Hunter, previously known as CT-9901, was a seasoned Clone Sergeant who held the position of commanding officer for Clone Force 99 within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. This conflict occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He had genetic modifications that enhanced his senses, and he led his squadmates, all of whom possessed their own distinctive mutations, in a group they referred to as the "Bad Batch." The squad's members included Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair, with Echo joining later.
In the year 19 BBY, Clone Marshal Commander Cody recalled Hunter and Clone Force 99 from suppressing an insurrection on Yalbec Prime to the planet Anaxes. Cody, along with Clone Captain Rex, was devising a plan to infiltrate a Separatist Cyber Center to determine the cause of the Republic forces' strategic defeats in the battle taking place there. During this operation, Hunter showcased the aggressive tactics employed by his squad, initiating direct assaults and earning Captain Rex's respect. Following the successful infiltration of the Cyber Center, Rex and Tech discovered that Echo, a Advanced Recon Commando who had been missing for a long time, was the source of the compromised strategies. Clone Force 99 then joined Rex and Anakin Skywalker's mission to locate Echo on Skako Minor. After rescuing Echo and contributing to the demise of Separatist Admiral [Trench](/article/trench], Hunter extended an invitation to the cybernetically-enhanced clone to become a member of his team, which Echo accepted.
Due to the mutations of most members and the traumatic experience Echo endured before joining, their inhibitor chips malfunctioned, enabling Clone Force 99 to defy Order 66. Following the Proclamation of the New Order and the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Clone Force 99—excluding Crosshair, whose chip functioned as intended—deserted with a child named Omega, and Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin gave the order for their capture. Hunter subsequently led Clone Force 99 as a mercenary unit under the employment of Trandoshan broker Ciddarin Scaleback. Later in life, after settling on Pabu, he acted as a father figure to Omega.

Hunter, designated CT-9901, was the commander of the experimental group Clone Force 99, also called "The Bad Batch" by its members. He was one of countless clones created from the genetic material of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett on the planet Kamino. This specialized clone squad consisted of clone commandos who possessed advantageous genetic mutations. Hunter's unique mutation granted him heightened senses, allowing him to detect electromagnetic frequencies anywhere on a planet. As a Clone Sergeant, Hunter commanded the sharpshooter Crosshair, the powerhouse Wrecker, and the technological genius Tech. Their mode of transportation was an Omicron-class attack shuttle known as the Marauder. Clone Force 99 was named in memory of 99, a Maintenance duty clone who was killed during the Battle of Kamino.
During the Clone Wars fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Clone Force 99 maintained a perfect mission success rate, but they were also notorious for their unconventional methods and insubordination. Hunter lost track of the number of missions they had undertaken, as the constant action blurred together. The Force was known throughout the Grand Army of the Republic to clone troopers such as Jesse and Kix, although Clone Captain Rex was not aware of them. At some point during the war, Hunter encountered Clone Commander Cody, and Clone Force 99 was assigned at least one suicide mission by him, although the members could not identify their regular commanding officer. The members of Clone Force 99 also met and formed a bond with the family of Cut Lawquane, a clone deserter, on Saleucami during the conflict.
At some point between 21 BBY and 19 BBY, Hunter and the rest of Clone Force 99 were present during an attack on a Republic fleet. During the engagement, Wrecker came across a Wookiee doll, which distracted him. Unbeknownst to the squad, the doll belonged to Viiveenn, a Wookiee who had just left the chaotic scene with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Tech reminded Wrecker that they were still actively engaged in battle. Wrecker and Crosshair then began arguing about whether they should take the lost doll with them. At the ramp of the Marauder, Hunter interrupted the three clones, instructing them to prepare for their next assignment, a mission to the Outer Rim moon Hylanth.

After the Marauder touched down on the moon, the squad disembarked and found themselves surrounded by forests. They had been dispatched to deal with battle droids, which caused Crosshair to question the purpose of the mission, suggesting that regular clone troopers could handle it. Tech then clarified that the droids had been modified, although the responsible party remained unknown. This information made Crosshair slightly more optimistic about the mission as he proceeded through the forest. Wrecker, sensing that Crosshair needed encouragement, attempted to cheer him up by teasing the marksman with the Wookiee doll he had found earlier. The two began to argue, but Hunter intervened, telling them both to be silent. Hunter detected a movement, but it was too quick for him to identify.
As the squad ventured deeper into the forest, both Hunter and Crosshair sensed that something was amiss with their mission. Suddenly, a hologram appeared, greeting the clones before introducing himself as Doctor Krail. The doctor expressed his hope that the Republic would send them, prompting Hunter to inquire why Krail specifically wanted them to come. Krail then compared the clones to battle droids, but Wrecker interrupted, asserting that they were nothing alike. The doctor conceded, describing the clones as special and superior, while adding that his battle droids were the same. Overconfident, Wrecker challenged Krail to deploy his special droids, which the doctor revealed had already been sent.

In 19 BBY, Clone Force 99 was engaged in suppressing an Insurrection on Yalbec Prime, during which Wrecker severed the Yalbec queen's stinger, causing the males of the species to attempt to mate with them. While dealing with the insurrection, Commander Cody contacted Clone Force 99 with a request to report to Anaxes. The Republic was losing the Battle of Anaxes, and Captain Rex and Cody were planning a small squad attack on a Separatist Cyber Center to shift the battle in their favor, with Cody choosing The Bad Batch for the task. The squad nearly crashed the Marauder as it rapidly approached Fort Anaxes.
Hunter was the first to exit the starship, apologizing for their late arrival and attributing it to an "unforeseen complication" involving the Yalbecs. The sergeant vouched for his brothers' strengths and weaknesses before inquiring about the nature of their mission. He then boarded a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship and received a briefing en route to their destination.
The gunship was shot down by DSD1 dwarf spider droids, resulting in a crash in a canyon. Cody became trapped within the wreckage, and when Rex attempted to assist his friend, Hunter intervened and instructed Wrecker to help. Wrecker used his immense strength to lift the entire gunship and extract Cody. Subsequently, the clones observed an army of B1-series battle droid advancing towards them, and Rex advocated for defending their position. Hunter disagreed, as Clone Force 99 had their own methods and preferred to take the fight to the enemy. Hunter called out for Plan 82, shockwave, where the unit worked as a team, with Wrecker providing cover with a large piece of the gunship, and Tech calculating positions for Hunter to throw Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades at, which were shot by Crosshair to disable a wide field of droids. As more spider droids advanced Hunter gave the order to fan out, fighting droids with his DC-17 hand blaster and vibro-knife. With the droids eliminated Rex complemented Hunter on the squad's work and suggested that they move out from their compromised position.
At a camp, Jesse inquired as to what Hunter's genetic enhancement was, with Kix joking that it was ability to put up with the other three. Tech explained Hunter's abilities to sense electromagnetic frequencies and stated that unlike maps, Hunter was never wrong. With Cody incapacitated, Rex took command of the mission, escalating tensions between Clone Force 99 and Rex's men to the point of a near brawl. Hunter had to step in to get Wrecker to put down Kix, and chastised the men for their actions and focused on the mission, agreeing to follow Rex's lead and complete the mission his way. When the clones arrived at a Separatist outpost that was easier to attack than evade, Hunter asked for Rex's orders, expecting an infiltration mission, but the captain agreed to lead a frontal assault in Bad Batch style, which excited Hunter. The clones broke into the Center and rode an elevator up to the command tower, eliminating many droids along the way. Hunter complemented Rex, that he was not bad for a "Reg"; a term the Bad Batch used for the rank-and-file clones.

