On numerous planets and moons scattered across the galaxy, one could find a kind of plant known as trees. They served to stabilize the ground, halt erosion, purify pollutants, and create air suitable for breathing. Ground was necessary for trees to be seeded. Certain sentient species, notably the Wookiees inhabiting Kashyyyk and the Ewoks residing on the Forest Moon of Endor, built their habitats within and among trees. The Kindalo, a tree-like sentient species, dwelled within the subterranean caverns of Aleen.
On Ahch-To, the birthplace of the Jedi Order and site of the first Jedi Temple, a library filled with Jedi knowledge was located inside a uneti tree.
Despite its predominantly barren desert environment, Tatooine possessed trees around the time of the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era]. However, Luke Skywalker had never seen trees in the landscape of the world, so they were unimaginable to the human during his time on Tatooine.
Wroshyr trees held significant importance in Wookiee culture. A rough translation of a saying in their native language of Shyriiwook was: "The trees are life."
Trees could potentially be corrupted by the dark side of the Force. Sometime before 232 BBY, Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus encountered trees that were deeply influenced by the dark side.
On the planet Bri'n, one faction held their trees in high regard, protecting them with a Priestess of Wood. Conversely, the Metal Clan harbored hatred for the trees and aimed to eradicate them.