A human male named Joss Adren, in conjunction with his spouse Pikka, functioned as a contractor on the Starlight Beacon during the space station's construction phase. He was a project manager, known for his ability to successfully complete large-scale projects. When the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic responded to a distress signal originating from the Hetzal system, which was endangered by wreckage from the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Adren and his wife offered their assistance, traveling aboard the Third Horizon to the affected star system. Adren and Pikka took on the role of pilots aboard a Republic Longbeam cruiser, accompanied by the Jedi Vectors of Jedi Knights Nib Assek, Mikkel Sutmani, and Te'Ami.
Back in 232 BBY, Joss Adren, together with his wife, was in the process of packing their belongings, getting ready to leave Starlight Beacon. He reminisced about his contributions to the station, feeling proud, but also eager to move on to new endeavors. He noticed his wife examining a datapad, and she shared her discovery of a power anomaly. Joss accompanied his wife as they navigated the space station's corridors to investigate the issue. Their progress was halted when they encountered a group of visiting dignitaries, led by Shai Tennem. The Adrens declined an invitation to join the group and proceeded to the location of the power anomaly. Utilizing a memorized map of the station, Joss found his way to Conduit 398-GX14, where he discovered a loose wire had caused a resistor hub to burn out. He determined that this was causing an obstruction preventing the flow of energy. He attempted to reach inside the conduit to fix it, but his hand was too large. He explained the solution to his wife and placed his hand on her arm to guide her in locating and fixing the problem. After resolving the power issue, he kissed his wife and headed to the hangar to board the Third Horizon. During their journey through hyperspace, Joss engaged in conversation with a crew member from one of the Longbeam cruisers carried on the Emissary-class cruiser. When the Admiral requested assistance in managing a system-wide mass casualty event in the Hetzal system, Joss joined his wife in volunteering.
Following the Battle of Kur, Adren and his wife made their way back to Starlight Beacon. They received a summons to a debriefing, presided over by Chancellor Soh, to discuss their actions during the battle. The visiting dignitaries expressed their admiration for Joss' piloting skills and inquired whether the tactics he employed during the battle could be widely implemented. After watching a hologram of the battle, Admiral Kronara questioned the Adrens to understand why they, as non-Jedi pilots, were uniquely able to effectively react to the Nihil ship's micro-jumps during combat. Joss initially suggested that it was either the Force or his natural piloting abilities, but the council remained unconvinced. He eventually revealed that his wife had sliced the security systems on the Longbeam's operational code, granting him access to decouple the ship's thrusters from their computer controls. This allowed him to manipulate them independently, significantly enhancing the ship's maneuverability. He received a reprimand from RDC officials, who warned that he could have damaged the ship, but Joss countered that he was confident in his piloting skills. The Adrens were dismissed and returned to their quarters on the Starlight Beacon.
Joss, feeling disgruntled by the poor treatment during the meeting, decided to grab a bite to eat. Before he could leave, Admiral Kronara arrived at their door, requesting permission to enter. The officer explained that the Republic remained uncertain about the Nihil threat and that the RDC was forming a special task force to pursue them. He invited the Adrens to join the group. To Joss' surprise, his wife declined, citing their planned vacation to Amfar. She agreed to join the task force after a two-week holiday. Joss felt uncertain about the new assignment, but was pleased to be working alongside his wife.
Joss Adren possessed blond hair, a dark complexion, and brown eyes.