From the outpost the clones spotted the Cyber Center, and Tech discovered a platoon of droids heading there. Hunter correctly theorized that their destruction at the crash site had been noticed. To infiltrate the outpost the clones Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker stole speeder bikes to flank the Separatists from the rear while the other clones attacked the entrance. After Wrecker broke down the back door, the three clones entered the base and gunned down the B1 battle droids inside. Inside the base's command center, Hunter attacked two T-series tactical droids with his vibro-knife, leaving Tech to analyze the Separatist computers while he and Wrecker joined the assault at the entrance. After the squad eliminated the B1 battle droids, a Multi-Troop Transport arrived and dropped off a host of B2-series super battle droids. The droids pushed the clones back inside the Cyber Center, where Hunter had to forcefully recall a stunned Rex to back out. After being pushed outside the Center, the clones were picked up by Crosshair driving a stolen Separatist airspeeder. On returning to Fort Anaxes, Rex revealed that the Separatists tactical advantage was caused by CT-1409, an Advanced Recon Commando nicknamed "Echo" who was long believed to be dead.
At the base, plans for a mission to the source of Echo's signals on the planet Skako Minor were made. Hunter met Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and expressed concern that the general staff had not sanctioned the mission, on account on its far-fetched nature. Skywalker was certain that it would be approved and that the primary objective was to uncover the Separatists' strategic advantages, regardless of Echo's involvement. Hunter offered Clone Force 99 to the mission, if only to allow an "I told you so." Skywalker and Rex left so the Jedi could contact his secret wife Padmé Amidala, while Hunter returned to wait at the Marauder with the Bad Batch. On the way to Skako Minor Rex and Skywalker asked about the Force's nature, with Hunter unsure of the amount of missions they had undertaken or who they regularly reported to.

As the Marauder approached Skako Minor, Tech called out that it would be a difficult landing, leading everyone to strap in. As the crew landed and discussed the world's native Poletecs, one riding a winged keeradak landed on the ship and caused it to shake violently. Hunter wanted the creature removed from his ship and ran outside, followed by the crew. More mounted keeradaks arrived as they tried to force the keeradak off, and one grabbed Skywalker and flew off. Crosshair shot a grapple onto it, which Hunter grabbed and informed Rex he was going for a ride. The clone was pulled into the air and began shooting at the keeradak's rider with his blaster, which he dropped when the rider maneuvered out of his aim. As the keeradaks and Poletecs neared their village Hunter detached his cable and landed on a ridge overlooking the settlement. He contacted Tech via comlink and informed Clone Force 99 to hone in on his signal.
When they arrived Hunter informed them that the tribesmen were holding Skywalker, and Rex instructed them that they would move in and only disarm the Poletecs without casualties. Wrecker rolled a boulder down a cliff into the village, with the clones following behind. Hunter pointed his blaster at the chief, the one who had abducted Skywalker, and ordered Tech to translate the language through his gear. The translation revealed that Skywalker had only been taken because the Poletecs wanted to avoid further warfare on their planet, as had already been propagated by the presence of Techno Union Foreman and Separatist Council member Wat Tambor. The Poletecs agreed to escort the clones and Skywalker to Tambor's headquarters in the city of Purkoll. At a vantage point overlooking the city Hunter and Crosshair both gave knowing looks at Wrecker when Skywalker expressed hope that none of them were afraid of heights. When Tech observed that the signal thought to belong to Echo had disappeared, Hunter suggested that the signal may have been a trap and that Echo was truly dead.
Rex reacted angrily when Crosshair suggested his guilt over leaving Echo at the Citadel was driving the mission, leading Skywalker to instruct Hunter to take Clone Force 99 to look for an entrance while he discussed the matter privately with Rex. The commandos found an entrance to a tower base before Skywalker and Rex arrived; when they did Hunter informed them that Echo's signal was restored. The group took an turbolift up the tower and Skywalker's instructions to keep the mission quiet were ignored. Clone Force 99 blasted their way out of the turbolift and destroyed a group of D1-series aerial battle droids in the room they opened up to. Outside the room, Tech realized that Echo's signal was only present when he was transmitting data, leading Skywalker to split up the group to search every room in the tower. Hunter ran with Rex, Tech, and Wrecker.

When the signal returned, Hunter identified the room it emanated from. As the group tried to enter it a transmission from Tambor appeared on a viewscreen, with the foreman stating that the clones' movements had been predictable and that Echo was gone, his mind a prisoner of the Separatists. A large group of aerial battle droids surrounded the clones and were ordered by Tambor to execute them. Hunter threw his knife to deactivate one droid and destroyed several in the group with his knife and blaster, along with Skywalker and Crosshair, who had joined them. After the initial group was destroyed Skywalker ordered Tech to open the door for Rex, and Hunter expressed his hope that the captain found what he sought. Rex found Echo indeed, wired into machinery in suspended animation.
More D1 battle droids arrived and were fought off by Hunter, Skywalker, Wrecker, and Crosshair. The Jedi ordered Hunter to continue the defense while he checked on Tech and Rex. The three clones were pushed into the room where Echo was held and closed the door, with Hunter and Crosshair using welders to seal it. As more droids surrounded the entrance Crosshair explained the amount of droids entering, with Hunter stating they could hold them off as long as necessary. The sergeant sealed another door leading into the room as the Separatists began piercing the first one with a decimator droid. Rex and Tech were able to unplug Echo from the machinery, in which time the lost clone identified a roof exhaust vent through which they could escape. Echo unlocked the vent using his cybernetic attachments, and Hunter exclaimed that the Decimator had nearly breached through the second door. To reach the vent Wrecker threw Hunter upwards first, who complained that a warning would have been appreciated.
Wrecker threw the other members of the squad into the vent and threw thermal detonators to destroy the decimator. As the squad navigated the exhaust pipes Echo explained that he had been given access to Techno Union databases, including building schematics. Echo led the group to a large outdoor pipe at a great height, where Hunter tried to assure the acrophobic Wrecker that they were near safety. However, D-1 battle droids surrounded the clones on both sides of the pipe. Tech used a recording of the keeradaks to summon the creatures to their location, where the clones and Skywalker jumped on the keerdaks to escape. Hunter and Tech were the last to jump, riding on the same keerdaak. Hunter took the role of steering the creature while Tech fired back at the D1 droids, who pursued them in flight.
Clone Force 99 returned to the Poletec village, unwittingly drawing the battle droids there. The Poletec chief was furious that war had come to their village, but Rex explained what the Techno Union had done to Echo and that it was time for the Poletecs to take a stand. As a large force of droids arrived at the village the inhabitants and clones united to fight them off, with Hunter dispatching several with his vibro-knife. After many D1 droids were defeated several Octuptarra tri-droids wrought havoc on the villagers. Rex led Hunter and Wrecker to fire at the droids from below, and after Skywalker's effective strategy of jumping onto the droids and damaging them up close was demonstrated, Wrecker threw Hunter and Rex onto one of the droids to deal with them.
With the Octuptarra droids brought down Wrecker helped Hunter up, and the sergeant complimented Skywalker's abilities. The Poletec sand the clones thanked each other for their assistance as Clone Force 99 boarded the Marauder to return to Anaxes.
After returning to Fort Anaxes, Echo formulated a plan to restore the planet to Republic control. Jedi General Mace Windu would lead a force to retake the planet's assembly complex, while Clone Force 99 along with Skywalker and Rex would escort Echo to Separatist Admiral Trench's flagship, Invulnerable, where the clone could give false strategies to the Separatists. At the Marauder, Hunter asked Tech if they were ready to begin, which Tech answered in the affirmative. Aboard the ship Hunter enquired about Echo's plan, which was to transmit a code identifying the vessel to the flagship as a droid shuttle. Hunter commented that the plan was risky, even by Bad Batch standards.
Inside the ship, Echo engaged with the interface in the comm vault to complete the plan. Echo sent a message to Trench to send all droid forces to the assembly complex, which Hunter was suspicious of as that would outnumber the forces led by Windu and Kenobi. True to his loyalties, Echo transmitted a signal to deactivate all of the droids at the assembly complex, turning the various battlefronts on Anaxes in the Republic's favor. Hunter was glad to learn that Echo had not been compromised by the Separatists. As Echo discovered and helped Windu disarm a bomb hidden in the assembly complex, Trench's droids discovered the signal originating within their ship and blocked it, knocking out Echo. Hunter realized that meant Trench knew their location, and the clones began to fight their way out of the vault against a horde of B2 super battle droids and B1 battle droids.

