Gungi, a male Wookiee Jedi Padawan, underwent training to become a Jedi within the Jedi Order during the Galactic Republic era. During the Clone Wars, Gungi, along with five other younglings, specifically Petro, Katooni, Byph, Ganodi, and Zatt, were considered the best in their group. Under the guidance of Ahsoka Tano and Jedi Grand Master Yoda, they journeyed to Ilum to participate in the Gathering; this was an ancient Jedi ritual to prove a youngling was ready to become a Padawan. Gungi successfully survived the Great Jedi Purge and continued his Jedi activities during the early reign of the Galactic Empire.

As a male Wookiee and one of the top Jedi younglings in his class, Gungi was dispatched to Ilum alongside five other younglings. On Ilum, Jedi Master Yoda instructed the younglings to venture into a Crystal Cave with the goal of finding their respective kyber crystals. These crystals were essential for the younglings to construct their initial lightsabers. Each crystal within the cave was uniquely attuned to a specific individual. Gungi located his crystal on an island situated across a body of water inside the cave. Heeding Ganodi's advice to avoid entering the frigid water, he chose to meditate and await the freezing of the water, enabling him to cross. Master Yoda later commended him for his patience.
While en route back to Coruscant aboard the Crucible, Gungi and his fellow younglings, guided by Professor Huyang, commenced the construction of their lightsabers. However, their ship came under attack by the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Hondo and his pirate crew sought the kyber crystals the younglings had recently acquired, recognizing their high value in credits on the black market. Despite the younglings' efforts to evade the pirates, Ahsoka Tano was inadvertently pulled into space alongside the pirates because the Crucible managed to break away from the pirates' docking station, creating a vacuum.

With their ship stranded, Gungi and his youngling companions utilized their free time to continue building their lightsabers. Once Gungi, Petro, and Byph had completed their lightsabers, the group decided to travel to Florrum to cool their engines (which were overheating) and rescue Ahsoka. Upon arrival, they joined the troupe led by the Dug Preigo to infiltrate Hondo's base. Their mission was to reclaim Ahsoka's lightsabers, freeing Ahsoka, and escape aboard a stolen speeder.

After their escape on the stolen speeder, Petro established contact with R2-D2 and Ganodi aboard the Crucible. However, by the time the Crucible reached them, the speeder was nearing a ravine. The Jedi were forced to hastily board the ship, with Gungi and Byph clinging to the edge of the boarding ramp. Subsequently, the pirates launched a missile at the ship, causing it to crash and leading to the pirates recapturing them. Upon reaching Hondo's base, they discovered it was under attack by General Grievous. Recognizing a common goal to escape the Separatists, the Jedi and pirates collaborated, freeing Ohnaka and escaping to his hidden private fleet before successfully departing Florrum.
Later, Gungi was observed training outside the Jedi Temple following the bombing of the Temple's hangar. Along with his teacher, Tera Sinube, Gungi watched as Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee dueled outside until Offee was apprehended.

Having achieved the rank of Padawan, Gungi successfully navigated the Great Jedi Purge and persisted in his Jedi activities during the initial period of the Imperial Era. By 18 BBY, Gungi had been captured by the droids of the Vanguard Axis and imprisoned aboard their space station. He was held there as the Axis arranged for his live sale to a wealthy buyer, with their leader retaining possession of Gungi's lightsaber. At some point, he managed to escape his cell but was apprehended by two droids who used an electrostaff to shock him. Omega, a genetically defective clone present at the station with Clone Force 99 to sell forged chain codes to the Axis, intervened, shooting Gungi's torturers with her energy bow, thus freeing him. Gungi and Omega were then joined by the remainder of Clone Force 99, who engaged the other droids and rescued Gungi aboard their Omicron-class attack shuttle, the Marauder.
Distressed by his experience, Gungi distanced himself from the others during their departure from the station. Omega approached him with a ration pack, encouraging him to eat and assuring him that, despite being clones, her friends were no longer affiliated with the Galactic Empire. With Tech acting as a translator, the Bad Batch successfully convinced Gungi of their benevolent intentions and, at Omega's urging, set course for his homeworld of Kashyyyk.
Upon their arrival on Kashyyyk, Force 99 opted to land near a remote village to avoid detection by potential Imperial patrols. Accompanied by Gungi, they traversed a dense forest but soon found themselves surrounded by netcasters, whose nest Wrecker had inadvertently disturbed while attempting to clear a path. The netcasters, displaying their fangs, posed a threat, but Gungi requested that the team lower their blasters and opened himself to the creatures through the Force, conveying his and his friends' non-threatening intentions. Recognizing Gungi's connection, the netcasters allowed them to pass.

