The following notable occurrences transpired around the year 232 BBY. This period is also recognized as 3045 LY within the Lothal Calendar system, 213 BFE according to the Imperial calendar, and 7745 in the C.R.C. calendar.
- The Kublop Springs festival takes place as the local population hosts the event, inviting the Jedi to partake in the festivities. [7]
- Team Crimson Bolt emerges victorious in the Kublop Classic competition held on Tenoo . [8]
- The inhabitants of Kublop Springs organize and celebrate the Jellyfruit Festival . [9]
- A new bird species, known as the burrowberry bird, is discovered on Yamradi by Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, Nubs, SF-R3, and CAM. [10]
- The Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic jointly organize a conclave at Starlight Beacon, the newly launched space station, to commemorate its inauguration. [2]
- Lys Solay, SR-R3, and CAM come across a new reptile species, identified as the Mardorsh . [11]
- During the High Republic Era, the catastrophic Great Hyperspace Disaster unfolds, abruptly pulling numerous starships out of hyperspace across the galaxy . [2] [12]
- The Nihil launch a raid on the Blythe family homestead, secretly aiming to capture a Jedi who might arrive to offer assistance, all under the direction of Marchion Ro . [2]
- The Vessel , transporting a group of Jedi, finds itself marooned at the Amaxine space station following the Great Hyperspace Disaster, alongside numerous other galactic citizens. While there, they inadvertently unleash the Drengir, leading to their spread throughout the galaxy. [12]
- The Nihil mount an attack on Trymant IV . [13]
- Keeve Trennis undergoes her knighting ceremony and begins her service on the front lines of the Jedi, combating the Drengir threat. [14]
- The padawans aboard the Star Hopper welcome Zeen Mrala, a refugee from Trymant IV, into their group, although not as a fellow padawan. [15] [16]
- The Galactic Republic starship Steady Wing suffers a bombing orchestrated by clandestine Nihil saboteurs, leaving the passengers stranded on the jungle moon named Wevo . [17]
- Krix Kamerat, another refugee hailing from Trymant IV, aligns himself with the Nihil and is taken under the wing of Marchion Ro as the Evereni Eye seeks out the elusive Great Leveler . [18]
- The Nihil Tempest commanded by Kassav Milliko engages in battle against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order at the Kur Nebula, resulting in the Tempest's significant defeat. [2]
- A Drengir infiltrates Starlight Beacon within the corpse of a Hutt trader, and upon awakening, attacks the station. [19] [20]
- Raid on Hap's Sap Tap [21]
- Zeitooine mission [12]
- Great Hyperspace Disaster [2]
- First Emergence [2]
- Attack on the Garello convoy [2]
- Eighteenth Emergence [2]
- Ringlite system Emergence [2]
- Eriadu system Emergence [2]
- Trymant IV disaster [22]
- Attack on Trymant IV [13]
- Attack on the Steady Wing [17]
- Wevo crisis [17]
- Raid on Elphrona [2]
- 40th Emergence [2]
- Battle of Kur [2]
- Mission on the Amaxine station [12]
- Battle in the Bright Jewel system [23]
- Attack in the Kazlin system [14]
- Mission to Sedri Minor [14]
- Assault on Starlight Beacon [19]
- Attack on Nal Hutta [20]
- Onboard the Legacy Run [2] Jary Bowman[2] Hedda Casset[2] Kalwar[2]
- In the Hetzal system [2] Vel Carann[2] Merven Getter[2] Unidentified trader[2] Finial Bright[2] Rah Barocci[2]
- Lio Josse [2]
- Rohmar Montgo [2]
- During the attack on the Garello convoy [2] Blit[2] Larence Garello[2]
- During the 40th Emergence [2] Marcus Augur[2] Beth Petters[2] Te'Ami[2]
- During the attack on the Steady Wing [17] Janex[17] Starstriker[17] Douglas Sunvale[17] Weft[17]
- During the raid on Elphrona [2] Asaria[2] Egga[2] Rel[2] Ultident Margrona[2]
- During the Battle of Kur [2] Jora Malli[2] Wet Bub[2] Kassav Milliko[2]
- Chiri on Wevo . [17]
- Ottoh Blythe aboard the Gaze Electric . [2]
- Hague during the mission on the Amaxine space station . [12]
- A Nihil sniper in the Kazlin system . [14]
- Julus on Sedri Minor . [24]