As they moved through the starship's corridors, Wrecker forged a path by violently attacking rows of droids with his bare hands, causing Hunter to express some sympathy for the destroyed machines. Simultaneously, Skywalker, who had been off acquiring the last component of the bomb's activation sequence from Trench, came back as Crosshair obliterated a multitude of droids by strategically applying reflective panels to the walls, thereby deflecting his blaster bolts all around the area. Wrecker felt deflated that his own actions were eclipsed, but Hunter reassured him that he would be victorious the next time around; a claim that Crosshair refuted. The clone troopers made their escape from Trench's command vessel via the Marauder, and upon their return to Fort Anaxes, they received commendations from Windu for their actions, having been instrumental in the defense of Anaxes. Kenobi remarked that awards were likely to follow.
When the members of Clone Force 99 opted out of joining Rex and the Jedi in accepting their honors, Echo inquired about their absence. The clones explained that such ceremonies were not to their taste, and Hunter then asked Echo if he shared that sentiment. He pointed out that Echo's experiences had set him apart from standard clones, and that he was welcome to join their ranks if he so desired. Rex encouraged Echo to take Hunter up on his offer, which he accepted. The members of Clone Force 99 demonstrated their respect for Rex with a salute, welcoming their newest member.
Near the end of the conflict, Hunter and Clone Force 99 found themselves stationed on Kaller, a planet where Republic forces, under the command of Jedi General Depa Billaba, were under heavy fire from the droid army. Billaba's apprentice, Caleb Dume, was dispatched to locate reinforcements and enlisted the aid of Clone Force 99, who dislodged a large rock down a slope, crushing the advancing battle droids. Hunter and Clone Force 99 then emerged from the wooded area, with Hunter wielding his vibro-knife and blaster. Hunter then instructed Crosshair to neutralize the Heavily Armored Assault Vehicles, which he accomplished by firing a cable between them, enabling Wrecker to subsequently shove them off a nearby precipice. Clone Force 99 eliminated the remaining combat droids and returned to the Republic defensive lines, where Hunter suggested that Billaba initiate a counter-offensive. Billaba's second-in-command, CC-10/994, known as "Grey," responded with indignation, reminding Hunter that the general was in charge, but Billaba concurred and acted on Hunter's recommendation.
As Billaba's clone troopers advanced, Dume introduced his mentor to Clone Force 99, where she commended the squad's capabilities. She then asked about the expected reinforcements, but Hunter clarified that they had been redirected to the capital and that Clone Force 99 represented their only support. Tech then disclosed that communications indicated the potential conclusion of the war, as Jedi Master Kenobi was engaged in combat with Separatist General Grievous on Utapau; a Republic victory there could lead to the downfall of the Separatist leadership. The clones understood that they were still required to fight on Kaller, and Hunter inquired of Billaba whether she had specific orders or if they were free to utilize their proven expertise. Billaba turned to Dume, who eagerly asked if he could join Clone Force 99, though Hunter questioned whether he was prepared to move as quickly as they did.
Clone Force 99 did not get the opportunity to participate in any further engagements. As they charged into the battle, Grey received a transmission from Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to enact Order 66, a directive given to clones to eliminate the Jedi, triggered by their inhibitor chips. Dume hurried back to assist Billaba, who was surrounded by hostile clones, which Clone Force 99 noticed. From a safe distance, they observed Billaba's demise and retreated as Dume fled, following his master's final command to escape. The Padawan instructed the clones to stay away from him and ran into the forest, while Hunter called for him to halt. Hunter and the other Clone Force 99 members were unaffected by Order 66 due to their genetic modifications, and were therefore confused by the sudden betrayal of the Jedi. Hunter instructed Tech and Echo to speak with Grey to gather information, while he and Crosshair pursued Dume.

The two clones located Dume concealed in a tree; Hunter called for him to descend, but Crosshair, unlike his comrades, was influenced by the inhibitor chips and fired upon the Padawan, who fled further into the forest. Hunter questioned Crosshair's actions, to which the sniper asserted that he was adhering to orders. Hunter instructed him to stand down, as the nature of the orders was unclear, while Crosshair muttered the phrase "Good soldiers follow orders." After further pursuit, Tech explained via transmission that the clones had been instructed to execute the Jedi for treason, an explanation that satisfied Crosshair but left Hunter even more perplexed. Crosshair spotted Dume again and dislodged the tree branch on which he was perched. On the ground, Dume and Crosshair engaged in combat while Hunter protested, with the clone being knocked down.
Hunter told Dume to remain calm and that he was on his side, but Dume continued to flee, uncertain of whom to trust. The Padawan reached the edge of a chasm and turned to face Hunter, who removed his helmet and attempted to explain that he was equally confused and not responsible for Billaba's death. Hunter asked Dume to accompany him, but as the Padawan heard more clones approaching, he leapt across the ravine and escaped into the distance. Crosshair regained consciousness and caught up to Hunter, who fabricated a story, claiming that he had stunned the Jedi and caused him to fall into the ravine.
As the Marauder made its way back to Kamino, Crosshair challenged Hunter's account of events, noting that the sergeant had not looked down into the ravine as one would if something had fallen there. Hunter dismissed Crosshair's questioning, asserting that he disliked looking down. Upon arriving on their home planet, Hunter found it strange that clone riot control troopers from the Coruscant Guard were present, and learned from one of them that the war had concluded with Grievous's death on Utapau. Subsequently, as a pair of shock troopers passed by carrying a shrouded body on a stretcher, a lightsaber fell from it, leaving Clone Force 99 visibly disturbed by the shock trooper's indifference as he picked it up. Hunter quickly dismissed the same shock trooper's concern if there was problem and stated his squad would be returning to their barracks. As Clone Force 99 traversed the corridors of Tipoca City, Hunter observed that the other clones were behaving strangely. Tech attempted to validate that theory by trying to get the attention of a random trooper, only to be rudely pushed aside.
Upon returning to their living quarters, in response to Echo's complaints about the room's odor, Hunter assured him that he would eventually become accustomed to it, although Crosshair rudely pushed past to make his opinion clear. As Echo and Wrecker began to debate whether their mission on Kaller was a success, Crosshair criticized Hunter for allowing Dume to escape, to which he boldly stated he found it wrong to execute their commanders without question and grew suspicious when Crosshair insisted they had to follow orders.
Echo then shifted the focus to the fact that Billaba's clones, who had served her loyally for years, would suddenly turn on her without hesitation. Tech then explained that all clones were programmed to obey orders without question, but the genetic mutations of Clone Force 99 inadvertently rendered them immune to the effects of the programming. However, Hunter questioned why Echo wasn't affected, as he was a regular clone before joining their squad, to which Tech theorized that the damage he sustained on Skako Minor most likely damaged his programming.
The squad was then summoned to a mass gathering where they witnessed the Proclamation of the New Order delivered by Palpatine, which transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire. While listening to Palpatine's address, Hunter noticed a young Human female standing next to Nala Se, who quickly disappeared when he was distracted by Tech. As they left the assembly, Hunter remained silent as Echo and Tech briefly debated with Crosshair the change in galactic government when he sensed the same girl approaching them from behind. The girl introduced herself as Omega, who expressed fascination with the squad's exploits, addressing each member of the squad by name. As Hunter inquired about her presence on Kamino, Nala Se interrupted, introducing the girl as her medical assistant. As the two parted the squad's presence, Hunter remarked that recent events have grown more and more strange.