After navigating the forest, the group reached the village, only to find it ablaze. Hunter discovered a group of Trandoshans in the ruins, warning the others that they were holding a Wookiee warrior from the village captive. Enraged, Gungi activated his lightsaber and charged towards the hunters to liberate his fellow Wookiee. He successfully freed him from his restraints, but the remaining hunters retaliated with a pair of incinerator tanks. The Bad Batch joined Gungi, and together they took down the tanks. As Gungi mourned the loss of his people amidst the burning ruins, the escaped Wookiee warrior returned with two tribesmen riding Mylayas. Discovering the dead Trandoshans and Gungi in distress, they invited him and his friends to their village. There, they introduced Gungi to the village elder, Yanna, who expressed her joy at seeing one of the "planet's youth" return home. She informed Gungi and the Batch that the Trandoshans were collaborating with the Empire to exploit the land's resources. Infuriated, Gungi slammed his fist on the table, prompting Hunter to pledge that he and his team would do everything possible to assist Yanna's tribe.
Meanwhile, the Trandoshans and a group of stormtrooper clones, led by Babwa Venomor, discovered the remains of his hunters' tanks. Realizing they had been destroyed by a lightsaber, he ordered his hunters to burn the jungle to the ground and find the responsible party. His hunters celebrated and began setting the jungle ablaze using their incinerator tanks. The flames were visible from the village, where Hunter spotted them through his binoculars and alerted his team. Simultaneously, Gungi followed Yanna and her warriors to the base of a Wroshyr tree, where he observed them kneeling and bowing their heads against the wood to seek the trees' wisdom. Despite his lack of knowledge of his species' culture due to his early departure from Coruscant, Gungi soon connected with the trees and listened to their will. He informed Hunter and the Batch that they (the trees) had a plan, which Hunter reluctantly agreed to follow.
The Trandoshan convoy advanced through the jungle towards a clearing near Yanna's village, where they were ambushed by the Wookiees and the Batch, who were concealed in the bushes. After opening fire, the teams strategically retreated, luring the Trandoshans into the netcaster nests. As they ventured deeper into the jungle, the Wookiees managed to disable the tanks one by one, despite suffering their own losses. Eventually, the Trandoshans were defeated by the warriors and the enraged netcasters whose nests had been destroyed by the tanks. However, Venomor fled into the jungle, pursued by Gungi into another clearing further from the netcaster nests, which he set ablaze to trap the Wookiee. Gungi managed to distract the hunter, causing him to surround himself with a ring of fire. Trapped in close combat, Venomor's flamethrower was sliced by Gungi's saber, leaving him vulnerable to netcasters who descended from the trees, ensnared him in their webs, and carried him to the treetops, where he met his demise.
With the village liberated, Gungi chose to join Yanna's tribe, remaining behind to protect his homeworld and defend his people.

Gungi, a male Wookiee, stood at a height of 1.53 meters (5 ft), characterized by brown hair and brown eyes. Similar to many Wookiees, Gungi possessed a temperamental and expressive nature. He also displayed impulsiveness and aggression. During his trial at the Gathering, he struggled with the concept of patience, only managing to acquire his kyber crystal after consciously slowing down. Once he understood the importance of patience, Gungi overcame his shortcomings and realized his potential as a member of the Jedi Order.
As a Jedi Initiate, Gungi possessed force-sensitive abilities and demonstrated skill in lightsaber combat.
Gungi constructed his own green-bladed lightsaber with a wooden hilt crafted from Brylark wood, which he selected from the Crucible's supply of materials.
Gungi's inaugural appearance occurred in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "The Gathering," the sixth episode of the fifth season of the show.