A flame cannon functioned as a type of flamethrower utilized by Trandoshan Commander Babwa Venomor. He employed it to ignite the jungles of Kashyyyk while hunters from the Trandoshans and clone troopers belonging to his Trandoshan-Imperial convoy also torched the jungles with Incinerator tanks and were hunting Wookiees.
Following Jedi Padawan Gungi's act of disabling an incinerator tank utilizing his lightsaber, Venomor exited his own tank, wielding a flame cannon. As he aimed it at the Jedi, he mistakenly ignited one of his own soldiers with fire while attempting to hit Gungi. Nevertheless, the Wookiee successfully evaded the flames and retreated into the forest, enticing Venomor to pursue him alone. Venomor pursued Gungi through the forest, ready with his flame cannon. He began setting the surrounding plant life ablaze as he caught sight of the Jedi quickly moving past him. Before long, the Trandoshan found himself encircled by flames, and Gungi descended from a nearby tree. Evading the Jedi's lightsaber, he persisted in firing the flamethrower, forcing the Wookiee back when Gungi attacked him again. After Venomor noticed the slash had ruined the flame cannon, he discarded it along with his satchel, preparing to engage in combat using his claws.
The Wookiee sanctuary was initially featured in "Tribe," which is the sixth episode within the second season of the animated television program Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Its initial broadcast occurred on February 1, 2023. Its identification first took place within the Databank (website) entries associated with The Bad Batch.