In a dining hall, Hunter overheard other clones discussing the arrival of an Imperial official to evaluate all the clones and informed his squad upon rejoining them. Suddenly, Omega joined them, much to their confusion, as no one ever willingly sat with them before. Perplexed by her determination to become closer to them, Hunter asked where her parents were. Before she could respond, a passing clone trooper insulted Omega, prompting her to throw food at the offending clone. Although Hunter managed to de-escalate the situation, Wrecker threw an entire tray for no reason, triggering a brawl that resulted in Echo being knocked down.
Clone Force 99 later visited Echo in the medical bay, where he was being attended to by Omega and AZI-345211896246498721347. As AZ-3 departed, Echo informed everyone that he had seen Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin in the dining hall and warned that he was not a supporter of clones. Hunter informed him that they had been summoned by Prime Minister Lama Su. Although Omega insisted on joining them to take responsibility for the food fight, Hunter told her to keep her distance from his squad.

Just as Clone Force 99 left the medical bay, a squad of shock troopers informed them that they were to report to the training area, as Tarkin wanted to see them in action. To assess their capabilities, Clone Force 99 participated in a training simulation, which Tarkin escalated to have them fight against live ammunition. With their training blasters ineffective against the new droids, Hunter signaled Tech and Wrecker to replicate a maneuver they had used on Felucia. As Hunter and Crosshair drew the majority of the droids' fire, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo isolated and reprogrammed one to use its blaster against its comrades. As the squad gained momentum, Hunter took down one droid with three stabs of his knife and severed the arms of a second. However, as one last hostile droid dispatched the reprogrammed unit, knocking Tech off it, Hunter threw his knife at the droid's abdomen, prompting it to fire on him and Crosshair. Ultimately, Crosshair was able to shoot Wrecker's knife into the droid's head, ending the simulation.
As they went back to their barracks, the squad began to argue with Crosshair about being thrown into a live fire simulation without warning when they were interrupted by Tarkin, forcing them to stand at attention. The Admiral stated that Nala Se spoke highly of her five enhanced clones and assigned them to deal with insurgent forces on Onderon, but provided minimal information about their targets. Prior to the mission, Omega had met Hunter at the docking bay and warned him not to trust Tarkin, but he dismissed her concerns.

Upon landing on Onderon, Hunter led his squad towards the supposed Separatist encampment, only to discover civilians instead of battle droids. Although most of the squad was confused by this development, Crosshair insisted that Hunter give the order to engage, but Hunter ordered them to stand down, sensing that they were being surrounded by guerrilla fighters. They were then taken to the encampment, where they met Saw Gerrera, who informed the clones about the nature of the new Empire and that he was preparing for civil war, despite Hunter noting that Gerrera's rebellion wouldn't stand a chance against the Empire. Gerrera allowed the clones to leave to choose their own path while his people evacuated.
Aboard the Marauder, the clones discussed the developments, with Crosshair expressing contempt for his squad-mates' disobedience, suggesting that Hunter was no longer fit to lead their squad. Hunter soon shot down an Imperial probe droid and realized he should have listened to Omega, whom Tech identified as the fifth enhanced clone Nala Se was referring to. Hunter then made it their new mission to rescue Omega, despite Crosshair's objections.
Upon landing at Tipoca City, the Bad Batch was about to split up to find Omega only to be surrounded by shock troopers as Tarkin accused them of treason and had them imprisoned, where they found Omega in their cell, having been arrested for trespassing in their barracks. Hunter soon became the target of Crosshair's criticism, blaming his decisions for landing them in prison. Hunter told him to stow the debate for later while they figure a way to escape. Unfortunately, Crosshair was taken out to have his inhibitor chip analyzed and its effects enhanced.
Tech soon figured that their cell wasn't fit to hold Wrecker and had him punch a weak point in the wall while the others formed a line to keep his actions concealed. This created an opening large enough for Omega to slip through and she followed Hunter's instructions to make her way through the vents to get to the power switch for the ray shield. Unfortunately, a trio of shock troopers quickly notice Omega's absence, so Hunter claimed ignorance. When the troopers confirmed with the operations center that Omega was still in the detention block, the girl came crashing down from the vent before deactivating the ray shield. After stunning the shock troopers, Hunter stated they needed to find Crosshair, though Tech noted they wouldn't get far without their gear. Fortunately, Omega revealed their gear was moved to the Marauder's hanger, so the Bad Batch went there first.

Unfortunately, they were confronted by a squad of shock troopers led by none other than Crosshair. As he was criticized for disobeying Order 66, Hunter refused to deny that he did the right thing and refused to surrender. After a tense standoff, Hunter ducked to avoid Crosshair's shot as a blaster fight broke out. As the shock troopers threw smoke bombs, Hunter ordered Wrecker to clear the smoke, allowing him to take down the shock troopers only to be incapacitated by Crosshair. Hunter quickly seized Omega before she could run to Wrecker, warning that he was only using Wrecker as bait. He then ordered Omega to run for the Marauder while he and Echo retrieved Wrecker. This nearly left him an open target for Crosshair only to be narrowly saved by Omega, allowing the squad to board their ship and flee the city.
While in outer space, as Echo and Tech tended to Wrecker, Hunter noted Omega observing the viewscreen and learned that she had never been off Kamino. As the clones wondered where to go, Hunter stated he was hoping they could go into hiding, which would seem impossible with Crosshair gunning for them. Omega asked if they had any friends they could go to and Hunter affirmed that they knew someone at coordinates J-19.
On their way to Saleucami, Hunter and Echo discovered Omega and Wrecker asleep after exploring the ship. Hunter admired Omega's curiosity, but Echo reminded him of her youth and questioned their plans for her. After landing, Hunter watched Omega enjoying fresh air and dirt, a novelty after growing up on Kamino. They arrived at Cut Lawquane's farm and were welcomed. Hunter introduced Echo and Omega to Cut and his family, explaining Crosshair's absence as complicated. Cut mentioned Rex's recent visit and the behavioral modification chips that caused clones to turn on the Jedi, which Omega confirmed.
Cut's children, Shaeeah and Jek, arrived, and Hunter encouraged Omega to play with them. As they watched the children, Cut questioned Omega's presence, suspecting the Kaminoans had a specific purpose for her, but Hunter dismissed it. Cut revealed his plan to move his family off-world to escape Imperial occupation. Hunter offered transport, but Cut declined, citing the risk of traveling with wanted men.

Later, Hunter and Cut went to town to book a shuttle. Cut explained that the Imperials were impounding civilian and military ships to prevent undocumented travel. A vendor revealed that off-world travel was impossible due to the new chain code policy. Back at the farm, Cut's children stopped playing when their ball went beyond the perimeter. Omega retrieved it but was attacked by a Nexu. Cut, Suu, Hunter, and Wrecker rushed to her defense. After fending off the creature, Hunter reprimanded Omega for wandering off. Cut reminded Hunter that she wasn't a soldier and comforted her. Fearing for her safety, Hunter ordered Tech to forge chain codes for Cut's family, including Omega.

