
Dogma, identified by his clone trooper designation CT-6922, was a Clone Private. He fought for the 501st Legion within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. A defining characteristic was his unwavering obedience to orders. During the Battle of Umbara, he was manipulated by Jedi Master Pong Krell, who was secretly working as a Separatist agent. Consequently, Dogma executed Krell, preventing the exposure of Republic Military secrets.


Initial assault

Dogma (right) with Jesse (left) and Tup (center) on Umbara

Around 20 BBY, CT-6922 took on the name Dogma and was deployed as part of a battalion within the 501st Legion. Their mission was to retake the planet Umbara, as the native species there had aligned themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Despite incurring significant losses, the forces of the Galactic Republic successfully landed on the planet. Clone Private Dogma and the rest of the 501st were under the command of General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain Rex. Dogma's focus was solely on mission completion. However, after the 501st Legion secured a position on Umbaran territory and were granted a period of rest, General Skywalker was recalled to Coruscant following a request from both the Supreme Chancellor and the Jedi Council, leading to General Pong Krell assuming command.

Dogma exhibited unquestioning obedience and readily accepted any order. Therefore, his loyalty to Krell's leadership mirrored his loyalty to Skywalker. However, some clones, including Rex and Fives, expressed reservations about Krell's strategy of launching a direct, full-scale assault on the Umbaran capital city. Subsequently, the clones were ambushed by Umbaran forces, causing them to retreat. Following this setback, the 501st, still under Krell's command, continued to engage the Umbarans in intense combat. At that moment, General Kenobi contacted Krell, informing him that a nearby airbase was providing supplies to the Umbarans. Consequently, Krell directed the 501st Legion to seize the airbase.

Dogma along with the rest of the 501st ready to move out

Upon reaching their objective, Rex prepared his platoons for an assault on the airbase, gathering them to review the tactical plan. While many clone troopers voiced their doubts about the viability of Krell's plan, Dogma supported Rex, urging them to trust Krell and expressing confidence in the plan's success. The initial stages of the attack were unfavorable for the clones, who suffered significant losses. However, due to Rex's improvisational skills, the plan ultimately succeeded. Fives and Hardcase commandeered two Umbaran starfighters from the airbase and used them to destroy the Umbaran mobile heavy cannons that were inflicting substantial casualties on the troopers. Following this, General Krell ordered the complete seizure of the airbase.

Confronting disloyalty

Later that night, Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase secretly boarded several Umbaran starfighters with the intention of destroying a Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessel that was resupplying Umbaran forces. When Dogma awoke in the barracks and noticed their empty bunks, he roused fellow trooper Tup to investigate their whereabouts. When Dogma threatened to report them to General Krell, Tup initially resisted, but agreed to accompany him after Dogma warned that they would be considered complicit in the insubordination and face court-martial if they were aware of it. However, on their way to the tower, Rex intercepted them, suspecting that they were planning to report Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase. Dogma claimed they were going to speak with the general about a personal matter, but when Rex suggested that they could confide in him and he would relay the information to General Krell, Dogma angrily dismissed it as unimportant and returned to the barracks. Upon the return of Fives and Jesse, after Hardcase had sacrificed himself to destroy the supply ship, Krell informed them that, despite their heroic actions, they would be executed for disobeying a direct order.

Dogma was all too eager to execute his brothers.

During the scheduled execution of Fives and Jesse, Rex placed Dogma in command of the firing squad, which included Tup and Kix. Rex believed that Dogma, unlike himself, would be capable of carrying out the order, though he questioned whether assigning the task to another man was an act of cowardice. While Dogma firmly believed that the execution was a just punishment, the other members of the firing squad were less certain. When Fives appealed to their sense of morality and individuality, the squad deliberately missed their targets and dropped their blaster rifles. Shocked by this, Dogma attempted to restore order, but Rex intervened, stating that the squad did not share his perspective and preventing the execution. Following this, Krell received a transmission indicating that Umbarans had stolen clone trooper equipment. Consequently, Krell temporarily suspended the execution of Fives and Jesse.

