
Ganodi, a Rodian female Jedi youngling, lived during the time of the Clone Wars. She participated in a Gathering on Ilum, where, together with other Jedi initiates, she was destined to discover her own lightsaber crystal within Ilum's Crystal Caves. After successfully acquiring their crystals, they boarded the vessel known as the Crucible to construct their lightsabers under the tutelage of Huyang.

While the young Jedi were in the process of assembling their lightsabers, Weequay pirates launched an assault and boarded their ship. Under the guidance of Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Ganodi accompanied Zatt to secure the ship's control center alongside R2-D2. When Tano was captured by the pirates, Ganodi, along with the other initiates, embarked on a rescue mission to free her, tracking the pirates to the planet Florrum.

As the other younglings devised a plan to liberate Tano from the pirate stronghold, Ganodi remained with R2-D2, focusing on repairing their damaged ship. As the younglings attempted their escape, Ganodi and her companions were confronted by the cyborg Jedi hunter and Separatist commander, General Grievous, demonstrating her bravery as a young Jedi.


The Gathering

Ganodi, as a member of her clan, was dispatched to Ilum to participate in the Gathering. Accompanied by Padawan Ahsoka Tano, they reached Ilum and employed the Force to unlock the portal of the planet's Jedi Temple, where they found Jedi Master Yoda awaiting them. Yoda instructed them to venture into the Crystal Cave, the temple's innermost chamber, to locate their respective kyber crystals, essential components for Ganodi and her fellow younglings to construct their initial lightsabers. Tano cautioned them that they needed to find their crystals before the cave's icy entrance sealed shut at day's end, which would trap them inside for a complete rotation. Inside the cave, Ganodi, despite disagreeing with Katooni's suggestion to separate, decided to follow her instincts. She was joined by Gungi until he located his crystal. Ganodi pressed on, but her patience waned, and she began to express her frustration at not finding her crystal, until she tumbled into a concealed, smaller cavern filled with glimmering objects. Since she did not know how to identify her own, she began to lose hope, but, after steeling herself, she used the Force to find her crystal, which levitated directly into her hand. She exited the Crystal Cave, and waited along with Byph, Zatt, and Gungi for the return of the remaining younglings, Petro and Katooni. Once they were back, Yoda instructed them to return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Captured by pirates

En route to Coruscant aboard the Crucible, a Paladin-class corvette, Ganodi and her companions encountered Professor Huyang, who assisted them in building their individual lightsabers. Ganodi voiced her skepticism, pointing out that he was a droid, and doubting his ability to assist them. However, Huyang countered that he had instructed many Jedi before her and would continue to do so. While the younglings were constructing their lightsabers, the Crucible was attacked by Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate, and his crew aboard their ship, the Acushnet. As the pirates prepared to board the Crucible, Professor Huyang requested that the younglings entrust him with their crystals for safekeeping. Ganodi complied, as did the others, except for Petro, who retained his crystal. Subsequently, they sought refuge in the ventilation system while Tano formulated a plan to thwart the pirates. She instructed Ganodi to accompany Zatt to the cockpit and locate the astromech droid R2-D2, whom they were tasked with protecting. Upon reaching the cockpit, a pirate attempted to gain entry, but R2 managed to subdue him. Tano successfully forced the pirates off the ship by creating a vacuum when the Crucible detached from the pirates' ship, but she was caught in the vacuum and subsequently captured by the pirates.

Rescuing Ahsoka Tano

Shortly after the pirate assault, the younglings contacted Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to inform him about their ship's condition and Tano's abduction. Kenobi assured them that he would send assistance and manage Tano's rescue, advising the children to remain safe and refrain from attempting the rescue themselves. Shortly thereafter, Ganodi and Zatt alerted their friends that the filtering system was malfunctioning, meaning that the ship would explode if they did not land. Petro then persuaded the others to land on Florrum and rescue Tano themselves.

Ganodi skillfully landed the Crucible in a valley. As they prepared to rescue Tano, Petro instructed Ganodi to remain with the ship. Ganodi countered that he was not the group's leader, but when Petro mentioned her flight simulator training at the Jedi Temple, Ganodi conceded and remained onboard, prepared to evacuate quickly if needed. The following day, Ganodi completed reassembling Huyang, who had been dismantled by the pirates, before receiving an urgent call from Petro. Ganodi was pleased to hear Tano's voice, who instructed her to activate the engines and fly to her precise coordinates. Flying over the speeder tank in which her friends were being pursued by three pirates, Ganodi and Huyang made their way to the ramp while R2 held the ship steady. The Rodian managed to grab Byph when the speeder tank swerved sharply, causing the two vehicles to separate. Gungi leapt towards the ship as well and was caught by Ganodi, who continued to hold the Ithorian and the Wookiee as the remaining Jedi tried to steer the tank back towards the ship. However, the pirates shot one of the Crucible's engines, causing multiple explosions and forcing Ganodi, Huyang, and R2 to abandon ship. They landed on the speeder, where they were all violently knocked down as the Crucible crashed into them. The pirates then captured the group.

Confronting the Separatists

Handcuffed and escorted away by the pirates with her friends, Ganodi unsuccessfully attempted to break free by shaking her restraints, just before battle droids commanded by Grievous invaded the pirate base. As the base was being looted, Tano convinced their captors that they needed to collaborate against the Separatists, prompting Gwarm to reluctantly release them. The group infiltrated the base through a diversion created by R2 and fought their way to the cell where Ohnaka was being held. Ohnaka informed the group that he had a private fleet in a nearby vault that would enable them to escape from Florrum. Ohnaka asked the younglings to show him their lightsabers, and Ganodi successfully ignited her green lightsaber and congratulated Katooni, who had been struggling to get hers to work, as the Tholothian ignited hers as well.

Ganodi lights her lightsaber and ready to face Grievous.

Subsequently, the young Jedi and the freed pirates launched an assault on the droids, fighting to reach the transport vehicles. The Jedi commandeered another the speeder tank, which R2 piloted towards Ohnaka's secret vault. Pursued by Grievous into a gorge, Ganodi and the others were separated from the pirates and soon accosted by the vicious General until R2 drove the tank up the side of and out of the gorge, crashing but evading Grievous. Grievous returned to fight, and Ganodi ignited her lightsaber with her friends, ready to defend themselves. Just then, Katooni arrived aboard Slave I and Tano ordered the children to board right away while she held off Grievous.

Upon returning to Kenobi's cruiser, the Jedi Master was delighted to see Ahsoka and the younglings safe and sound. Huyang began to compare their adventure with the time when Yoda went in search of his kyber crystal, much to Ganodi's fascination. Kenobi declared that story would be for another time, telling Ganodi and the other younglings that they should be proud to have endured such an ordeal at their ages. He then welcomed them into the Jedi Order.

Duel at the Temple

Later, as Ganodi and her comrades practiced their lightsaber skills with Tera Sinube outside the Jedi Temple, they witnessed the clash between Anakin Skywalker and the traitorous Jedi Barriss Offee. The younglings stood at a distance as Anakin got the upper hand and finally subdued Offee.


Ganodi's lightsaber produced a green blade.

Ganodi wielded a lightsaber with a green blade, which she assembled on the Crucible.

Behind the scenes

Ganodi made her debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "The Gathering," which was the sixth episode of the fifth season of the show. Her voice was provided by Georgina Cordova.