Subsequently, Hunter learned that Tech and Echo had intentionally alerted the Imperial authorities to have the Marauder seized, infiltrating the impound lot to acquire the chain codes, much to Hunter's anger. Despite Tech's assurances, Hunter informed them that Omega was on the ship. As Tech and Echo secured the codes, Hunter and Wrecker arrived at the checkpoint with Cut and his family. Omega attempted to deliver the codes to Hunter and Cut, but an Imperial Astromech droid discovered her, and Wrecker saved her. Omega delivered the codes, but Hunter reluctantly convinced her to depart with the Lawquanes for her safety. Meanwhile, clone stormtroopers discovered Tech, Echo, and Wrecker, leading to a firefight. Hunter rendezvoused with his squad and provided covering fire as Echo and Wrecker demagnetized the clamps holding their ship. Before they could leave, Omega appeared and ran for the ship, deciding not to leave with Cut's family. Hunter dispatched the clone stormtroopers attempting to subdue her and led her aboard the ship. The group lifted off and escaped the planet.
Later, Omega apologized to Hunter, admitting she had much to learn. Hunter admitted he also had much to learn and affirmed that Omega belonged with the squad.

The Bad Batch was traveling through faster than light travel when Hunter gave Omega and Wrecker some rations. Shortly after, they were forced out of hyperspace. They crashed on Ordo Moon. Tech believed their energy capacitor was damaged, but they had a spare. Omega grabbed a box and asked if the energy capacitor was inside. Hunter said it was Crosshair's weapon kit. Wrecker admitted he missed Crosshair. Tech and Echo went outside to replace the energy capacitor. After replacing it, they reported to Hunter that the capacitor was in place, but other systems were failing. The power went out, and a creature ran across the viewport. Tech identified it as an Ordo Moon Dragon. Hunter told Tech and Echo to get the other systems online and Wrecker to stay on the ship.
Hunter and Omega ventured across the moon's surface. Hunter knelt to examine the dust, and Omega asked what he was doing. Hunter replied that he was tracking the missing capacitor, and Omega asked if she could learn to track like him. Hunter told Omega that he has a special mutation and that Tech and Wrecker each possess one. Omega added, "And Crosshair." Hunter scowled, and Omega told him they shouldn't be angry with him as he couldn't help it. Hunter replied that he was angry with himself for leaving Crosshair behind. Omega assured Hunter that they would find a way to get him back.

Later, Hunter and Omega located the capacitor. As Hunter went to retrieve it, the Ordo Moon Dragon knocked him down and ran away with the capacitor again. Hunter turned, gasping for air as his breathing apparatus had been knocked off. Omega found his mask and put it back on, but Hunter was already unconscious. She tried to call for help but failed because of the ongoing storm that disrupted the signal. Omega watched as the dragon climbed into a burrow. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed Hunter's blaster and flashlight and slid down the burrow and into the tunnel.
Not long after, Hunter regained consciousness and looked around for Omega, calling her name. Omega realized that the dragon was attracted to the electric charge, so she handed the flashlight to the dragon. As the dragon absorbed the charge, she took the capacitor and made her way out of the tunnel.
With their ship repaired, the Bad Batch took off from the moon. As a surprise, Wrecker refurbished the gunport to Omega's own room. Hunter quickly assured that Omega was a part of the squad.
While traveling through space, Hunter proposed that they go to Idaflor, but Wrecker argued that the planet is not inhabited, which is why Hunter thought it would be a good hiding place. Omega complained that she'd been stuck on Kamino for her whole life, asking if they could do some exploring. Hunter disagreed and said that they needed to lie low. Tech told them that they were running out of aviation fuel and rations. Since they were no longer serving the Galactic Republic, they were on their own. Echo also warned that the Marauder's signature is on the wanted list.
Tech proposed to scramble the starship's signature. To do so, he needed to land to perform the calculations. He stated that the nearest world is Pantora. Hunter agreed, and the Bad Batch left the ship's deck except for Omega.

The Marauder arrived at Pantora, commencing its descent through the atmospheric clouds toward a substantial outpost known as Ro Station, which was nestled amidst a landscape of sprawling valleys. As the Bad Batch disembarked from the descending ramp, Wrecker voiced his hunger, only to be reminded by Tech that their primary objective was to alter the ship's identifying signature. A Sullustan extended a greeting, inquiring if they required any repairs or adjustments. Tech responded, clarifying that their visit was solely for minor calibrations and refueling purposes. Wrecker expressed his reluctance to part with their weaponry, but Hunter, having discreetly placed a detonator in his backpack, asserted that it was the only possession they had of any significant monetary value. Aware of Omega's inquisitive nature, Hunter emphasized that this was merely a supply acquisition mission, requiring them to operate swiftly and discreetly. Unbeknownst to them, a Sullustan spy was observing their every move.
Hunter, Echo, and Omega observed a procession of clone troopers marching past, accompanied by the cheers of the local populace. When Omega inquired about the cause of the celebration, Hunter explained that it commemorated the conclusion of the Clone Wars. The clones also witnessed a recording of Imperial Vice Admiral Rampart urging citizens to register for chain codes and exchange their Republic currency for Imperial credits without any cost, which they remembered from Saleucami. Hunter stressed the importance of expediting their supply run to avoid drawing unwanted attention.
Hunter attempted to trade a pyro denton explosive to a Gran merchant for 1,800 credits. The merchant suggested that Hunter should attempt to sell it at the black market. While Omega directed Echo's attention to a doll that had caught her eye, the Gran merchant scrutinized them intently through his remaining pair of eyes. Mistaking Echo for a droid, he proposed that Hunter sell him for 2,000 credits. Echo was unenthusiastic about this proposition, but Hunter stated that he would give Echo a signal to leave once they had acquired all the supplies. Echo reluctantly agreed, but persuaded Hunter to ask for 4,000 credits. They eventually settled on a price of 3,000 credits. After selling his "droid", Hunter noticed that Omega was missing and immediately pursued her.
Hunter quickly located Omega in the company of a woman, prompting him to instruct Omega to distance herself from her. The woman responded that she and Omega were simply acquainting themselves before putting on her helmet. Hunter and the woman exchanged intense gazes as he reached for his knife, but she preemptively fired her blaster pistol. Hunter retaliated by throwing his knife at her, which she deflected with an object before evading another attack from him and seizing the knife for herself, forcing him into a defensive position. Amidst the altercation, Hunter instructed Omega to flee. At that moment, Pantoran Security officers arrived, causing Shand to retrieve her pistol and make a hasty retreat.

Hunter contacted Tech, Wrecker, and Echo, informing them that he had lost Omega to a highly skilled mercenary. Tech decided to access the CCTV system to locate Omega and the woman. Hunter quickly urged Tech to prepare the ship for departure. While Hunter searched for her, Tech intercepted communication chatter detailing reports of a child dangling from a tower in the lower division. Tech relayed this information to a shocked Hunter. This drew the attention of Pantoran security officers, who began to pursue both Hunter and the mercenary. Hunter then commandeered a speeder bike. The mercenary spotted Hunter navigating through the skyway traffic to reach them. She instructed Omega to tuck and roll when she fell onto a hovertruck below. He flew to the hovertruck and reached out to Omega. However the mercenary rammed into him using a hijacked airspeeder, causing him to swerve away.
Hunter fired upon the engine of the hijacked airspeeder, causing it to explode. He caught Omega as she lost her grip. He then warned her that they were not out of danger yet, he reversed his speeder bike into the hijacked speeder. He planted a detonator, which caused the speeder to explode. Shortly thereafter, they successfully returned to the hangar. The Sullustan manager emerged, but was unable to prevent the Marauder from escaping.
While in space, Hunter informed Omega that their adversary was a bounty hunter, but he was uncertain of her identity. Echo elaborated that a bounty hunter is an individual who pursues targets for a reward, while Tech added that she is the target. Wrecker suggested that they should avoid frightening Omega. Hunter stated that they needed to ascertain the identity of the bounty hunter and the individual who had hired her. Omega responded with a worried expression.

