Diggles was a member of the Mardorsh species, who had an encounter with both Lys Solay and SF-R3. This meeting occurred on an astronomical object during the year 232 BBY. Notably, Diggles holds the distinction of being the initial Mardosh officially recognized by the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts.
During 232 BBY, Lys Solay, a Jedi youngling, along with SF-R3, and CAM embarked on a journey to an astronomical object. Their mission was to discover and document previously unknown species. As they explored, they stumbled upon a creature belonging to a species not yet recorded, the Mardosh. Lys Solay decided to name this particular creature Diggles. Following an attempt to locate Diggles' home, Lys Solay, SF-R3, and CAM encountered another large, unidentified creature. This creature was revealed to be an adult Mardosh, specifically Diggles' mother. After saying farewell to Diggles, Lys Solay departed, leaving him with his mother and siblings on the planet. Subsequent to this expedition, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts officially designated Diggles' species as the Mardosh.
Diggles is a character featured in the animated television program Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. The voice of Diggles is provided by Dee Bradley Baker.