A Wookiee child, still quite young, found themselves living on the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts' Youngling Care Space Station. This station served as a kind of daycare for younglings, and was managed by the Safari droid M1-RE, nicknamed "Miree." Miree's job was to study and watch over all the younglings, including the Wookiee. Recordings of the younglings' activities were made for viewers watching the HoloNet. The Wookiee child was the star of the very first of these recordings, and also showed up in the recordings of other younglings, like an Ewok youngling. During the Wookiee's own recording, Miree tried various methods to help the Wookiee learn to control its anger.
The Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts' Youngling Care Space Station was home to a Wookiee youngling, who was under the care of Safari droid M1-RE, also known as "Miree." Miree's main focus was studying the best ways to help each youngling on the space station with their behavior. Another Safari droid, SF-R3, asked Miree to create recordings for the HoloNet to show viewers how to properly care for younglings of different species.
Around 34 ABY or shortly after, Miree started making the first of these recordings, which would focus on how to best care for the Wookiee. While Miree was talking to the HoloNet audience through her cam droid CAM-E, the Wookiee was building a tower using several multicolored discs. But when the tower fell down, the Wookiee started crying and lying on the floor. Miree then took the opportunity to share her advice for dealing with tantrums in young Wookiees. Her first piece of advice was to have the young Wookiee take deep breaths. In a different room of the station, Miree and the Wookiee were sitting on chairs next to each other. Miree told the Wookiee to breathe in and out slowly, trying to meditate. However, when the Wookiee breathed out, the force of its breath startled both CAM-E and Miree. Miree decided to move on to another method, and found the Wookiee playing with a toy ball. But when the Wookiee threw the ball at a wall, it bounced back and hit them. Miree and CAM-E then decided to braid the Wookiee's hair, with Miree explaining that braiding a Wookiee's hair can help calm them down. The Wookiee looked at their reflection in a mirror and seemed to like their new hairstyle. Next, the Wookiee and CAM-E played a game where they danced around the station's jukebox until Miree turned off the music, at which point they would race to sit on a nearby chair. When Miree turned off the jukebox, the Wookiee, now without braids, ran to the chair but CAM-E got there first. The Wookiee got angry, kicked the chair out from under the cam droid, and started jumping around in a rage. Miree then shared her final tip with the audience, saying that Wookiees can't resist a snack. She gave the youngling a Wookiee Cookie, and the youngling happily ate the cookie. Miree congratulated the Wookiee on learning to control its anger, but also said that the Wookiee still needed to work on it. They hugged before Miree ended the recording.
In the Youngling Care Space Station's room that was designed to look like the forest moon of Endor, the Wookiee was pushing a Rodian youngling on a swing. Meanwhile, Miree and CAM-E were there, trying to record a segment about a shy Ewok youngling. After Miree tried many times to get the Ewok to come out of its shell, she noticed the Wookiee and Rodian, along with two other younglings, playing. Miree called the group over to play musical instruments that she had previously used to try to get the Ewok to come out of hiding. The Wookiee chose the drums and started banging on them with a stick. As Miree had hoped, the music drew the Ewok out of the tree where it was hiding. The Ewok joined the group and led a musical parade with the other younglings, no longer shy.
While Miree was recording a segment about one of the Wookiee's fellow Gamorrean youngling, CAM-E filmed the Wookiee youngling rolling a ball back and forth with a Jawa youngling. As they were playing, the grumpy Gamorrean youngling ran up and kicked their ball away, causing the Wookiee and Jawa to chase after it.
Later on, the Wookiee was playing with the Ewok youngling, and they were stacking the multicolored discs that were in the space station. A rancor youngling walked by, jumped up high, and knocked down the other two younglings' stack. This made the Wookiee annoyed, and Miree later used this as an opportunity to record a segment teaching the rancor to play gently.