Tech was adjusting Crosshair's comm device and gave it to Omega while the squad was en route to Ord Mantell. Their objective was to determine why a bounty hunter was pursuing Omega. Echo mentioned that he knew an informant there named Ciddarin Scaleback, a friend of the Jedi. Upon arriving at the planet's surface, the squad entered a parlor. They inquired with the owner if she knew Scaleback, to which she responded that she did not. Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker discussed their next course of action while Omega explored the surroundings and discovered that the owner was Scaleback. Scaleback led the squad into her office. Hunter presented her with a hologram of the female bounty hunter. Scaleback claimed that she did not recognize her, but that she could investigate. Scaleback proposed that if they completed a mission for her, she would uncover the identity of the female bounty hunter. Hunter agreed. Scaleback informed them that it was a rescue mission, involving the extraction of a child named Muchi from Zygerrian enslavers. Scaleback provided them with additional information on an intel stick.
The squad then departed for the ruins of Old Ord Mantell City. Upon arrival, they positioned themselves on a cliff and used binoculars to locate the child's whereabouts. Hunter instructed Echo to serve as their aerial observer and tasked Wrecker with creating a distraction for the Zygerrian slave traders. Hunter stated that he and Tech would secure the rancor. Echo ascended to the tower, but a large brezak knocked him off. The same brezak used its tail to knock Wrecker off his feet. They were quickly outnumbered and captured in an electric net by the Zygerrians. The Bad Batch was then restrained in electromagnetic restraints. Wrecker managed to partially loosen his chains, only to be shocked by a guard. Adjacent to the clones was a restrained Falleen child who cried upon hearing a loud roar from the brezak. Wrecker reassured her, stating that they were there to help. Hunter emphasized the need to signal Omega before she was captured, but unfortunately, their equipment and weapons had been confiscated by the Zygerrians.
Shortly thereafter, Tech spotted Omega atop a building and informed the others that they did not require a comm to reach her. Omega waved down at them before pointing to a series of cables connecting two buildings. The leader of the Zygerrian slavers Raney inspected the captured clones, hoping to sell them for a substantial profit. Echo protested that the Galactic Republic had outlawed slavery. Raney retorted that they were no longer within the Republic's jurisdiction. Noticing Omega's intentions, the Bad Batch distracted the Zygerrians slavers. Omega descended and successfully unlocked the cage of an adolescent rancor before being captured by a Zygerrian guard. The Bad Batch capitalized on the chaos caused by the rancor. Omega escaped and approached the Falleen child, whom she believed to be Muchi, stating that they were there to take her home. Her father, speaking in Falleen, quickly clarified that Muchi was not the Falleen girl, but rather the rampaging adolescent rancor. Hunter informed the squad that they needed to capture Muchi to obtain the intel provided by Scaleback. Omega noticed the other three slaves and inquired about them, Echo replied that he and Omega will get the other slaves to safety while the rest went to look for Muchi.
It didn't take too long for the squad to locate the rancor. They slowly converge on Muchi but Raney descended on the clones with his brezak and scattered them. Muchi tried to charge at the brezak but the brezak whipped the rancor aside with its long tail, causing Muchi to whimper. Raney was about to whip the rancor before Hunter threw him to the ground. Muchi took the opportunity to flee with the brezak in pursuit. Raney confronted Hunter, vowed that he will pay for this. Hunter quickly sent Tech and Wrecker after the rancor. Hunter pulled out his vibro-knife to fight Raney but Raney wrapped around Hunter's right arm with the electro-whip, causing him to drop his knife. However, Hunter managed to push Raney and kicked him to the ground.

Meanwhile, Muchi managed to grab onto the brezak and bite it. The rancor flipped the reptavian beast up and down then jumped on it. The brezak quickly flew away in defeat. Wrecker tried to show Muchi dominance by force in order to tame her. The rest of the squad caught up to Tech and Wrecker only to see a struggling Wrecker. The squad gathered up closely as they saw Wrecker and Muchi fighting for dominance. Finally, the rancor dropped from exhaustion and Wrecker patted her to sleep. Hunter complimented Wrecker for his accomplishment. They got back to Scaleback's parlor and saw that Bib Fortuna was eagerly waiting for Muchi's arrival.
Inside, Scaleback revealed to Hunter the identity of the bounty hunter that he faced on Pantora, Fennec Shand. Scaleback explained that Fennec Shand is new to the scene but had already been proven to be ruthless and cunning. When Hunter asked who hired her, Scaleback said that sources in the Bounty Hunter's guild said that she was working on a direct commission. Scaleback warned Hunter that he will need friends and money, emphasizing the latter. Hunter even admitted that they are not exactly swimming in either. Scaleback then gave Hunter a cut. She told him that more credits are available if he is looking for work. Hunter replied that he will think about it. Scaleback remarked that they must be valuable for a bounty hunter of Shand's caliber to be pursuing them, she added that she is good with keeping secrets.

While in the parlor, Omega practiced her shooting ability with the zygerrian energy bow. She retrieved it from a Zygerrian slaver during their previous mission. Regular patrons of the parlor, an Ithorian Bolo and a Weequay Ketch betted on Omega's shot while watching. Echo helped teach her target practice. Omega told Echo that she had gotten three out of twelve, Echo replied that it was luck rather than skill, he added that soldiers need to be consistent. Wrecker commented to Hunter that Omega is not a natural, while Hunter continued to observe the training. Scaleback appeared announcing that playtime is over and kicked the Ithorian and Weequay out. Scaleback asked the squad if they are familiar with a Separatist tactical droid, Tech interjected that they were the brain of the Separatist military shortly before Scaleback snapped that this was her briefing. She tasked the clones to infiltrate a decommissioning facility on Corellia and retrieved a tactical droid intelligence for its tremendous value and before everything got destroyed.
After the briefing, Hunter told Scaleback that they hadn't decided on working for her yet, Scaleback proposed a "mutually beneficial arrangement" in which both parties will make money and that Scaleback will also have their back. She said that it's the best option for them given their current situation and heat on them. Hunter reluctantly agreed, Scaleback reiterated that she already told them they're in. She also told Omega that her "weak noodle arm" was the reason of her poor archery skill, she demonstrated by firing three bullseyes in a row before returning the energy bow to Omega.
The Bad Batch traveled to Corellia aboard the Marauder, while hitching a ride on the underside of a class four container transport. Echo remarked that this is an old trick, but Tech responded that it had gotten them past the planetary sensors every time. Omega asked why a tactical droid is more important than other droids. Echo replied that the more the tactical droid fought, the more they learned and won. The squad disembarked and entered Coronet City's industrial district. They then avoided the patrolling police droids. Hunter said Scaleback did not mention the droids. Tech observed that they are operating on a rotating quadrant scan. He added that if they time it correctly, there will be an entry point in their blind spot. Tech led the squad as they entered the decommissioning facility.
Inside, there were several workers who were fully covered in masks and suits. While exiting a doorway, Wrecker knocked a worker out and hid him. Hunter told Echo and Tech to locate and retrieve the droid, while Wrecker will cover the squad from above. Wrecker complained that it was Crosshair's job, but Hunter responded that it was not a request. Omega asked about what she should do, but Hunter insisted on her to stay and keep watch. While Hunter was on a lookout, Echo found out that only one tactical droid was listed and that the rest had been destroyed. Hunter added that they only have one shot. Echo said that the droid was offloaded in the north end conveyer.

