The initial episode of the Star Wars Galactic Pals webseries is titled "Wookiee". In this episode, M1-RE, a Safari droid, endeavors to manage the intense anger exhibited by a young Wookiee. It premiered on alongside the second episode, "Ewok," on April 12, 2022.
M1-RE, also known as "Miree," presents herself as a member of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts while aboard the Youngling Care Space Station, all while cleaning CAM-E's visual sensors. Alongside SF-R3, known as "Aree," she observes the actions of younglings from all over the galaxy. Miree is tasked with handling an agitated Wookiee youngling.
She instructs the young Wookiee on taking deep breaths, but the Wookiee responds with a loud roar. Following this, the Wookiee engages in play with a ball. The next piece of advice is that Wookiees enjoy having their hair braided. After a round of musical chairs, Miree tempts the Wookiee with a reward and praises him for his progress in managing his anger. She points out that the Wookiee still has to learn how to control his strength.