
"Tribe" represents the sixth installment within the second season of the animated television program Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Its initial broadcast occurred on February 1, 2023 via the Disney+ streaming service.

Official description

The group known as the Bad Batch provides assistance to a newfound companion, helping them return to their home.

Plot summary

Mission to Vanguard Axis

Aboard their vessel, the Marauder, the Bad Batch journey to Axis Base, a space station orbiting Ordo Tera, managed by Vanguard Axis. Their objective: to sell fabricated chain codes. Given the station's notoriety for smuggling activities, Hunter assigns Echo and Omega the task of guarding the ship while the rest proceed with their assignment. A droid escorts Hunter and his team to a meeting with the Axis Leader, a droid who intends to verify the authenticity of the chain codes. Despite Tech's assurance of their quality, the Axis Leader remains skeptical, ordering his droids to meticulously inspect each code.

Simultaneously, Omega voices her unease about the station to Echo. Echo concurs and initiates preparations for the ship's departure. In the distance, Omega detects a Wookiee's roar and sets off to investigate. As she ventures deeper into the station, she observes two droids assaulting a young Wookiee with electrostaffs. Omega objects, but one of the droids warns her against interfering with Vanguard Axis' operations.

This distraction enables the Wookiee to seize an electrostaff from one of the droids, disabling it. Omega then uses her energy bow to shoot the other droid. The Wookiee expresses his gratitude with a bow, and the two escape as more droids arrive to investigate the commotion. While concealing themselves behind cargo containers, one of the droids corners Omega, but the Wookiee neutralizes it. The Wookiee then searches through a box, prompting Omega to inquire about his actions. Echo soon locates Omega. The Wookiee initially perceives the former clone trooper as a threat until Omega allays his fears. The Wookiee then continues his search.

Rescuing the Wookiee

Meanwhile, the Axis Leader halts negotiations with Hunter and the other clones upon receiving reports of a disturbance. Tech suspects Omega or Echo's involvement. Echo then contacts Hunter, requesting backup. The Axis Leader and his droids confront Omega, Echo, and the Wookiee, who have created a barricade with crates. Hunter and the other clones arrive, surrounding the droids from behind. The Axis Leader demands that the clones leave, but Omega refuses to allow them to harm the Wookiee.

The Axis Leader retorts that the Wookiee holds value for their buyer, alive. Hunter objects to smuggling living beings, but the droid leader dismisses his concerns, asserting that anything can be smuggled for the right price. During the Axis Leader's distraction, the Wookiee employs the Force to retrieve his lightsaber from the Axis Leader's belt. Drawing his lightsaber, the Wookiee attacks the droids, initiating a firefight. The Bad Batch aids him in escaping the droids, and they flee aboard the Marauder.

Meeting Gungi

After entering hyperspace, Omega notices the Wookiee sitting alone in a corner and asks why. Hunter explains that the Wookiee is likely frightened and has endured much. Omega offers to share rations, but the Wookiee is wary due to his past experiences with clones during the Great Jedi Purge. Hunter reassures the Wookiee that they are not like the other clones and did not obey Order 66 or serve the Galactic Empire. Encouraged by Omega, the Wookiee accepts the rations. After Omega introduces herself, Hunter learns that the Wookiee's name is Gungi.

Tech discovers that Gungi was attempting to return to his home planet, Kashyyyk, after Order 66 when he was captured by the smuggling droids. Omega suggests that they assist him in returning home. Wrecker agrees, noting that they haven't visited Kashyyyk in some time. Echo cautions that the Empire may have established outposts there. Hunter responds that Jedi are not safe anywhere.


The Bad Batch pilots the Marauder to Kashyyyk, intending to take Gungi to a village where they believe he will find shelter among his people. However, Echo detects smoke and deforestation in the area. Hunter advises Gungi to conceal his lightsaber to avoid attracting attention. The clones land their ship in a forest clearing. Omega expresses her awe at the lush jungle foliage and scenery. While traversing the jungle, Omega learns that Gungi left Kashyyyk when he was young, retaining only dreamlike memories of the planet.

The clones and Gungi pass through a web, finding themselves within a netcasters' nest. Gungi convinces the arachnid netcasters that the clones pose no threat and secures their passage through the territory. Continuing their journey, they arrive at a valley surrounded by mountains. Based on his telemetry, Tech concludes that the village is nearby. Upon reaching the village, they discover that the Empire has incinerated it with tanks.

