
Gadren, hailing from Corellia, was a Besalisk whose family's enslavement by the Galactic Empire led him to enlist in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He served with distinction in the 61st Mobile Infantry, more famously known as Twilight Company. Soon after enlisting with the Company, Gadren participated in their catastrophic campaign that took place on Ferrok Pax. This warrior poet frequently sang songs within the trenches as a way to uplift the spirits of his fellow soldiers.

During an open recruitment drive on the planet of Crucival, Gadren successfully recruited Hazram Namir into the Alliance. Gadren witnessed Namir's ascent through the ranks and eventually served under First Sergeant Namir, participating in numerous engagements throughout the Galactic Civil War. He engaged in conflicts such as the one on Haidoral Prime and the Inyusu Tor siege, where he suffered the loss of one of his four arms.

Behind the scenes

Alexander Freed's 2015 novel, Battlefront: Twilight Company, marked Gadren's initial appearance. His likeness was displayed for the first time on the cover of the novel.