Omega called the squad that she had found the tactical droid on a conveyer belt. She clarified that the droid was already in pieces, but the head was still intact. As she was watching, one of the worker Trace Martez stole the head of the tactical droid. Omega tried to intervene, but Hunter immediately told her to stay put and disengage. Before Omega could intervene any further, another worker Rafa Martez stopped her. Trace ran into Hunter, Tech, and Echo as she descended down a flight of stairs. They immediately held the worker at gunpoint. Tech asked the worker who she is, then Trace unmasked herself asking the same question. A blaster from Omega's energy bow hit a vent and released a gas and workers started to panic. A worker noticed the clones and reported a security breach that caused the facility to go on a full lockdown. The other workers managed to flee behind a blast door as the alarm rang. They all soon found themselves trapped inside the facility. Police droids started to come in, firing at the clones and the two sisters. Omega continued to pursue Rafa, despite Hunter's order. While the clones were exchanging fire with the police droids, Trace took the opportunity to flee. Hunter tasked the other clones to lift up the lockdown and himself to get the droid head.
The chase for the droid head continued as Trace threw the droid to Rafa before Hunter caught her. Rafa bumped a police droid which caused the droid head to fall on a conveyer belt. Omega and Trace raced down the conveyer belt for the head while Hunter shoot down a police droid approaching him and Rafa. Meanwhile, Echo accidentally short-circuited the entire system while trying to lift the lockdown and asked Wrecker to go to the main control panel to reactivate the system. Wrecker managed to reactivate the system which caused the conveyer belt to move and trapped Omega's leg under droid parts. Hunter asked Rafa why she was interested in a tactical droid head, but got no clear answer. Trace snatched the droid head from Omega and ran away. As the conveyer belt moved closer to the smelter, Omega cried for help on comlink. Hunter reassured Omega that he was on his way. Hunter tried to bring down the whole structure of the conveyer belt by connecting it to a support pose with a grappling hook. The conveyer belt was jammed for a bit before taking down a walkway. Omega fell to the second conveyer belt before Hunter could reach her. Trace came back and called out for Omega trying to reach her. Omega used an old B2-series super battle droid's leg as a lever to reach Trace, Hunter then joined in to pull Omega out. Hunter reluctantly thanked Trace.

Before arguing any further about the droid head, Hunter suggested a truce between the clones and the sisters to get out. Trace said that she needed a diversion. She tinkered with the tactical droid's head to reactivate battle droids. Hunter warned her that reactivating clankers are dangerous, Trace replied that it's not if they are controlling them. However, the tactical droid's signal was too weak to transmit, Tech helped her to boost the signal and started to reprogram the droid. As the police droids converged on them, Wrecker jumped down and took out several police droids. Tech finished the reprogram and Trace commanded the battle droid to attack the police droids. Soon after, battle droids started to converge and attacked the police droids. The clones and the sisters took the opportunity to leave the facility. Trace radioed R7-A7 for a pick up. They ran into more police droids. Trace accidentally dropped the droid head, destroying it. As more police droids and battle droids exchanged fire, they all fled aboard the sisters' ship.

Aboard the ship, both parties were not happy that the tactical droid head was destroyed. Rafa asked if the clones did not know who the were giving the information to, Hunter replied that they were paid to acquire and deliver, not to asked questions. Trace said that their contact needed it to fight against the Empire. Rafa asked why the clones were not fighting for the Empire. Hunter said that not all clones are the same and that they are different, but Rafa doubted by saying that she had heard that before. Later the sisters dropped the clones near the Marauder. Omega invited the sisters to visit them in Ord Mantell. Rafa encouraged Omega to continue practice with the energy bow. After Omega went to the Marauder, Hunter gave Rafa a data rod that contained the intelligence from the tactical droid before it was destroyed. Rafa remarked that the clones are different, Hunter replied that things were clearer during the Clone Wars. Rafa advised that in the end they all take sides. The clones and the sisters departed in their separate ways.
At a later point, while engaged in a particular task, the Marauder found itself pursued by three Rhokai gang starfighters. Hunter, assuming his position at the rear gun, inquired about the estimated time until they could initiate a jump to hyperspace. Tech responded that it was contingent on how quickly Echo could restore the hyperdrive's functionality. Echo acknowledged the task, stating that he was actively working on it. Omega, securely fastened next to a cage, which was also somewhat secured, expressed her concern that Ruby was becoming frightened, prompting Wrecker to voice his surprise that she had named the lizard.
As the pursuit persisted, Wrecker questioned the motives of their pursuers. Omega pointed out that they had, in fact, stolen something from them. Tech clarified that the Rhokai had stolen the lizard, and that their actions were merely an "interception" of it. Hunter countered that the Rhokai likely held a different perspective. Amidst the chaos and movement, the cage toppled over, and the frightened lizard escaped. Ruby leaped onto Wrecker, causing him to also panic. Omega instructed Wrecker to remain calm, as he was exacerbating the lizard's fear. Finally, Echo succeeded in restoring the hyperdrive's functionality, and Omega secured Ruby back within the cage. Tech engaged the lever, and the Marauder initiated a jump to Hyperspace.

Upon their return to Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch presented Ruby to Scaleback. She commented that the lizard possessed a "strange-looking" appearance. Echo inquired about the client's intended use for the lizard. She speculated that it might be for use as a pet or for a stew, but added that she was indifferent to its fate. Hunter remarked that as long as Scaleback received payment, she agreed that he started to catch on. Scaleback led them back to her office. As they proceeded to the back, Hunter noticed a hooded figure amidst the other patrons in the parlor. Omega and Wrecker requested Hunter's permission to go outside and celebrate the mission's conclusion, to bring happiness to Omega. Hunter granted their request, but cautioned them not to be gone for too long. Back at Scaleback's office, the Trandoshan provided them with one-third of the promised credits. Hunter and Echo promptly protested, but she countered that she had also been promised three times the standard rate. When Echo questioned how this arrangement was mutually beneficial to them, she responded that she was being generous in light of the debt they owed her.
Hunter questioned what debt she spoke about, leading to Scaleback showing him a datapad of docking fees, port charges, gear, fuel, rations, and 20 cartons of Mantell Mix. She told the clones that she liked them but that she was not running a charity. They would need a big score to get even. When Echo asked for clarification, Scaleback replied that the tactical droid would have made a lot of money but they bungled it up. Scaleback warned them to figure something out before they saw her ugly side. Tech made a quip about her appearance. Scaleback was about to respond, but they heard a blaster-fire inside the bar.

The clones and Scaleback quickly went outside to investigate the noise. They saw Bolo and Ketch fleeing upstairs. Scaleback asked the hooded figure who he was, and the hooded figure revealed himself as the former Clone Captain Rex. Scaleback grumbled about hosting another clone and warned the Bad Batch that she was done taking in strays. As Hunter approached Rex, Echo asked the Captain where he had been. Rex replied that it was a long story. Later, Rex explained that he had been keeping a low profile since the end of the Clone Wars. Tech agreed, saying Imperial files listed Rex as being killed in action. Rex replied that being dead in the Empire's eyes has its advantages. Echo asked him how he tracked them down. Rex told them that Trace and Rafa informed him about a team of rogue clones who helped them on Corellia. He added that the sisters also told him about the clones traveling with a kid. Rex asked who she was. Hunter explained that Omega is also a clone just like the rest of them. As they were talking, Wrecker and Omega returned. Wrecker recognized Rex, which prompted him to give the Captain a bear hug. Hunter introduced Rex to Omega. Rex knelt to talk to Omega, he told her that he has met many clones but never like her. Omega stepped forward and deduced that Rex is a Generation One clone trooper based on the wrinkle lines on his face. Amused, Rex made a quip that he has been around.
Wrecker grimaced and touched his head, asking Tech for another med patch. Tech reminded Wrecker that he used the last one. Rex asked them what happened, Wrecker responded that it was just headache. As Echo noted that the headache were becoming more frequent, Rex took an interest. Tech told Rex that their deviant nature appeared to have impeded the functionality of their inhibitor chip, with the exception of Crosshair. Alarmed, Rex asked the squad if they hadn't removed their chips.
As Tech confirmed, Rex slowly reached for his blaster. He said that the chips made them a threat to everyone, Omega included. As the room became more tense, Rex described the chips as ticking time bombs, Hunter told him to calm down. Having experienced Order 66, Rex warned them that the chips are dangerous. Rex was unwilling to bury more of his brothers because of it. He said that the chips are something they can't control, just like he can't. Omega looked at Hunter, who frowned. Hunter agreed and asked the Captain how they should take out their chips. Relaxed, Rex let go of his blaster, he said that he will be in touch.
Later, the Marauder traveled through the hyperspace. While Wrecker clutched his head in pain, Omega assisted Tech with some tools as he work on the chip scanner. Wrecker was uneasy about the plan, but Hunter reminded him that they agreed to meet Rex on Bracca. As Wrecker grumbled, Hunter asked Tech about the progress of the scanner, to which he replied that he was able to establish a baseline from Rex's brain scan to theirs; taking into account of any cellular anomalies. Wrecker was still unsure about the procedure, but Hunter assured him that they should trust Rex.