The Trandoshan raiders

Gungi mourns the loss of the Wookiee village. Omega consoles Gungi, stating that they too have lost their home and promising to help him find his people. While exploring the burned village, Hunter and Tech encounter several Trandoshans armed with Imperial-supplied tanks, which are revealed to be repurposed Incinerator tanks. The Trandoshans also hold a Wookiee hostage.

The Trandoshan leader informs Commander Babwa Venomor that they have discovered more carved stones. Venomor orders the destruction of the carved stones. The captive Wookiee protests but is whipped by his Trandoshan captors. Enraged, Gungi confronts the Trandoshan invaders with his lightsaber. He strikes down one of the Trandoshans and frees the Wookiee captive. The Bad Batch joins the battle. Wrecker eliminates two Trandoshans riding a tank, while Omega and Gungi collaborate to take out the tank driver. Gungi damages the tank's repulsorlift systems, and Hunter incapacitates a second tank crew.

Wookiee allies

Following the skirmish, the clones and Gungi collaborate to extinguish the flames by digging soil. Later, several armed Wookiee warriors arrive on Mylaya steeds. These Wookiees escort the clones and Gungi to their tree village, where they meet the female Wookiee chief Yanna. Hunter explains that they are attempting to return Gungi to his home but are unsure of his village. Hunter clarifies that the Bad Batch are former Republic soldiers who do not support the Empire. He informs Yanna that they came to assist Gungi because he is a child in need.

Meanwhile, Commander Venomor arrives with more Trandoshans and a contingent of clone stormtroopers. After identifying lightsaber marks on the damaged tank, they deduce the involvement of a Jedi. Venomor instructs the Clone officer to delay reporting the Jedi and promises his Trandoshan followers a hundred Wookiee pelts to whoever finds the Jedi.

At Yanna's village, the Wookiee warrior whom Gungi rescued offers the clones drinks. Echo declines, but Wrecker accepts. Omega learns from Hunter that Yanna has agreed to let Gungi stay with them. Hunter also learns that the Empire has been exploiting their Trandoshan allies to strip Kashyyyk's resources and that many Wookiee villagers have fled deeper into the jungle. Tech reports that Yanna's scouts have sighted a large convoy heading in their direction and translates her message that they should leave. Echo refuses to abandon their Wookiee allies. Hunter informs Gungi that they will stay and help him fight the Imperial and Trandoshan invaders.

The Wookiees offer prayers beneath the roots of a Wroshyr tree. Tech explains that the Wookiees believe that Kashyyyk belongs to the trees and that they are their allies. Hunter acknowledges that the Wookiees need all the allies they can get. Gungi reveals that the trees have a plan.

Jungle skirmish

Later, clone stormtroopers and Trandoshan forces approach the perimeter of Yanna's village. The Bad Batch ambushes them with a detonator. Commander Venomor orders his troops to continue the attack. Wookiee warriors riding Mylaya mounts descend from the trees, ambushing the Imperials and Trandoshans. The Bad Batch and Wookiees aim to drive the invaders toward the netcaster nest. During the skirmish, several Clone troopers, Trandoshans, and Wookiees are shot down.

Wookiee warriors also jump onto the tanks. Gungi joins the fight, using his lightsaber to damage the cannon of a tank. Recognizing Gungi as a Jedi, Venomor attacks him with a flamethrower, inadvertently wounding one of his own troops. Gungi lures him deeper into the jungle while other Wookiees draw the attention of the netcasters, who emerge from their nest and overwhelm the Trandoshans and Imperials.

Meanwhile, Venomor pursues Gungi and Omega, using his flamethrower to ignite the surrounding jungle foliage in an attempt to draw them out. Gungi ambushes Venomor and damages his flamethrower with his lightsaber. Before they can engage in combat, three netcasters attack and capture Venomor, dragging him back to their nest. Omega and Gungi reunite and rejoin the Bad Batch.

Peace for now

The clones and Wookiees then collaborate to extinguish Venomor's fire with shovels. By morning, they have contained the blaze. Back at Yanna's village, Wrecker and Echo share drinks with the Wookiee warriors. While Gungi and Omega meditate under a wroshyr tree, Hunter remarks to Yanna that they are just children. Yanna responds that the trees celebrate the return of one of their own and expresses hope that they will one day find a new path. Hunter hopes this path leads far away from war.


