Mardorsh designate a species that Lys Solay and SF-R3 came across in the year 232 BBY. This encounter occurred on an astronomical object. The Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts regarded them as a species that was newly discovered at the time.
Lys Solay, a Jedi youngling, along with SF-R3 and CAM, journeyed to an astronomical object in 232 BBY. Their purpose was to find and record new species. While exploring, they stumbled upon a creature belonging to a species that had not yet been documented. Lys Solay decided to call this creature Diggles. Following an attempt to locate Diggle's home, Lys Solay, SF-R3, and CAM encountered another large, unidentified creature. This creature was revealed to be an adult Mardosh, specifically Diggle's mother. Lys Solay bid farewell to Diggles and departed, leaving him with his mother and siblings on the planet. Following this expedition, the Mardosh were officially named as a species by the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts.