M1-RE, also known as Miree, was a Safari droid produced by Serv-O-Droid, Inc. for the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. As a specialized member of the Society, she's duties included the care and study of numerous young creatures and aliens. While Miree interacted with younglings at the Youngling Care Space Station, the cam droid CAM-E recorded her, broadcasting the footage across the Holonet and transmitting findings back to the Society. SF-R3, also called Aree, was a friend of Miree's; Aree was also a Society-affiliated Safari droid. Miree provided care for various species of younglings, such as Wookiees, Ewoks, Ortolans, Hutts, Gungans, Jawas, Gamorreans, Rodians, loth-cats, rancors, tauntauns, and porgs. Miree approached each new situation with a positive outlook, aiming to educate viewers on the unique qualities of each youngling.
Sometime before 34 ABY, Serv-O-Droid, Inc. created M1-RE, also known as Miree, after being commissioned by the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts to produce Safari droids. Miree held a specialized role within the Society. The Safari droid SF-R3, also known as Aree, became Miree's friend; Aree was also a Society member. The cam droid CAM-E accompanied Miree, broadcasting her missions on the Holonet and sending the findings to the Society. Miree was stationed at the Youngling Care Space Station during or after 34 ABY, and Aree requested Miree to demonstrate how to care for younglings to the HoloNet audience.
Miree was assigned the task of looking after a Wookiee youngling who was residing at the Station. The youngling was stacking items that kept falling, which made the Wookiee cry. Miree instructed the Wookiee to take calming deep breaths as a solution, but the Wookiee growled loudly, causing CAM-E to be propelled towards a wall. Later, the Wookiee threw a fit when a bouncing ball hit its face. Miree and CAM-E then braided the Wookiee's hair, which calmed the Wookiee. The Wookiee then engaged in a game where it had to locate CAM-E, but it failed and began jumping up and down in frustration. Miree calmed the Wookiee by giving it a Wookiee Cookie. Miree complimented the Wookiee on its ability to control its anger. They celebrated with a high-five, and the Wookiee unintentionally caused Miree's left arm to spin. Miree then informed the Wookiee that it needed to learn to manage its strength.
Miree was later assigned to care for an Ewok youngling on his first day at the Station. Miree explained to CAM-E that Ewoks can be quite timid, adding that the youngling should feel comfortable and welcome because he was in a room designed to resemble his homeworld of Endor. Miree attempted to introduce herself to the Ewok, but he quickly swung away on a vine. Miree then attempted to lure the Ewok out to play with Wookiee cookies and other treats, but the Ewok took the treats when Miree wasn't watching. In another effort to get the Ewok to play, Miree gathered a horn, three drums, and a hang-glider. Instead of playing, the Ewok chose to remain high up in a tree. This frustrated Miree because her usual methods weren't working. Miree then noticed four younglings playing together, and she had them dance and play music. The Ewok then descended and joined the younglings in playing music during a parade. Miree then explained to CAM-E that Ewoks will always emerge from their shell when there is a celebration, particularly one with music. Miree then joined the younglings' parade.
Miree was later supervising three Jawa younglings when one of them removed CAM-E's photoreceptor. Miree retrieved it and reattached it to CAM-E. She then explained that she was watching three Jawas who enjoyed collecting things. This reminded her that several items had recently gone missing, including the Ewok's spear, the rancor youngling's bone, and Miree's datapad. Miree inquired of one of the Jawas if they knew the whereabouts of the missing items, but they declined to answer. She then persuaded the Jawa to play a game in which they would indicate whether Miree was close to or far from the missing items. Miree searched under a Jawa, inside a cabinet, and inside the rancor's mouth, but she had no luck. When Miree stood in front of a closet, the Jawa indicated that she was close. Upon opening the closet, Miree discovered a small replica of a sandcrawler that the Jawas had constructed, and she congratulated one of the Jawas. Miree then explained that playing games with Jawas was an effective way to recover stolen items. Miree advised the Jawas to simply ask for parts in the future, suggesting that they could all build together.
