
Zatt, a Nautolan male, held the rank of youngling within the Jedi Order. As such, he was a participant in the Clone Wars. Alongside Petro, Gungi, Byph, Ganodi, and Katooni, he took part in the rite known as the Gathering. Under the tutelage of Yoda and guidance of Ahsoka Tano, the six younglings underwent their training.


The Gathering

Approximately two years into the Clone Wars, Zatt journeyed to the planet of Ilum. His purpose: to acquire the kyber crystal necessary for crafting his personal Jedi lightsaber. This expedition included his fellow Jedi younglings: Petro, Katooni, Byph, Gungi, and Ganodi. Guided by Padawan Ahsoka Tano, they arrived at the caves, where Jedi Master Yoda cautioned them about the risk of entrapment due to the rapidly freezing entrance. Zatt initially depended heavily on technological scans to locate his [crystal](/article/crystal]. However, despite the scans indicating crystals were everywhere, he couldn't visually identify one. Frustrated, he threw his scanner against the cave wall. This action inadvertently led him to his crystal, demonstrating that he could use the Force to find it, not technology.

Pirate encounter

Zatt's lightsaber emitted a green blade

During their return voyage to Coruscant aboard the Crucible, the architect droid professor Huyang gave the six younglings a basic introduction to the design and construction of their lightsabers. As they began creating their weapons, the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka and his pirate gang launched an assault on the ship, interrupting their progress. Zatt and Ganodi sought refuge in the cockpit, while the others attempted to reach the hold but were intercepted. Padawan Tano successfully expelled the pirates from the ship by creating a vacuum as the Crucible separated from the pirates' vessel. However, she was unfortunately pulled into the vacuum as well and captured by the pirates.

The younglings soon discovered a coolant leak that threatened to destroy the ship. To prevent an explosion, they were forced to land on Florrum, the site of Ohnaka's base. Upon arrival, they left the astromech droid R2-D2 and Ganodi with the ship. The remaining younglings infiltrated the pirates' stronghold by disguising themselves as part of a troupe led by the Dug Preigo. They patiently waited for an opportune moment to reclaim Tano's lightsabers, liberate her from captivity, and escape aboard a stolen speeder.

Encountering Grievous

The younglings and Tano's escape attempt was thwarted when the Crucible crashed, leading to their recapture. As the pirates escorted them back to their base, they discovered that it had been overrun by Separatists commanded by General Grievous. Recognizing the need for cooperation, the younglings allied themselves with Ohnaka and his gang. Together, they sought refuge in a secret starship vault that Ohnaka had kept hidden.

When the younglings became separated from the others, Katooni and Ohnaka boarded a ship and unexpectedly encountered Grievous. Tano engaged Grievous in combat until Ohnaka arrived, at which point they all fled and sought safety aboard a nearby Republic starship.

Personality and traits

Standing at 1.21 meters (4 feet in height, Zatt was a Nautolan male youngling with green skin and brown eyes. He possessed a keen intellect and a passion for tinkering with technology. The Gathering taught him that scientific solutions are not always sufficient and that, as a Jedi, he must trust in the Force to guide his actions.

Skills and abilities

Zatt was known for his sensitivity to the Force and his proficiency in lightsaber combat.


Zatt wore the standard Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber with a green blade.

