The Shag Kava band is seen playing at Takodana Castle
Across the expanse of the galaxy, sentient beings both composed and enjoyed the artistic expression we know as music.
Musical groups, known as bands, would play music, frequently in front of audiences in public places like cantinas, or for more intimate, private affairs. A notable example is Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, a Bith band famous for their performance of "Mad About Me" at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. Similarly, the Max Rebo Band entertained guests with songs such as "Jedi Rocks" within the palace of Jabba the Hutt. Many establishments, like bars and cantinas, offered music as a form of entertainment for their customers. One such place was Oga's Cantina on Batuu, where a reprogrammed RX-Series pilot droid named R-3X provided continuous musical entertainment.
Opera was a theatrical art form that combined drama with music and song. These performances took place in dedicated venues called opera houses, and attending them was considered a sign of sophistication and culture. During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, it was common for politicians and affluent citizens of Coruscant to attend operas at the Galaxies Opera House. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine even had a private box that offered an unparalleled view of the stage. Institutions like the Theed Conservatory on Naboo educated students in the art of music. Sabé, following in the footsteps of her older brothers, studied at the Theed Conservatory before becoming a handmaiden to Queen Padmé Amidala, where she played the hallikset. Some authoritarian regimes, like the Galactic Empire, suppressed certain musical genres, particularly political protest songs like "Vader's Many Prosthetic Parts" by Hakko Drazlip and the Tootle Froots. The Empire also frequently conducted raids and shut down music venues for violating the artistic standards set by the Galactic Empire's Coalition for Progress.
In the era of the High Republic era, the Nihil utilized music as a tactic before and during their attacks, both to incite their own warriors and to disorient their targets. One musical style they favored was wreckpunk. During one confrontation with the Nihil, the crew of The Vessel broadcast the margengai glide, a lively and upbeat tune popular for decades, over a multi-frequency channel to disrupt the Nihil's communications. Leox Gyasi, the pilot of the Vessel, enjoyed not only the margengai glide but also other types of music, such as Chandrilan opera. He exchanged music files with Joss and Pikka Adren upon discovering their shared appreciation for the same simjo band.
Corellia was where a musical form known as Galan-Kalank originated, inspired by the songs of shipyard workers. The Atchapat Family Galan-Kalank Orchestra brought it to widespread popularity, touring with instruments made from salvaged machine parts. Cal Kestis was known to enjoy music, particularly "Sugaan Essena" by the band The Agasar. He recognized the song being played when he entered the Haxion Fight Pit arena on Ordo Eris. Sabine Wren had a fondness for musical genres such as quenk jazz. Gonkrock, a loud and aggressive style of music, was favored by Rieve. Before becoming a Hunter in the Grand Arena on Vespaara, she performed in a gonkrock band called Corellia's Not Dead. Jatz music was a common feature at Suli's cantina. Chass na Chadic, a New Republic pilot, possessed a diverse music collection that included glimmik, deva, Herglic rage-metal, and Warbat trance, which she enjoyed listening to while engaged in combat. Alderaan had a lullaby called Mirrorbright, which strangely mentioned a moon despite the planet lacking one. Music boxes, such as the one found in Leia Organa's keepsake chest, produced music when opened. The grandmother of Carise Sindian would often sing this song when feeling nostalgic for her home planet.
Musicians used musical instruments to create music. These included a range of options, such as guitars, drums, trumpet, flutes, water organs, jett organs, bird whistles, Kloo horns, and the Growdi Harmonique.