SF-R3, whose secondary designation is Aree, was a Safari droid produced by Serv-O-Droid, Inc. for the use of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. In partnership with his droid colleague CAM, SF-R3 journeyed throughout the galaxy, meticulously documenting and analyzing the diverse array of species populating the vast inhabited universe. Ranging from the hairy banthas native to Tatooine to the transplanted porgs found on Batuu, the Safari droid frequently encountered intricate scenarios involving various forms of wildlife, yet consistently endeavored to expand his understanding of the galaxy's creatures.
Prior to 232 BBY, SF-R3, known as "Aree," was manufactured by Serv-O-Droid, Inc. following a commission from the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts for the creation of Safari droids. SF-R3 was subsequently paired with a cam droid named CAM, and together, the two traversed the galaxy aboard their ship, undertaking and recording missions on behalf of the Society.
In 232 BBY, Aree and CAM embarked on a journey to the planet Yamradi with the intention of gathering more information about the chylaroos. Aree extended an invitation to three Jedi younglings: Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay. They promptly located a small group of chylaroos and proceeded to study these diminutive beings. While the others were preoccupied with the chylaroos, CAM became captivated by an unusual sound emanating from behind the foliage and subsequently disappeared.
At a later point, while aboard a large freighter, Aree was in the process of transporting a variety of creatures, including a varactyl, gargantua, bantha, and other smaller animals, to Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve, aided by Brightstar, Nubs, and Solay. During their voyage, the freighter experienced a depletion of fuel, compelling them to make a stop at a nearby planet, specifically Kundu Minor.
Aree later made a visit to the planet Tenoo for the Visitor's Day celebration, an event that attracts numerous guests from across the galaxy. During the festivities, he witnessed the unveiling of the Visitor's Day sculpture by Solay.

Around or after 34 ABY, Aree and CAM were dispatched on a mission to the planet Hoth with the objective of investigating the methods employed to tame the tauntaun reptomammals. Aree cautiously approached a tauntaun while it was feeding and attempted to mount it. However, Aree lost his footing and fell to the ground. Aree's subsequent strategy involved dropping a saddle onto the tauntaun from an elevated position and then descending onto the saddle. This action startled the tauntaun, causing it to run erratically in an attempt to dislodge the droid from its back. Aree was thrown from the saddle and landed in a pile of snow. Upon observing the tauntaun consuming some berries, Aree once again mounted the tauntaun and utilized a jogan fruit pie to tame the creature. The tauntaun subsequently collided with an icicle, resulting in Aree being struck and his head becoming detached from his body. He eventually reattached his head, having successfully tamed the tauntaun, and concluded that while tauntauns may not always exhibit the most amiable disposition, they are fond of sweet treats.
While stationed on Hoth, Aree was also assigned the task of tending to a wampa suffering from a sick case of the common cold. Aree employed his temperature reader to assess the wampa's temperature and then proceeded to cover it with warm blankets. Aree offered the wampa some rootleaf stew, which prompted the wampa to sneeze, causing Aree to be blown backward. He then decided to give the wampa a warm bath; however, the water was inadvertently directed into his head. Aree eventually ignited a fire, which caused the wampa to sneeze and dislodge snow from the walls of the wampa's cave. The snow alleviated the wampa's cold, leading Aree to realize that wampa colds are effectively treated by colder temperatures.
Following their assignment on Hoth, the droid duo were dispatched on a mission to the planet Dathomir with the objective of researching the methods used to clean a rancor's teeth. However, Aree was inadvertently eaten by the rancor. Upon regaining consciousness within the mouth of the rancor, Aree tickled a portion of the mouth, causing the rancor to eject Aree. He then employed a bone to tickle the nose of the rancor, prompting it to open its mouth. Aree inserted the bone into the rancor's mouth; however, it was swiftly snapped in half by the rancor. Aree detached his arm and inserted it into the rancor's mouth, this time successfully, and began to clean the teeth. The process proved to be laborious, and by its conclusion, Aree had only managed to clean a single tooth. Disturbed by a bird, Aree shooed it away, causing the rancor to sneeze the safari droid back out again. The birds then promptly proceeded to clean the rancor's teeth naturally in an efficient and effortless manner. Aree concluded that the optimal method for cleaning a rancor's teeth is to allow nature to run its course.
Subsequently, Aree traveled to the desert world of Tatooine with the intention of determining how Tusken Raiders groom banthas. After locating a group of banthas, Aree attempted various methods of cleaning and grooming, but none proved successful. Aree eventually discerned that all that was required was a water source and diligent effort.
Aree journeyed to the forest moon of Endor to gather blurrgs. He utilized a speeder bike and attempted to lasso the blurrgs. He then attempted to employ lights to entice the blurrgs back into their enclosure. However, they crashed directly through the fences. He then used the speeder again to move in circles around the herd but was launched into the air due to a malfunction of his bike. Upon falling, his programming initiated the playback of music, which he discovered could be used to lure the blurrgs into their pen.
