Besalisks were a four-armed sentient species of humanoid beings, characterized by an inflatable wattle, and originating from the planet of Ojom, their native world. Dexter Jettster, the proprietor of Dex's Diner and a close associate of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, was a Besalisk. Another prominent member of this species was Pong Krell, a Jedi Master who succumbed to the dark side of the Force following a vision predicting the Jedi's demise during the Clone Wars.

Besalisks were sentient humanoid species distinguished by their possession of four arms. The upper pair of arms were more developed than the lower pair. Their height typically ranged from 1.88 to 2.36 meters, and their skin exhibited colors such as green, orange, or brown. Both their large hands and feet featured four digits, each ending in substantial brown nails. Besalisks were generally stout in build and sometimes displayed distended stomachs. They also had a distinctive bony headcrest with three prongs, along with an inflatable wattle. Their mouths were wide, and some, but not all, Besalisks had noticeably thick lips. Hair, either black or brown, could be present on their heads and faces, and their eyes could be brown, orange, or yellow. It is known that at least one Besalisk exhibited Force-sensitive abilities.
Besalisks were recognized for their industrious nature and strong work ethic. One of their proverbs stated, "If your neighbors trouble you, send your rodents to their nest."
Around the start of the Clone Wars, Dexter Jettster operated a diner on Coruscant and maintained a friendship with Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. During this time, he successfully identified a Kamino saberdart for Kenobi, pointing out the identifying marks on its side, a skill he gained during his days as a prospector. He further informed Kenobi about the Kaminoans, noting their reputation as skilled cloners who preferred isolation but welcomed those who offered credits.

Pong Krell, during the Clone Wars, was a Jedi Master famed as a successful general, though infamous for the high number of clone trooper casualties under his leadership. Before the Battle of Umbara, he experienced a force vision of the Jedi Order and the Republic's demise. To ensure his survival, he embraced the dark side and attempted to sabotage the war effort by strategically mismanaging his clone forces in order to become the Sith apprentice to the Separatist leader Count Dooku. However, his treachery was uncovered by troopers from the 501st Legion after he pitted them against their fellow clones, falsely claiming they were Umbarans in disguise. He then attacked multiple clones with his double-bladed lightsabers before being stunned by clone trooper Tup. He was ultimately executed by another clone, Dogma.
During the Imperial Era of the Galactic Empire, a Besalisk community existed on the world of Gorse. Among them were Drakka, who owned Drakka's Diner, Lal Grallik, the ambitious head of Moonglow Polychemical, a mining and refinery company, and her husband Gord Grallik, who served as the company's security chief. Both Gralliks were murdered by the Imperial agent Denetrius Vidian.
Concurrently, several Besalisks were employed by Vidian at Calcoraan Depot on the planet Calcoraan.

Later, during the Empire's rule, Galus Vez operated as a starship parts dealer and owned the space station known as Osisis Station. He initially collaborated with the Spectres from Lothal, but severed ties when Imperial scrutiny of his station intensified. Upon their return, Vez declined to sell them the necessary parts and instead challenged Hera Syndulla, the group's pilot, to a race. He wagered that if Syndulla won, he would provide the parts, but if he won, he would seize the rebels' ship. Syndulla prevailed in the race, but Vez attempted to apprehend the rebels regardless. However, the Spectres had anticipated this and destroyed one of Vez's [cargo vessels](/article/transport] as a diversion, enabling them to disarm him and subdue his forces. They then compelled Vez to surrender the required materials.
Snes served as a bouncer at Club Deeja, an entertainment venue located in the city of Keren on Naboo. Two other Besalisks also worked at Club Deeja, one with green skin and another with brown skin. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the club's owner, Mul Sanaka, planned to ensnare the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa within his establishment. Snes was tasked with disarming the princess and her companions before escorting them inside. However, Snes inadvertently revealed the trap to Organa, leading to an altercation in which the princess ultimately defeated both Snes and Sanaka.
During the Galactic Civil War, Gadren was a Besalisk serving within the Alliance to Restore the Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry. During the Siege of Inyusu Tor, he lost one of his four arms.

Besalisks were initially introduced in the 2002 motion picture Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones through the character Dexter Jettster. Their species remained unnamed on-screen until the release of David West Reynolds (author)' Star Wars Legends book, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, also in 2002. For Attack of the Clones, actor Ronald Falk was filmed for Dexter Jettster's scenes, but his image was digitally replaced with a computer-generated imagery version of Jettster.
During the production phase of Attack of the Clones, the Lucasfilm art department developed several alien models, hoping one would become Jettster. George Lucas narrowed the selection to two models. John Knoll, the visual effects supervisor, expressed a preference for a different model resembling Besalisks, citing animation possibilities for its wattle. Lucas then suggested combining the top of one of his chosen models with the head of Knoll's preferred model. This hybrid became the Besalisk species. Many of the unused models were repurposed as other species, such as Skakoans.
Concept art exists for Star Wars: The Clone Wars depicting a Besalisk Jedi Master named Plun Kil. This artwork, created by lead character designer Kilian Plunkett, was intended for the second season of the show, but the character was ultimately cut.