Hondo's complex

Hondo's headquarters, situated on the planet Florrum, functioned as a key operational center for the Ohnaka Gang throughout much of the Clone Wars. This base of operations was utilized by the gang until its destruction in 20 BBY by General Grievous and his Separatist forces.


The pirates returning to their base with the captured Dooku.

Throughout the Clone Wars, the pirate captain known as Hondo Ohnaka and his notorious gang conducted their operations from their established complex located on the planet of Florrum. Following a skirmish that occurred on the planet Vanqor, Count Dooku, the Sith Lord, was taken prisoner by Ohnaka and his crew. They transported the captured Sith Lord back to their complex with the intention of offering him as a ransom to the highest bidder. When the Galactic Republic dispatched Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to confirm Dooku's captivity before arranging any exchange, the gang proceeded to capture the two Jedi as well, incapacitating them with drugs during a party held at the complex.

Imprisoned alongside their adversary, the trio attempted to collaborate on an escape plan from the complex, but their efforts proved unsuccessful. Later, when the Republic sent Senator Kharrus, Representative Jar Jar Binks, along with Clone Commander CC-5869, designated "Stone," to deliver the ransom, their gunship was shot down by Turk Falso, who was trying to convince Ohnaka to sell Dooku to the Separatists. The surviving members, including Stone, Binks, and a contingent of clones, followed a sequence of power lines back to the pirate base. There, they managed to temporarily cut off the power supply, enabling Skywalker, Kenobi, and Dooku to successfully escape.

Following an attempted assassination of Jedi Master Mace Windu, a group of bounty hunters, including Boba Fett, Aurra Sing, Bossk, and Castas, sought refuge on Florrum with Ohnaka, who had previously been romantically involved with Sing. When Castas attempted to withdraw from the group, Sing murdered him. However, the bounty hunters' presence could not remain concealed for an extended period. Jedi Master Plo Koon and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano located them, resulting in the capture of Bossk and Fett. Sing tried to escape aboard Slave I, but after being pursued by Tano, she crashed the ship and was presumed dead.

After the pirates captured Tano while she was on a mission with some Jedi younglings, the younglings joined a circus that was performing at the pirate base that night as entertainment. They performed as acrobats and used the distraction to free Tano. When Ohnaka's men pursued the Jedi, their base was attacked by General Grievous and a force of battle droids, who were sent by Dooku to annihilate the base that once held him captive. Ohnaka, who had remained at the base, was taken prisoner and watched as Separatist forces began dismantling his vehicles and other equipment. However, the Jedi once help captive by Ohnaka returned to help him, saving him from the Separatists. Ohnaka and some of his followers escaped using ships from Ohnaka's fleet from his secret ship vault as their base was destroyed.

The remnants of the Ohnaka Gang's former base.

Following the battle, Ohnaka and his pirate band established Hondo's Salvage amidst the ruins of their previous headquarters.