Dogma accompanied the 501st in engaging the enemy, which resulted in a chaotic firefight between a platoon from the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Legion. Upon realizing that they were attacking the 212th, Dogma appeared shocked, dropping his helmet and expressing his dismay. After successfully ceasing the conflict, Rex questioned the platoon leader, Waxer, about who had issued the orders to attack the 501st Legion. In his final moments, Waxer revealed that Krell had given the order. Rex successfully convinced the clones to arrest General Krell. Despite this revelation, Dogma remained loyal to Krell and refused to assist in preventing Krell's escape. Dogma defiantly attempted to prevent Rex from pursuing Krell, but after some persuasion, Dogma recognized the truth and lowered his blaster, after which he was tackled by two clones and sent to the brig.

Dogma watches as Krell taunts Rex.

After the clones had subdued Krell, he was detained in the brig and placed in a holding cell right next to Dogma's own cell. As Krell revealed his betrayal to Rex, Dogma questioned how he could do such a thing, stating that he had placed his trust and loyalty in Krell. Krell mocked him, labeling him "the biggest fool of them all." Dogma was stunned by the realization that his loyalty had been exploited as a pawn in Krell's scheme to undermine the Republic's efforts. Later, Fives released Dogma, and Rex decided to execute Krell after Appo alerted him that the Umbarans would soon attack the captured airbase. When Rex pointed his pistol at Krell, the fallen Jedi taunted him, turning his steady hand into an unsteady trigger. Dogma then stole one of Fives' pistols and fatally shot Krell in the back, ending the fallen Jedi's life. Dogma stated that he had to shoot Krell, because "he betrayed us." Following the battle, Dogma was taken into custody for killing a Jedi, but as he was led away, Rex gave him a reassuring nod to let him know that he had done the right thing.

Personality and traits

Dogma would eventually realize that he could not blindly follow orders

Dogma, a young clone trooper belonging to the 501st Legion, was known as a very loyal soldier. He never questioned or disobeyed orders from a commanding officer. During the Battle of Umbara, he demonstrated the greatest loyalty to Pong Krell among the clone troopers, agreeing with everything Krell said. He appeared to be the only one willing to execute his fellow troopers, Fives and Jesse. He dismissed the suggestions of other clones who proposed alternative strategies, believing that Krell had valid reasons for his actions. Like his comrades, Dogma was horrified and shocked when he realized that the 501st Legion and the 212th Attack Battalion had engaged each other due to General Krell's deception. When his fellow clones attempted to arrest Krell, who had turned to the dark side, Dogma tried to stop them, accusing them of treason.

When Pong Krell revealed his betrayal, he referred to Dogma as "the biggest fool of them all" because of his unwavering loyalty. Dogma was deeply shocked and angered, as he had been Krell's most devoted soldier, and Krell had exploited his loyalty to harm his brothers. As a result of feeling betrayed, he fatally shot his former general when Krell gloated about Rex's hesitation to do so himself.

Dogma held strong beliefs, convinced that Krell was acting correctly. Even after Krell had caused the deaths of numerous clones and fled into the jungle, Dogma confronted Rex and obstructed his captain's path. Although Dogma held firm opinions, he was receptive to reason when Rex appealed to his moral principles. He painfully acknowledged his errors and did not resist when two fellow troopers handcuffed him and Rex led the pursuit of Krell.

Dogma styled his hair back and had a V-shaped tattoo above his left eye. His helmet featured a similar V-shaped design covering most of the front, mirroring his tattoo.


Dogma wore Phase II clone trooper armor and carried a DC-15A blaster. As a member of the 501st Legion, Dogma's armor featured blue 501st Legion markings and a red triangle above the larger blue one on his helmet.

Behind the scenes

Dogma's first appearance was in "Darkness on Umbara," which is the seventh episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' fourth season. Dee Bradley Baker provided his voice.