The Marauder rapidly made its descent towards Bracca. As they soared above an expansive starship salvage yard, Echo detected Rex's signal. Touching down on a makeshift hangar, they observed a Y-wing starfighter parked nearby. Rex was there, awaiting their arrival, and greeted Hunter and his fellow clones. Rex guided the group towards the remains of a Venator-class Star Destroyer, explaining that he had removed his control chip within a similar cruiser. Wrecker, with curiosity, questioned the landing location's distance from their objective. Before an answer could be given, Hunter noticed a hover barge and sought cover. Tech identified the vehicle as belonging to the Scrapper Guild. Rex clarified that the guild held dominion over the planet, emphasizing the need for secrecy, which finally addressed Wrecker's inquiry. Subsequently, the clones ventured further into the ruined capital ship.
As the clones proceeded through the wreckage, Rex recounted to Echo the story of Fives and his warning concerning the chips during the Clone Wars. Rex then inquired about the Bad Batch's knowledge of the chips, to which Echo responded that Omega was the source of that information, which surprised Rex. Continuing their journey, Hunter sensed movement within a waterlogged area, advising Tech to remain above the waterline. Entering the ship's corridor, Rex informed the clones that he received help in removing his chip.
Later on, their path was obstructed by a wide chasm that plunged into the water below. With the medical bay located on the opposite side, Rex devised a plan, using a cable to traverse the gap. The clones carefully crossed to the other side of the corridor, with the exception of Wrecker. Overcome by his fear of heights, Wrecker hesitated but ultimately decided to follow.

Hunter was the designation of a clone commando, his serial number kept confidential. Displaying a somewhat rough but not unkind demeanor, Hunter typically communicated directly, though he occasionally exhibited humor. He was known for his strength and stoicism. During the battle of Anaxes, Hunter served as a mediator between standard clones, such as Jesse and Rex, and the members of Clone Force 99. The sergeant had to diffuse escalating tensions that led to physical altercations, reminding them of their shared allegiance.
Upon the initiation of Order 66, Hunter resisted compliance, endeavoring to shield the young Padawan Caleb Dume from the other clones. Initially, he found the enhanced clone Omega irritating, cautioning her to distance herself from the squad, labeling them as "nothing but trouble." However, Hunter grew fond of her and insisted on returning to Kamino to rescue her, despite the considerable risk to his squad, stating that she was one of them. Subsequently, Hunter developed a profound connection with Omega, becoming highly protective and assuming the role of her parental guardian.
Hunter exhibited a robust moral compass and a clear understanding of right and wrong, even to the point of disobeying orders he deemed unjust. When Crosshair, a member of Clone Force 99, betrayed his team and criticized them for sparing Caleb Dume, Hunter responded without hesitation that he acted according to his conscience. Likewise, he declined to eliminate the "insurgents" on Onderon, sent by Tarkin, because they were civilians and refugees, not combatants.
Hunter's physical appearance, in contrast to his Clone Force 99 comrades, closely resembled that of standard clone troopers and his genetic template Jango Fett. Other clone troopers, such as Jesse, struggled to distinguish him from a typical clone trooper in comparison to the rest of Clone Force 99.
A skull tattoo covered the entire left side of Hunter's face. He had relatively long dark brown hair that gradually turned gray, and he consistently wore a red bandana adorned with a small white skull. His height was 1.8 meters (5 feet, 11 inches), and he had brown eyes and tan skin.
Hunter's mutations endowed him with heightened senses, enabling him to detect electromagnetic frequencies, making him exceptionally accurate in enemy-controlled territories, even when maps were unreliable. This mutation proved particularly valuable during the Clone Wars for tracking droids' electromagnetic signatures. Hunter possessed specialized training and excelled in hand-to-hand combat. He was an agile combatant, executing flips and kicks while coordinating his blaster fire and weapon strikes. He was also a capable leader. Hunter demonstrated exceptional proficiency with various weapons, but his preferred weapon was his vibro-knife.

In battle, Hunter routinely carried a DC-17 hand blaster, a DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, a vibro-knife, and during a mission on Corellia he was equipped with an additional DC-17 hand blaster. He also displayed familiarity with enemy weaponry, notably the E-5 blaster rifle and the DC-15a blaster carbine. Despite his combat prowess with blasters, the sergeant favored engaging opponents at close range with his knife. As an experimental clone commando, he donned a modified set of Katarn-class Commando Armor. Hunter also possessed a Hush-98 comlink and wore a green tunic to blend in with civilian populations.
Several months after the bombardment of Kamino, Hunter and the rest of his squad received new paint schemes for their armor. Hunter's armor now featured a greater variety of colors, including stripes of orange and blue, further distancing him from his past as a soldier.

George Lucas conceived the Bad Batch as a clone-centric adaptation of The Dirty Dozen. Dave Filoni sketched their appearances, which Brent Friedman and Matt Michnovetz used as inspiration for the Bad Batch's voices and personalities. Matt and Brent collaborated with Dave to develop the characters and their narrative, with Hunter drawing inspiration from the character of Billy Sole from the 1987 film Predator.
Clone Force 99 was originally intended to debut in a four-episode arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season seven before its cancellation. The story reel was initially presented at Celebration Anaheim, and subsequently made available on for public viewing. The arc was later completed for the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Hunter was slated to appear in a four-episode arc penned by Michnovetz, featuring the Bad Batch, now including "Echo", alongside Yoda on Kashyyyk. During the "Untold Clone Wars" panel at Celebration Anaheim, Dave Filoni discussed the arc's plot. He disclosed that the characters would ride "giant ape lizards" considered sacred by the Wookiees. In one scene, Tarfful would seek permission from the tree spirits to engage in battle against the enemy, a Trandoshan and the Separatist Alliance. To dislodge the enemy from certain cities, the trees would need to be burned. While the clones had no objections, it distressed the Wookiees. A portion of the arc would revolve around the clones and the Wookiees finding common ground to combat the Separatists. A story-reel clip was showcased at the panel, depicting the Bad Batch and Wookiees riding the "ape lizards" known as mylayas and fighting a new creature called netcasters inspired by kinraths from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Some elements from the unfinished arc were later repurposed and appeared in "Tribe", the sixth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's second season. One example of this rework was the complete change in behavior for the netcasters. The creature now appeared intelligent and neutral, unless provoked.
In The Light Side comic strip of Star Wars Insider 222, a human at the Lothal County Fair had their face painted like Hunter's by Sabine Wren. The individual was using their phone as C1-10P, painted to resemble Darth Maul, chased someone dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi.