T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid

The T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, also known by such designations as the T-series tactical droid, the standard tactical droid, or simply T-1, and initially referred to as the CDE-T, represented a model of tactical droid produced by Baktoid Combat Automata. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], the Confederacy of Independent Systems employed these T-1 units to facilitate the coordination of their military, where they functioned as both advisors and, frequently, as generals for their commanding officers. These droids saw deployment across the galaxy in numerous pivotal engagements of the conflict, including the battles fought on Christophsis and Ryloth, in addition to the Second Battle of Geonosis.

Possessing a cold and calculating intelligence, T-1 units typically avoided direct involvement on the front lines of battle, opting instead to direct their forces from various Separatist command centers. They displayed a higher degree of autonomy compared to their B1-series battle droid counterparts and, while remaining committed to the Separatist cause, demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice their superiors to ensure their own continued operation.

As the Clone Wars progressed, the more sophisticated ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid was developed and put into service; however, its predecessor remained in active use until at least 19 BBY. Even after the widespread deactivation of the droid armies at the conclusion of the war, remnants of the T-series continued to surface well into the Imperial Era. During the Galactic Civil War, Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, furnished the crew of the Ghost with the head of a T-1 unit, intending to aid them in their search for Rex, a former Clone Captain, on Seelos. Certain other surviving T-1 droids eventually found their way into the ranks of the Rebel officer corps.


Tactical droids came in a variety of color schemes.

T-series tactical droids, also known as T-1s, were humanoid fourth class tactical droids with a height of 1.93 meters. Baktoid Combat Automata, which also created the B1-series battle droid and other combat-oriented droids, manufactured them. They had a boxier appearance and frequently had different color schemes than the B1s who served under them. However, despite the individualized color schemes and voices of the T-1s, they were fundamentally the same unit.

T-1s were made to stay out of combat and develop battle strategies from the safety of flagships or other secure locations. They frequently expressed their superiority over other droid models because of their frequently high positions in the military. They were even known to sacrifice a large number of their own troops if they got in the way and abandon their superior officers to survive if ordered. Additionally, their reliance on precise calculations caused them to lack imagination when dealing with unforeseen circumstances, which the Galactic Republic quickly took advantage of during the Clone Wars. Although they were rarely observed fighting, some T-series were seen carrying E-5 blaster rifles.


Clone Wars

TJ-55 wields an E-5 blaster rifle in a skirmish against Republic troops.

T-series tactical droids, initially designated CDE-T, were introduced in the years preceding the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the war's commencement, the T-1 assumed a crucial advisory role within the Confederate forces. Renowned for their exceptional intelligence, they were frequently granted complete authority over Separatist military elements by their commanding officers. These droids were deployed in numerous early battles of the war, including the Battle of Christophsis, serving as both commanders of the Separatist Droid Army and the Confederacy navy. In 22 BBY, at least three T-series tactical droids were utilized by the Separatists during the Christophsis campaign. TI-99 served under Harch Admiral Trench aboard his flagship, the Invincible, and reinforced the Separatist blockade above the planet. Furthermore, TJ-55 and his battalion of droids successfully thwarted a Republic ambush in the capital city of Chaleydonia, while another T-1 operated under the command of Supreme Leader Asajj Ventress.

TX-20 targets Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Numa, a young Twi'lek girl, in an AAT.

During the Battle of Ryloth, TX-20 exemplified the T-series' capacity for ruthlessness in the Separatist defense of the city of Nabat. By employing the city's inhabitants as human shields against the Republic's clone troopers, he compelled the Republic forces to enter Nabat without the use of explosive devices. Ultimately, however, TX-20's hubris clouded his judgment, leading him to underestimate Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi General, and his own Twi'lek prisoners, which ultimately resulted in his demise. TA-175 also served the Separatists during the Ryloth campaign, acting as an adviser to Emir Wat Tambor following TX-20's destruction. From his headquarters in Lessu, Ryloth's capital city, he recognized the threat posed by the Republic's presence on the planet. When Count Dooku instructed Tambor to withdraw from Ryloth, TA-175 was eager to comply with the Sith Lord's order. However, he eventually undermined Tambor's command when forces led by Mace Windu and Cham Syndulla attacked the capital, leaving the emir to be captured by the Republic. Eventually, a T-series tactical droid was a prisoner in the Republic Center for Military Operations.