Miree subsequently cared for a Rodian youngling. He was searching for CAM-E, who was hiding, but he succeeded in finding her. Miree then praised the Rodian for his excellent hearing. They high-fived, but this caused Miree's left hand to become stuck to the suction cups on the Rodian's right hand. Miree attempted to pull her hand away, bouncing with the Rodian, and spinning together, but their hands remained attached. Miree had the idea that the Rodian would detach if he needed to use both of his hands, and she instructed CAM-E to retrieve the ball she used for hiding. Miree then informed the Rodian that he would need both of his hands to catch the ball when CAM-E threw it. When CAM-E threw the ball, the Rodian separated from Miree and caught it. Miree then decided that they should stick to playing with their feet, and they kicked the ball back and forth. Miree kicked the ball to CAM-E, who dodged it. Miree and CAM-E both reached for the ball but ended up with their hands stuck together again, and Miree commented that it was cute.
Miree later cared for a Gamorrean youngling who was quite grumpy, so Miree decided to try to cheer him up. Miree thought he might be homesick, so she showed the Gamorrean a hologram of two adult Gamorreans on the Station's holotable. Miree inquired whether he would like to hear a story about his home, but the Gamorrean interrupted her by biting on the base of the holotable. Miree then placed him in a crib to encourage him to sleep, but he began biting the crib bars. Miree then attempted to play ball with the Gamorrean, who instead chose to bite the ball. While observing him, Miree realized that the Gamorrean was biting objects because he had a loose tusk. To assist him in removing the tusk, Miree instructed CAM-E to give the Gamorrean a piece of meat, which he used to bite on and remove his tusk. Miree then congratulated him on losing his first baby tusk.
Miree cared for a young Huttlet, and she had a special bedtime routine that she performed for the Huttlet. Miree entertained the Huttlet by playing a game of peek-a-boo. The Huttlet then yawned, so Miree placed her in a hovering pram used as a bed, but she resisted being put in the bed. Miree walked away and noticed that the Huttlet was now in front of her. Miree realized she had forgotten the Huttlet's special bedtime routine, so she put her in a slime bath and attempted to clean her. The Huttlet began splashing, causing Miree and CAM-E to get wet. Miree then placed the Huttlet back in the hovering pram. She then gave her a Safari Droid toy and turned on the glow lamp, which helped the Huttlet fall asleep. Miree then explained that bedtime routines are essential for fussy Huttlets, and she instructed CAM-E to clean up the slime in the room.
Miree was a feminine-programmed Safari droid with an orange sensor and orange and white plating. Miree approached each case with a positive and optimistic attitude, aiming to educate viewers on the unique and lovable qualities of each youngling. Miree enjoyed sharing her knowledge with wit, charm, and humor, fostering curiosity and engagement. She was encouraging to younglings, enjoying hugging them and playing games with them. Miree also enjoyed telling jokes. She ensured that the needs of the younglings were met and was committed to adhering to established routines. Miree could become discouraged if her usual methods were ineffective while caring for a youngling, but she could quickly regain her spirits when she found a solution.
Miree possessed the ability to extend her arms to great lengths and contort her body to fit into small spaces. She could also emit light from her photoreceptor to illuminate dark areas.
Miree was stationed at the Youngling Care Space Station, a large space station designed for caring for younglings of various species. Miree had access to all the Station's resources, including a repulsorcraft. Miree had a cargo compartment for storing equipment. Miree possessed a holoprojector and a datapad.
Miree made her debut in "Wookiee" and "Ewok," the first two episodes of the animated web series Star Wars Galactic Pals, both of which premiered on StarWarsKids.com on April 12, 2022. Actor Mo Beatty voiced Miree and was thrilled to voice a droid in a Star Wars project.
Galactic Pals is a spinoff of the animated web series Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures. Building on the success of that series, Jason Stein, the creative executive in Animation Development & Production, and the production team identified an opportunity to showcase younglings. They determined that caring for young creatures and aliens would necessitate a specialized member of the Society, leading to the creation of Miree and CAM-E.