Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessel

The Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessel, also known as the DH-Omni Support Vessel, the DH-O Support Vessel, or simply the DH-O, and commonly called the Separatist supply ship, Separatist support ship, or Separatist transport, represented a class of enormous transport and supply ships produced by Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.. These vessels were heavily utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.


Similar to the Lucrehulk-class, this vessel type began its life as a commercial transport, but it was later adapted for military applications. It provided crucial support to both droids and organic soldiers in the Separatist forces.


A single DH-Omni Support Vessel played a significant role in the Battle of Umbara, where it was instrumental in providing supplies to the Confederate troops stationed on the planet's surface. However, it met its end when Hardcase, Jesse, and Fives, piloting Zenuas 33 Umbaran starfighters, executed a daring and unsanctioned infiltration mission that resulted in the ship's destruction.

Later in the conflict, numerous DH-Omni Support Vessels were observed forming a blockade around Dooku's homeworld of Serenno. Subsequently, some of these vessels accompanied General Grievous and a Separatist battalion to Dathomir, where they participated in the massacre of the Nightsisters following Ventress's act of betrayal. DH-Omni Support Vessels were also present during the Battle of Scipio, where they established a blockade around the planet before Dooku and the super tactical droid Commander Kraken ordered a withdrawal. This allowed the Republic to secure victory and nationalize a significant portion of the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the aftermath of Rush Clovis's demise.

One DH-Omni Support Vessel was responsible for the transportation of a kyber crystal originating from Utapau. Anakin Skywalker even mistook it for a mound at one point. However, the vessel was ultimately destroyed along with the majority of the droids onboard.

DH-Omni Support Vessels also saw action against Maul's Shadow Collective during the Battle of Ord Mantell. Furthermore, multiple vessels were part of Trench's fleet during the Battle of Anaxes, until Echo was rescued by the Bad Batch. Wrecker later detonated these vessels, along with the rest of the fleet.

A wreckage supply ship was located on the planet Agamar during the battle between Republic and Separatist forces. After the Separatist forces were defeated during the civil war on the planet Onderon, the super tactical droid General Kalani was ordered by Confederate Head of State Count Dooku to withdraw what forces remained and await further orders above the Outer Rim planet Agamar. However, the supply ship, carrying Kalani and his forces, was engaged by Republic forces and crashed on the planet's surface during the battle, and remained abandoned as the Clone Wars moved toward its conclusion in 19 BBY. While on Agamar, Kalani later received the order to deactivate himself and his droid forces, but assumed it to be a Republic trick and refused to follow his orders even to leave the battle droids online while they remained on Agamar's surface.

Consequently, for a period of seventeen years, Kalani and his garrison of battle droids remained on standby, awaiting an opportunity to shift the tide of the Clone Wars in favor of the Separatist Alliance.

Later, during the Galactic Civil War in 2 BBY, several rebel operatives from Phoenix Cell visited the supply ship. They had journeyed to the planet in search of proton bombs to aid their struggle against the Galactic Empire. However, Kalani compelled them to participate in his ongoing battle, threatening them with termination if they refused. During the conflict, the Empire, alerted by a distress signal transmitted by the astromech droid C1-10P, dispatched an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and two Gozanti-class cruisers carrying All Terrain Defense Pods and All Terrain Armored Transports to the Agamar system with orders to eliminate the rebels. This intervention led to an alliance between the garrison and the rebels, who joined forces to repel the Imperial forces and escape the planet aboard three Sheathipede-class transport shuttles. The rebels retained one of these shuttles as a replacement for their destroyed Phantom, while another was destroyed during the escape.