In response to their inflexibility, the new ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid model was introduced as an improved successor to the T-1s during the war's later stages. These new droids were larger, more resistant to damage and even considered themselves superior to their organic counterparts. Although most T-1 units were upgraded to their successor-class, the T-series continued to see limited use in the war despite the super tactical droid's introduction, as several served during the Battle of Anaxes in 19 BBY. One such droid reported directly to Admiral Trench, who led the Separatists' campaign there.

Age of the Empire

The head of a T-series tactical droid sought by the Martez sisters and Clone Force 99.

In the closing moments of the Clone Wars, Darth Vader, newly appointed as a Sith Lord, conveyed a message to the Trade Federation on behalf of Darth Sidious, ordering the deactivation of the Separatist Droid Army, which included all T-series models. With the rise of the Galactic Empire, the tactical data amassed by T-series droids became highly prized by various factions seeking to challenge the clone troopers who comprised a significant portion of the newly established Imperial Military. Trace and Rafa Martez belonged to one such group and were dispatched to retrieve a T-series tactical droid from a decommissioning facility situated in Coronet City on Corellia. Clone Force 99 was also contracted to accomplish the same objective for a monetary reward by Ciddarin Scaleback, a Trandoshan and former Jedi informant during the Clone Wars.

The two groups encountered each other at the facility, where the Martez sisters secured the head of the last remaining T1 before the Bad Batch could retrieve it. Surrounded by Imperial Police Droids, the rival factions were compelled to cooperate to survive. Tech, the Bad Batch's technician, managed to access the T1's programming via a data rod, transmitting an activation signal to other battle droids within the facility to utilize them as reinforcements. During the group's subsequent escape, the tactical droid's head was destroyed; however, Tech had copied its intel onto the data rod while accessing its program. Hunter, the squad's sergeant, decided to entrust the intel to the Martez sisters, believing it would serve a more valuable purpose in their hands.

A T-1 series tactical droid was reactivated and served as the military commander of a Separatist holdout on Desix, led by Governor Tawni Ames, commanding numerous B1 battle droids, commando droids, droidekas and an AAT. When Imperial forces arrived to conquer Desix, the tactical droid stayed with Ames and their Imperial hostage, Grotton, in the city's bell tower and commanded the battle from afar. Though it was able to direct its forces effectively enough to shoot down the Imperial shuttle and deal casualties to the opposing forces, the tactical droid was eventually destroyed by Crosshair and without its leadership, the remaining droid forces crumbled and Desix fell under Imperial control.

By the time the galaxy had entered the era of the Galactic Civil War, sightings of T-1 units had become infrequent. Nevertheless, Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan who played a vital role in the Phoenix rebel cell, successfully acquired the head of a T-1. In 4 BBY, she presented the T-series head to the Spectres to assist them in their search for her friend, Rex, a former Clone Captain, on the planet Seelos. Sabine Wren repaired the head, restoring its power, at which point it scanned for a signal while continuously repeating a series of numbers: 7567. Unbeknownst to the Spectres, these numbers corresponded to Captain Rex's former clone trooper designation. Shortly thereafter, the Spectres pinpointed the location of a modified AT-TE, the source of the signal and Rex's new residence. Ultimately, the few surviving T-series units that remained in active service were integrated into the Rebel officer corps.

Behind the scenes

An early concept for the original trilogy, which ultimately became the tactical droid.

The T-series tactical droids made their debut in Jedi Crash, the thirteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season. In terms of production, they first appeared in Innocents of Ryloth, the twentieth episode of the first season. Throughout the show, various actors provided the voices for these droids, including Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Ashley Eckstein, and Matthew Wood.

These droids were conceived to offer a recurring and formidable antagonist without the necessity of introducing a unique organic commander that would then need to be eliminated. The modulated vocal pattern they possess was partly inspired by the voices of the Cylons from the original Battlestar Galactica series. Furthermore, the word "tactical" was written along the side of at least one tactical droid's head in Aurebesh.

