Jedi Order, the Bear Clan was a specific group of younglings, specifically children aged between four and eight, organized into ten clans, each containing up to twenty students. The Jedi Temple, situated on Coruscant, the capital world of the Galactic Republic, functioned as both their residence and learning institution. Here, the younglings received their initial education in the Jedi arts before progressing to become Padawans under the mentorship of more seasoned Jedi members, such as Knights and Masters. Similar to all Jedi, with the singular exception of Anakin Skywalker, the Bear Clan initially received instruction in lightsaber combat and the ways of the Force from Yoda, the Jedi Grand Master and a prominent member of the High Council.

In 22 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, interrupted the Bear Clan's lightsaber training session with Yoda, seeking his insight to understand why information about the planet Kamino was absent from the Jedi Archives. The Grand Master openly discussed the situation with the younglings, choosing to involve the Bear Clan as observers and potential contributors. After examining an incomplete star map, Yoda encouraged the younglings to share their perspectives, leading J. K. Burtola to propose that Kamino's location had been deliberately removed from the Archives' memory. Impressed by the child's insightful thinking, Yoda concurred with the youngling's conclusion, while also expressing concern, as only a Jedi Order member could have manipulated their records.
Not long after the Battle of Fortress Vader, Darth Vader stepped into a portal created by Darth Momin with the intention of resurrecting his wife, Padmé Amidala. During his passage through visions, he witnessed Yoda training the Bear Clan at the same time as Kenobi's earlier arrival, accompanied by the echoing words, "Focus, young Skywalker."