Aree traveled to the planet Cholganna on a mission to observe a nexu in its natural environment. While attempting to locate one, Aree and CAM were ambushed by a nexu. Aree retreated and opted to observe the nexu from a greater distance. Utilizing binoculars, he observed the nexu being attacked by a group of poachers. Aree and CAM pursued the poachers in their starship. Aree disembarked from the ship, untying the nexu, which caused the poachers to flee.
Aree was dispatched on a mission to the planet Naboo in an attempt by the Society to train voorpaks to serve as guards. Aree attempted various methods of instructing the voorpak in defense. The voorpak opened Aree's chest containment, discovering his fireworks. Aree launched the firework into the sky before it detonated. The voorpak became enraged and pursued Aree. However, upon seeing CAM, the voorpak ceased its pursuit to play with the cam droid. Aree concluded that voorpaks were adept at both guarding and engaging in playful activities.
Aree was sent to Lothal to care for an orphaned tooka cat. Aree cared for the tooka for several days, during which the tooka caused numerous issues on the droid's starship. To address this, Aree constructed a playground for the tooka to occupy itself. Aree eventually entrusted the tooka to an individual so it could be given to a new family.
Aree ventured to Elphrona to ascertain whether charhounds engaged in playing fetch. Aree traveled to a cave on the planet, where he encountered a charhound. However, when he attempted to play fetch with the charhound, the elevated temperatures of the charhound incinerated the rod. Aree then attempted to use a reinforced rod, which also succumbed to the heat. Aree continued to experiment with various rods, provided by CAM, who retrieved them from his ship. All of the rods were consumed by the heat. On the verge of conceding defeat, Aree noticed some heat-resistant crystals. Attempting to play fetch one final time, the heat-resistant crystals proved effective, and Aree engaged in a game of fetch with the charhound.
Aree landed on an asteroid in his ship to try and find a mynock. Aree attempted to lure the mynocks out using batteries. A mynock eventually followed the trail of batteries. The mynock landed on Aree's arm and began to drain energy from him. This caused Aree to realized that he was made of energy, and thus was potentially in danger. Aree began to run to his ship as a horde of mynocks chased after him. They were able to get into their ship and fly off the asteroid. However, mynocks latched on to the ship and began to suck energy from the power converter. A mynock latched on to the Aree's head and sucked more energy from him, putting him into low power mode. Aree stumbled to the lever to open the airlock. In opening the airlock, the mynocks were sucked out as well was Aree. As Aree began to drift deeper into space, CAM saved him, bringing him back to the ship, and closing the air lock. CAM charged Aree, and jumped into hyperspace.
Aree embarked on a mission to the planet Kowak, with the intention of befriending some Kowakian monkey-lizards. A group of Kowakian monkey-lizards stole parts of his ship. Aree attempted to give the Kowakian monkey-lizards some food in order to friend them. However instead, they threw around CAM. They then began to throw the food at Aree, which he tried to dodge. After a monkey-lizard jumped upon his head, he engaged into defensive mode, beginning to throw the fruit at the monkey-lizards. This caused the monkey-lizards to burst out in hysterical laughter. For befriending them, the monkey-lizards repaired Aree's ship for him.
In 34 ABY, porgs were introduced to the planet Batuu when a light freighter made a landing at Black Spire Outpost. Aree was dispatched on a mission to the planet with the objective of training the porgs. Aree used his training clicker in an attempt to make the porgs sit. However, this was to no success, and instead Aree accidentally launched a porg off the rock they were on. Next, Aree tried to get the porgs to spin round, also to no success. Again, and again, Aree tried to teach the porgs expressions and tricks. Eventually, Aree was snuck up on by a batuuan braga bear, causing the porgs to instinctively fly away. Noticing the bear, Aree ran away, begging for the bear to not eat him. As Aree finished up his holorecording, he was chased by the bear once more.
Aree was friends with M1-RE, also known as Miree, who was a specialized member of the Society who studied the behavior of younglings from all across the galaxy. Aree asked Miree to show viewers on the Holonet how they could take care of younglings. Miree did so while she was stationed on the Youngling Care Space Station, and she was recorded by the cam droid CAM-E.
SF-R3 was equipped with multiple tools and devices, including but not limited to a training clicker, a firework, temperature reader, and a brush. He also had a ship to travel the galaxy.
SF-R3 was created for Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures, a webseries that debuted on StarWarsKids.com on October 14, 2021, in which he was voiced by Matt Surges. During development, the team decided to have a droid as the main character of the series. The team originally wanted a pit droid. However, Matt Martin didn't like the idea of having a droid designed for a specific purpose do another. So, the safari droid was created in replacement, while still having features similar to that of a pit droid.